

package activerecord

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Changeable extends CRUDable

  2. trait Create extends ActiveRecord

  3. trait Entity extends ActiveRecord with Timestamps with OptimisticLock with ValidUntil with Changeable with Saveable

    Superclass of all entities in an application

  4. trait EntityCompanion[T <: Entity] extends ActiveRecordCompanion[T] with ValidUntilCompanion[T] with PlayFormSupport[T]

  5. trait Eternal extends ActiveRecord with Create with TimestampConversion with Saveable

    Object cannot be deleted nor updated

  6. trait EternalCompanion[T <: Eternal] extends ActiveRecordCompanion[T] with TimestampConversion

  7. class FormConverterSettings extends api.Plugin

  8. trait Immutable extends ActiveRecord with ValidUntil with Create with TimestampConversion with Changeable with Saveable

  9. trait ImmutableCompanion[T <: Immutable] extends ActiveRecordCompanion[T] with ValidUntilCompanion[T] with TimestampConversion

  10. trait JodaTimeExtension extends PrimitiveTypeMode

  11. trait JsonSupport[T, Context] extends AnyRef

  12. trait OptimisticLock extends Optimistic

  13. trait PutAll[T] extends AnyRef

  14. trait Saveable extends ActiveRecord

  15. trait SilentImmutable extends ActiveRecord with Immutable

  16. trait TimestampConversion extends AnyRef

  17. trait TypeSupport extends PrimitiveTypeMode with DSL with Types with JodaTimeExtension with Annotations

  18. trait ValidUntil extends ActiveRecord with TimestampConversion

    Trait overrides default ActiveRecord functionality not to perform delete over entities

  19. trait ValidUntilCompanion[T <: ValidUntil] extends TimestampConversion

Value Members

  1. object TypeSupport extends TypeSupport
