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after(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
The element appears after the given path
after(Path) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The element appears after the given path
after(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
afterSibling(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
The element has a preceding sibling that matches to the given Path parameter
afterSibling(Path) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The element is a sibling of the given path, and appears after it
afterSibling(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
AgBody - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
aggregatedcaseSensitiveTextContains(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
aggregatedCaseSensitiveTextEquals(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
aggregatedTextContains(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
aggregatedTextEndsWith(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
aggregatedTextEquals(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
aggregatedTextStartsWith(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
AgGrid - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser
Custom class to validate the presence of an AgGrid, and interact with it, since it can be tricky.
AgGrid.AgGridBuilder - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser
AgGrid.SortDirection - Enum in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser
AgGridHighLevelOperations - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser
High level utilities for definitions of simplified grids and operations
AgGridHighLevelOperations(Path) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGridHighLevelOperations
AgGridMatchers - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers
Hamcrest matchers for an AgGrid
AgGridMatchers() - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.AgGridMatchers
AgGridRoot - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
AgList - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
AgListOption - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
ancestorOf(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
ancestorOf(Path) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The element contains the given path, i.e.
ancestorOf(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
anchor - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
An anchor(or "a") element
anchor - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
and(ElementProperty) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperty
returns a new property, that is a combination of the current property AND the given property parameter.
and(ElementProperty...) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
Alias equivalent to that().
and(ElementProperty...) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
and(ElementProperty...) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
andNot(ElementProperty) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperty
returns a new property, that is equivalent to the current property, BUT NOT the property parameter.
ascending - com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid.SortDirection
assertCanvasImageIsEqualToExpected(InBrowser, Path, InputStream) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images
Verify that the element's image is pixel-perfect
assertCanvasImageIsEqualToExpected(InputStream) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingltonBrowserImage
Verify that the canvas image is pixel-perfect
assertHTMLImgSoureIsEqualToExpected(InBrowser, Path, InputStream) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images
Verify that an image downloaded from an HTML img src attribute, is pixel-perfect
assertImageIsEqualToExpected(InBrowser, Path, InputStream) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images
Verify that the element's image is pixel-perfect
assertImageIsEqualToExpected(InputStream) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingltonBrowserImage
Verify that the element's image is pixel-perfect
assertImageIsEqualToExpectedWithShiftAndCrop(InBrowser, Path, InputStream, int) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images
Verify that the element's image is pixel-perfect, but allowing some crop/shift
assertImageIsEqualToExpectedWithShiftAndCrop(InputStream, int) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingltonBrowserImage
Verify that the element's image is pixel-perfect, but allowing one to be a cropped/shifted version of the other.
assertImageIsSimilarToExpected(InBrowser, Path, InputStream, int) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images
Verify the picture is "similar" to the reference image.
assertImageIsSimilarToExpected(InputStream, int) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingltonBrowserImage
Verify the picture is "similar" to the reference image.
assertImgSourceIsEqualToExpected(InputStream) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingltonBrowserImage
Verify that the HTML img source is pixel-perfect
atLeast(int) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.NPath
atMost(int) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.NPath


BasicPath - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
The standard implementation of Path in DollarX
BasicPath.ChildNumber - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
Allows to define an element that has a predefined number of similar preceding siblings.
BasicPath.GlobalOccurrenceNumber - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
BasicPath.PathBuilder - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
A builder for BasicPath.
before(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
The element is before the given path parameter
before(Path) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The element appears before the given path
before(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
beforeSibling(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
The element is a sibling of the given path and appears before it
beforeSibling(Path) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The element is a sibling of the given path, and appears before it
beforeSibling(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
body - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
body - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
build() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
build() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid.AgGridBuilder
Create an AgGrid definition
builder() - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
buildMinimalGridFromHeader(List<String>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGridHighLevelOperations
button - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
button - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath


