Configuration parameters:
- - Scribe or Zipkin collector host
- akka.tracing.port - Scribe or Zipkin collector port (9410 by default)
- akka.tracing.sample-rate - trace sample rate, means that every nth message will be sampled
- akka.tracing.enabled - defaults to true, can be used to disable tracing
- akka.tracing.max-spans-per-second - back pressure setting, allowing to discard any
span sampling above specified limit, defaults to 10000
Tracing extension. Provides tracer for actors mixed with com.github.levkhomich.akka.tracing.ActorTracing.
Configuration parameters: - - Scribe or Zipkin collector host - akka.tracing.port - Scribe or Zipkin collector port (9410 by default) - akka.tracing.sample-rate - trace sample rate, means that every nth message will be sampled - akka.tracing.enabled - defaults to true, can be used to disable tracing - akka.tracing.max-spans-per-second - back pressure setting, allowing to discard any span sampling above specified limit, defaults to 10000