canvas - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
captureCanvas(InBrowser, Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images
captureCanvasToFile(InBrowser, Path, File) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images
Save an HTML5 canvas to file.
captureCanvasToFile(File) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingltonBrowserImage
Capture the image of an HTML5 canvas as a png, and save it to the given file.
captureImgSourceToFile(File) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingltonBrowserImage
Capture the source of an img element as a png, and save it to the given file
captureImgSrcToFile(InBrowser, Path, File) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images
Save the source of an HTML img element to file
captureToFile(InBrowser, Path, File) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images
Save image to file
captureToFile(File) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingltonBrowserImage
Capture the image of an element as a png, and save it to the given file
caseSensitiveTextContains(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
caseSensitiveTextEquals(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
CELL - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
cellInGrid(int, String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGridHighLevelOperations
Ensure a specific cell is visible and return a Path to it
changeInputValue(InBrowser, Path, String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.Inputs
Change input value: clear it and then enter another text in it
changeInputValue(Path, String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi.Inputs
Change input value: clear it and then enter another text in it
changeInputValueWithEnter(InBrowser, Path, String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.Inputs
Similar to changeInputValue, but adds an ENTER after setting the value of the input
changeInputValueWithEnter(Path, String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi.Inputs
Similar to changeInputValue, but adds an ENTER after setting the value of the input
changeSimpleInputValueByRowNumber(String, int, String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGridHighLevelOperations
select an option from a dropdown in a cell
changeSimpleInputValueByValue(String, String, String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGridHighLevelOperations
select an option from a dropdown in a cell
check() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.CheckBox
Check it
checkbox - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.HighLevelPaths
CheckBox - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi
High-level wrapper to define and interact with a checkbox input.
CheckBox(InBrowser, ElementProperty...) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.CheckBox
input of type "checkbox" with the given properties
CheckBox(InBrowser, String) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.CheckBox
input of type "checkbox" with a label
CHECKBOX - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
CheckBoxes - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi
High-level wrapper to define a checkbox input.
checkboxType(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.Inputs
Takes an input element and returns such an input of type checkbox.
checkBoxWithLabel(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi.CheckBoxes
input of type "checkbox" with a label
checkBoxWithProperties(ElementProperty...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi.CheckBoxes
input of type "checkbox" with the given properties
childNumber(Integer) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
the element is the nth child of its parent.
ChildNumber(Integer) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.ChildNumber
Does not return any usable Path by itself.
childOf(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
childOf(Path) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The element is a direct child of the given path
childOf(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
clearInput(InBrowser, Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.Inputs
Clear operation on an input element
clearInput(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi.Inputs
Clear operation on an input element
click() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
click at the location of this element
clickAt(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Click at the location the first element that fits the given path.
clickAt(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Click on the location of the element that corresponds to the given path.
clickMenuOfHeader(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Click on the menu of a the column with the given header
clickOn(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Click on the first element that fits the given path.
clickOn(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Click on the element that corresponds to the given path.
clickOnColumnWithValue(String, String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGridHighLevelOperations
Find a the first cell in the given column with the given value, ensure it is visible, and click on it.
clickOnSort(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Click on the 'sort' column with the given header
close() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images.Obscure
close() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing.ElementResizer
Revert state
close() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing.WindowResizer
Revert state
COL_ID - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
com.github.loyada.jdollarx - package com.github.loyada.jdollarx
main package for defining Path DOM elements and browser interaction
com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers - package com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers
Custom Hamcrest matchers for assertions in tests - supports multiple instances of browsers, as well as assertions on a W3C Document
com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi - package com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi
Package for high level interactions.
com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser - package com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser
Simplified API for interaction with a single instance of browser
com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers - package com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers
Custom Hamcrest matchers for assertions in tests - for a singleton instance of browser
com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi - package com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi
Package for high level interactions.
com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing - package com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing
Custom manipulations and evaluations of dimensions of elements or browser window size - for a singleton instance of browser
com.github.loyada.jdollarx.utils - package com.github.loyada.jdollarx.utils
Utilities for troubleshooting
containedIn(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid.AgGridBuilder
optional - define the container of the grid
containing(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
containing(Path) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The element contains the given path, i.e.
containing(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
contains(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
contains(Path) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The element contains the given path, i.e.
contains(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
contains(Path...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The given elements in the parameters list are contained in the current element
contextClick(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Context-click (right click) at the location the first element that fits the given path.
contextClick(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Context click (right click) on the location of the element that corresponds to the given path.
createPropertyGenerator(BiFunction<T, V, String>, BiFunction<T, V, String>) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.CustomElementProperties
Easy way to define a custom property generator that accepts two parameter.
createPropertyGenerator(Function<T, String>, Function<T, String>) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.CustomElementProperties
Easy way to define a custom property generator that accepts a single parameter.
customElement(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
Create a custom element Path using a simple API instead of the builder pattern.
CustomElementProperties - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
Functions to create custom ElementProperty, if the property is unsupported out-of-the-box.
CustomMatchers - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers
A collection of Hamcrest custom matchers, that are optimized to be as atomic as possible when interacting with the browser or a W3C document, and return useful error messages in case of a failure.
CustomMatchers - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers
A collection of Hamcrest custom matchers, that are optimized to be as atomic as possible when interacting with the browser or a W3C document, and return useful error messages in case of a failure.
CustomMatchers() - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
CustomMatchers() - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
CustomMatchersUtil - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers
Internal implementation.
CustomMatchersUtil() - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchersUtil
CustomMatchersUtil.ISPresentNTimesMatcherForDocument - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers
Internal implementation
CustomMatchersUtil.NTimesMatcher - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers
Internal implementation
customNameSpaceElement(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath


DebugUtil - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.utils
Several utilities that are useful for troubleshooting of existing browser pages.
descendantOf(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
The element is inside the given path parameter
descendantOf(Path) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The element is contained in the given path element, i.e.
descendantOf(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
descending - com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid.SortDirection
describedBy(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
describedBy(String) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
A useful method to give a readable description to the path, for example: Suppose that instead of describing it's DOM positions and attributes, you prefer to describe it as "search result".
describedBy(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
describeTo(Description) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchersUtil.ISPresentNTimesMatcherForDocument
describeTo(Description) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchersUtil.NTimesMatcher
describeTo(Description) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.HasElementNTimes.NTimesMatcher
div - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
div - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
doesNotExist(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
doesNotExistInEntirePage(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
doubleClick() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
doubleclick at the location of this element
doubleClickOn(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Doubleclick the location of the first element that fits the given path.
doubleClickOn(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Doubleclick on the element that corresponds to the given path.
doWithRetries(Runnable, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations
Retry an action/assertion up to a number of times, with delay after each time.
doWithRetries(Callable<T>, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations
Retry an action up to a number of times, with delay after each time.
down(Integer) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.Scroll
scroll down number of pixels
down(Integer) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
scroll down number of pixels
downUntilElementIsPresent(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll down until the DOM contains the expected element.
downUntilElementIsPresent(Path, int, int) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll down until the DOM contains the expected element.
downUntilPredicate(Path, int, int, Predicate<WebElement>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll down until the DOM contains the expected element, and the supplied condition for that element is met.
downUntilPredicate(Path, Predicate<WebElement>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll down until the DOM contains the expected element, and the given condition for that element is met.
dragAndDrop() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
drag and drop this element, to another element or another location.
dragAndDrop(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Drag and drop in the browser.
dragAndDrop(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Drag and drop in the browser.
DragAndDrop(WebDriver, Path) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.DragAndDrop
driver - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton


element - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
Any element
element - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
ElementProperties - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
ElementProperty - Interface in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
The main interface to add an additional constraint on a Path.
ElementPropertyWithNumericalBoundaries - Interface in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
Used to define a constraint on a number of elements
ElementResizer - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing
An AutoCloseable of a resizer for a Path element.
ElementResizer(Path, int, int) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing.ElementResizer
Resize an element in the browser
ensureCellValueIsPresent(int, String, String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGridHighLevelOperations
Ensure(or assert) that the cell in specific row and column has the expected value
ensureVisibilityOfCellInColumn(String, ElementProperty) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Find a specific cell under a column, without knowing the row, ensure it is displayed, and return its Path
ensureVisibilityOfRowWithIndex(int) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Scroll until the row with the given index is visible, and return a Path element that matches it.
ensureVisibilityOfRowWithIndexAndColumn(int, String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Scroll until the row with the given index, as well as the given column, is visible.
exactly - com.github.loyada.jdollarx.RelationOperator
exactly(int) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.NPath


find() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
Find the (first) element in the browser for this path
find(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Finds an element in the browser, based on the xpath representing el.
find(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Equivalent to WebDriver.findElement().
findAll() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
Find all elements in the browser with this path
findAll(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Finds all elements in the browser, based on the xpath representing el.
findAll(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Equivalent to WebDriver.findElements().
findAll(WebDriver, Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowserFinder
findAllByPath(String, Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.PathParsers
find all the nodes that match a path in a W3C document
findAllByPath(Document, Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.PathParsers
find all the nodes that match a path in a W3C document
findAllByXPath(Document, String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.PathParsers
internal implementation
findPageWithNumberOfOccurrences(Path, int, RelationOperator) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Don't use this directly.
findPageWithNumberOfOccurrences(WebDriver, Path, int) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowserFinder
findPageWithNumberOfOccurrences(WebDriver, Path, int, RelationOperator) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowserFinder
findPageWithout(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Finds an page in the browser, that does not contain the given path
findRowIndex(Map<String, ElementProperty>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Find internal index of row within table.
findTableInBrowser() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
firstOccurrenceOf(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
First global occurrence of an element in the document.
form - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
form - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath


getAlternateXPath() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
getAlternateXPath() - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
getAlternateXPath() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
getBuilder() - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
getCssClasses(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Get all classes of given Path element.
getCssClasses(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Get all classes of given Path element.
getDescribedBy() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
getDescribedBy() - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
getDescribedBy() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
getDocumentFromString(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.PathParsers
Convert a string to a Document, Assuming utf-8 encoding.
getDOM(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.utils.DebugUtil
Same as DebugUtil.getDOMOfAll(Path), but returns an optional of the first match.
getDOMOfAll(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.utils.DebugUtil
Get all matches of the path as a list of Element.
getDriver() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
getElementProperties() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
getElementProperties() - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
getElementProperties() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
getErrorImage(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images.ImageComparator
getErrorImage(InputStream) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingltonBrowserImage
compare captured image to a reference image and return an image that highlights the differences.
getErrorsImage(InBrowser, Path, InputStream) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images
create and return an image that highlights the different pixels between the captured image and the reference image
getMinimalGrid(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGridHighLevelOperations
create a minimal grid definition that has the column we are interersted in
getObscuredElements() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images.Obscure
getPageAsW3CDoc() - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.utils.DebugUtil
Download the current page and convert it to a W3C Document, which can be inspected using the PathParsers methods
getRowIndex(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
assuming the row is already present in the DOM, get its internal index in the table.
getRowIndexOfCell(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
assuming the row is already present in the DOM, get its internal index in the table.
getSelect(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Get a Selenium select element, which provides a high level API to interacting with a "select" menu.
getSelect(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Get a Selenium select element, which provides a high level API to interacting with a "select" menu.
getTotalHeight() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing.ElementResizer
get total scrollable height of the element
getTotalHeight() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing.WindowResizer
get total scrollable height of the browser
getTotalWidth() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing.ElementResizer
get total scrollable width of the element
getTotalWidth() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing.WindowResizer
get total scrollable width of the browser
getUnderlyingSource() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
getUnderlyingSource() - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
getUnderlyingSource() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
getVisibleHeaderPath(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Make sure the given column header is visible, and returns a Path element to access it.
getVisibleHeight() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing.ElementResizer
get visible height of the element
getVisibleHeight() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing.WindowResizer
get visible height of the browser
getVisibleWidth() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing.ElementResizer
get visible width of the element
getVisibleWidth() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing.WindowResizer
get visible width of the browser
getVisibleWidth(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing.ElementResizer
get visible width of the element
getXPath() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
getXPath() - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The Optional xpath is maps to.
getXPath() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
getXpathExplanation() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
getXpathExplanation() - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
getXpathExplanation() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
goToEditModeInCell(String, int) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGridHighLevelOperations
Find a cell, and doubleclick it
goToEditModeInCell(String, String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGridHighLevelOperations
Find a cell, and doubleclick it


hasAggregatedCaseSensitiveTextContaining(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
When aggregating all the text under this element, it contains the given substring.
hasAggregatedCaseSensitiveTextEqualTo(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
When aggregating all the text under this element, it equals to the given parameter.
hasAggregatedTextContaining(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
When aggregating all the text under this element, it contains the given substring (ignoring case)
hasAggregatedTextEndingWith(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
When aggregating all the text under this element, it ends with the given substring (ignoring case)
hasAggregatedTextEqualTo(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
When aggregating all the text under this element, it equals to the given parameter.
hasAggregatedTextStartingWith(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
When aggregating all the text under this element, it starts with the given substring (ignoring case)
hasAncesctor(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is inside the given parameter
hasAnyOfClasses(String...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element that has at least one of the classes given
hasAnyOfClasses(String...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
hasAttribute(String, String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
hasAttribute(String, String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
hasCaseSensitiveText(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element has text equals to the given string parameter.
hasCaseSensitiveTextContaining(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The text in the element contains the given parameter.
hasChild(Path...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is the parent of the given list of elements
hasChildren - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The element has 1 or more children (the opposite from hasNoChildren).
hasClass(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Has the class given in the parameter
hasClass(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
hasClassContaining(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element that has a class with name that contain the given parameter
hasClassContaining(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
hasClasses(String...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element that has all of the given classes
hasClasses(String...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
hasDescendant(Path...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The given elements in the parameters list are contained in the current element
hasElement(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if the browser has an element that corresponds to the given path.
HasElementNTimes - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers
Internal implementation - not to be instantiated directly.
HasElementNTimes(Path, int) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.HasElementNTimes
HasElementNTimes.NTimesMatcher - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers
Internal implementation - not to be instantiated directly.
hasElements(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if element is present in the browser or a W3C document.
HasElements - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers
Internal implementation.
HasElements(Path) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.HasElements
hasId(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element has ID equals to the given parameter
hasId(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
hasName(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element with a "name" attribute equal to the given parameter.
hasNChildren(Integer) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The element has n direct children
hasNoChildren - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The element has no children.
hasNoElement(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if given browser has no elements that correspond to the given path.
hasNonOfTheClasses(String...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element that has none of the given classes
hasParent(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is direct child of the element matched by the given parameter
hasProperty(BiFunction<T, V, ElementProperty>, T, V) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.CustomElementProperties
hasProperty(Function<T, ElementProperty>, T) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.CustomElementProperties
Syntactic sugar that allows to define properties of the form:
hasRawXpathProperty(String, String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Custom property that allows to state the raw expath of a property, and give a string description of it.
hasRef(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element with a "ref" attribute equal to the given role.
hasRole(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element with a "role" attribute equal to the given role.
hasSomeText - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element has non-empty text
hasSomeText - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
hasSource(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element with a "src" attribute equal to the given parameter.
hasText(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if element has the text equal to the given parameter in the browser/document.
hasText(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element has text equals to the given string parameter, ignoring case.
hasText(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if element has the text equal to the given parameter in the browser/document.
HasText - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers
Internal implementation.
HasText(String) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.HasText
hasTextContaining(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The text in the element contains the given parameter, ignoring case
hasTextEndingWith(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element has text that ends with the given parameter
hasTextStartingWith(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element has text that starts with the given parameter
hasType(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.HighLevelPaths
header - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
Any header element
header - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
HEADER_CELL - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
HEADER_MENU - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
HEADER_TXT - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
header1 - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
header1 - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
header2 - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
header2 - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
header3 - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
header3 - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
header4 - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
header4 - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
header5 - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
header5 - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
header6 - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
header6 - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
HighLevelPaths - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
HighLevelPaths - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser
HighLevelPaths() - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.HighLevelPaths
HighLevelPaths() - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.HighLevelPaths
highlight(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.utils.DebugUtil
Highlight the first element that match the path in the browser, for 2 seconds.
highlightAll(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.utils.DebugUtil
Highlight all the elements that match the path in the browser, for 2 seconds.
hover() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
hover over the element with this path in the browser
hoverOver(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Hover over the location of the first element that fits the given path
hoverOver(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Hover over on the location of the element that corresponds to the given path.
hoverOverCell(int, String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGridHighLevelOperations
Hover over speicic cell, after ensuring it is visible
html - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
html - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath


iframe - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
image - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
Images - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
Images() - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images
Images.ImageComparator - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
Internal utility class for images
Images.Obscure - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
immediatelyAfterSibling(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
The sibling right before the current element matches to the given Path parameter
immediatelyAfterSibling(Path) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The sibling right before the element matches the given path parameter
immediatelyAfterSibling(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
immediatelyBeforeSibling(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
The sibling right after the element matches the given path parameter
immediatelyBeforeSibling(Path) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The sibling right after the element matches the given path parameter
immediatelyBeforeSibling(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
in(InBrowser) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.HasText
in(InBrowser) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.IsPresent
in(Document) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.HasText
in(Document) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.IsPresent
inBrowser() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.KeysDown
Send key-down to the browser in general
inBrowser() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ReleaseKey
releasing a key in the browser in general
InBrowser - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
A wrapper around Selenium WebDriver, used for interaction with the browser.
InBrowser(WebDriver) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Creates a connection to a browser, using the given driver
InBrowserFinder - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
Internal implementation.
InBrowserFinder() - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowserFinder
InBrowserSinglton - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser
A simplified API built to interact with a single instance of a running browser.
InBrowserSinglton() - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
input - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
input - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
inputFollowedByUnlabeledText(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.Inputs
Input followed by text that does not have its on label element.
inputFollowedByUnlabeledText(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi.Inputs
Input followed by text that does not have its on label element.
inputFor(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.HighLevelPaths
inputForLabel(InBrowser, String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.Inputs
A lazy way to find an input based on the label.
inputForLabel(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi.Inputs
A lazy way to find an input based on the label.
Inputs - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi
High-level API to define and interact with various input elements.
Inputs - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi
High-level API to define and interact with various input elements.
inside(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
Element that is inside another element
inside(Path) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
Element that is inside another element
inside(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
insideTopLevel() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
Returns an element that is explicitly inside the document.
insideTopLevel() - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
Returns an element that is explicitly inside the document.
insideTopLevel() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
insideTopLevel(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
isAbsent() - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if the browser has no elements that correspond to the given path.
isAbsentFrom(InBrowser) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if given browser has no elements that correspond to the given path.
isAbsentFrom(Document) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if given document has no elements that correspond to the given path.
isAfter(NPath) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is after at-least/at-most/exactly the given number of the given element.
isAfter(Path...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element appears after all the given parameters in the document
isAfterSibling(NPath) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is a sibling of the at-least/at-most/exactly n elements given, and appears after them.
isAfterSibling(Path...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is a sibling of all the elements defined by the given paths, AND is after all those siblings
isAncestorOf(Path...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The given elements in the parameters list are contained in the current element
isBefore(NPath) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is before at-least/at-most/exactly the given number of the given element.
isBefore(Path...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is before all the elements given in the parameters
isBeforeSibling(NPath) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is a sibling of the at-least/at-most/exactly n elements given, and appears before them.
isBeforeSibling(Path...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is a sibling of all the elements defined by the given paths, AND is before all those siblings
isChecked - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The element is checked
isChecked() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.CheckBox
Is it checked?
isChildOf(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is direct child of the element matched by the given parameter
isContainedIn(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
isDescendantOf(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is inside the given parameter
isDisabled - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The element is diabled
isDisplayed() - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if given element is present and displayed in the browser.
isDisplayed(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
is the element present and displayed? Typically you should not use this method directly.
isDisplayed(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Relies on Selenium WebElement::isDisplayed, thus non-atomic.
isDisplayedIn(InBrowser) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if given element is present and displayed in the browser.
isEnabled - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The element is enabled
isEnabled() - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if given element is present and enabled in the browser.
isEnabled(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
is the element present and enabled? Typically you should not use this method directly.
isEnabled(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Relies on Selenium WebElement::isEnabled, thus non-atomic.
isEnabledIn(InBrowser) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if given element is present and enabled in the browser.
isHidden - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element that is hidden.
isHidden - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
isInside(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is inside the given parameter
isLastSibling - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The element is the last sibling (ie: last child) of its parent.
isNotDisplayed() - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if given element is either not present, or present and not displayed in the browser.
isNotDisplayedIn(InBrowser) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if given element is either not present, or present and not displayed in the browser.
isNotPresent(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
is the element present? Typically you should not use this method directly.
isNotSelected() - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if given element is present and is not selected in the browser.
isNthFromLastSibling(Integer) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The element is the nth-from-last sibling.
isNthSibling(Integer) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The element is the nth sibling.
isOnlyChild - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The element is the only direct child of its parent.
isParentOf(Path...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is the parent of the given list of elements
isPresent() - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if element is present in the browser/document.
isPresent() - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.AgGridMatchers
Verify that the grid, as defined, is present in the browser.
isPresent() - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if the the element is present in the browser.
isPresent(int) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if the the element appears the expected number of times in the browser or W3C document.
isPresent(int) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if the the element appears the expected number of times in the browser.
isPresent(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
is the element present? Typically you should not use this method directly.
isPresent(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
IsPresent - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers
Internal implementation.
IsPresent() - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.IsPresent
isPresentIn(InBrowser) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if given element is present in the browser.
isPresentIn(Document) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if given element is present in the document.
IsPresentNTimes - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers
Internal implementation - not to be instantiated directly.
IsPresentNTimes - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers
Internal implementation - not to be instantiated directly.
IsPresentNTimes(int) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.IsPresentNTimes
IsPresentNTimes(int) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.IsPresentNTimes
ISPresentNTimesMatcherForDocument(int, RelationOperator, Document) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchersUtil.ISPresentNTimesMatcherForDocument
isSelected - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The element is selected
isSelected() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.RadioInput
is it currently selected?
isSelected() - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if given element is present and selected in the browser.
isSelected(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
is the element present and selected? Typically you should not use this method directly.
isSelected(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Relies on Selenium WebElement::isSelected, thus non-atomic.
isSelectedIn(InBrowser) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers
Successful if given element is present and selected in the browser.
isSiblingOf(Path...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element is a sibling of all the elements defined by the given paths
isStrict() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid.AgGridBuilder
The assertions will be strict - if there are extra rows, it will fail.
isVirtualized() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
isWithIndex(Integer) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element that is the nth sibling of its parent


KeysDown(WebDriver, CharSequence) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.KeysDown
KeysSender(WebDriver, CharSequence...) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.KeysSender


label - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
lastOccurrenceOf(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
Last global occurrence of an element in the document
left(Integer) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.Scroll
scroll left number of pixels
left(Integer) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
scroll left number of pixels
leftUntilElementIsDisplayed(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll left until the DOM contains the expected element, and it's displayed.
leftUntilElementIsPresent(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll left until the DOM contains the expected element.
leftUntilElementIsPresent(Path, int, int) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll left until the DOM contains the expected element.
leftUntilPredicate(Path, int, int, Predicate<WebElement>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll left until the DOM contains the expected element and the supplied predicate for the element is met.
leftUntilPredicate(Path, Predicate<WebElement>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll left until the DOM contains the expected element, and the given predicate regarding that element is met.
listItem - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
An "li" element
listItem - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath


main - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath


n - Variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.NPath
nOccurances(String, int, RelationOperator) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
none - com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid.SortDirection
not(ElementProperty) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
Element does NOT have the given property.
not(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.PathOperators
Any element that does NOT conform to the definition of the given path parameters
NPath - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
Internal implementation - not to be instantiated directly
NPath(Path, int, RelationOperator) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.NPath
NPath.NPathBuilder - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
Internal implementation - not to be instantiated directly
NTimesMatcher(int, RelationOperator, InBrowser) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchersUtil.NTimesMatcher
numberOfAppearances(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Returns the number of elements in the browser that match the given path.
numberOfAppearances(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Typically should not be used directly.


Obscure - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser
class that allows to hide elements temporarily.
Obscure(InBrowser, Path) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images.Obscure
Obscure(InBrowser, List<Path>) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images.Obscure
Obscure(InBrowser, List<Path>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images.Obscure
Obscure(Path) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.Obscure
Make the first element matching the given path temporarily hidden.
Obscure(List<Path>) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.Obscure
Make the elements matching the given paths temporarily hidden.
Obscure(List<Path>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.Obscure
Make the elements matching the given paths temporarily hidden.
occurrenceNumber(Integer) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
used in the form : occurrenceNumber(4).of(myElement)).
occurrencesOf(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.NPath.NPathBuilder
of(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.GlobalOccurrenceNumber
return the nth global occurrence (in the entire document) of the given path.
ofType(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.ChildNumber
an element that has n similar preceding siblings.
on(BasicPath) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ReleaseKey
release a key on a specific element in the browser
on(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.KeysDown
Send key-down to an element in the browser
opAsEnglish(RelationOperator) - Static method in enum com.github.loyada.jdollarx.RelationOperator
opAsXpathString(RelationOperator) - Static method in enum com.github.loyada.jdollarx.RelationOperator
openColumnFilterTabAndGetMenu(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
open the popup filter for the column
openColumnMenuTabAndGetMenu(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
open the popup menu for the column
openColumnsSelectionMenuAndGetMenu() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
open the popup columns show/hide selection by using a popup of the first column (assumes it is active)
openColumnsSelectionMenuAndGetMenu(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
open the popup columns show/hide selection by using a popup of the given column
OperationFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.OperationFailedException
OperationFailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.OperationFailedException
Operations - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
Internal implementation of various browser operations
Operations() - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations
Operations.DragAndDrop - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
internal implementation not be instantiated directly - Action of drag-and-drop
Operations.KeysDown - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
internal implementation not be instantiated directly - Action of key-down
Operations.KeysSender - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
internal implementation not be instantiated directly - Action of sending keys to browser
Operations.OperationFailedException - Exception in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
Operations.ReleaseKey - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
internal implementation not be instantiated directly - Action of releasing a key (key up)
Operations.Scroll - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
internal implementation not be instantiated directly - Action of scroll
Operations.ScrollElement - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
internal implementation not be instantiated directly - Action of scroll within an element
option - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
or(ElementProperty) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperty
returns a new property, that is a combination of the current property OR the given property parameter.
or(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
match more than a single path.
or(Path) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
match more than a single path.
or(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
orLess - com.github.loyada.jdollarx.RelationOperator
orLess() - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementPropertyWithNumericalBoundaries
Given the a property and and a count of it, returns a property equivalent to at most the count of that property.
orMore - com.github.loyada.jdollarx.RelationOperator
orMore() - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementPropertyWithNumericalBoundaries
Given the a property and and a count of it, returns a property equivalent to at least the count of that property.
overrideTimeoutDuringOperation(int) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Override the default timeout threshold for finding elements while scrolling the table.
overrideTimeoutWhenDone(int) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Override the default timeout threshold it reverts to when table operations are done.


paragraph - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
parentOf(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
parentOf(Path) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The element is a parent of the given path
parentOf(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
path - Variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.NPath
Path - Interface in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
The heart of DollarX is the definition of Paths that represent W3C elements, whether in the browser or in a document.
PathBuilder() - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
PathBuilder(Optional<String>, Optional<String>, Optional<String>, Optional<String>, Optional<WebElement>, List<ElementProperty>, Optional<String>) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
PathOperators - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
Utilities to manipulate a Path
PathParsers - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
functions to find DOM elements in a W3C document.
PathUtils - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
Internal implementation.
present(int) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.HasElements
pressKeyDown(CharSequence) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Press key down in the browser, or on a specific element.
pressKeyDown(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Press key down in the browser, or on a specific element.
processTextForXpath(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils


qualifier - Variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.NPath


RadioInput - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi
High-level API to define and interact with.
RadioInput(InBrowser, ElementProperty...) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.RadioInput
a radio input with some properties
RadioInput(InBrowser, Path) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.RadioInput
a radio button input with the given path.
RadioInputs - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi
High-level API to define a with high level instance of radio input High level API's are not optimized.
radioType(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.Inputs
Takes an input element and returns such an input of type radio.
RelationOperator - Enum in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
Internal implementation.
releaseKey(CharSequence) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Release key down in the browser, or on a specific element.
releaseKey(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Release key in the browser, or on a specific element.
ReleaseKey(WebDriver, CharSequence) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ReleaseKey
right(Integer) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.Scroll
scroll right number of pixels
right(Integer) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
scroll right number of pixels
rightClick() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
right click at the location of this element
rightClick(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Context-click (right click) at the location the first element that fits the given path.
rightClick(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
Context click (right click) on the location of the element that corresponds to the given path.
rightUntilElementIsPresent(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll right until the virtualized DOM contains the expect element.
rightUntilElementIsPresent(Path, int, int) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll right until the virtualized DOM contains the expect element.
rightUntilElementIsVisible(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll right until the virtualized DOM contains the expect element, and it is visible Using 40 pixels steps, until the end of the table
rightUntilPredicate(Path, int, int, Predicate<WebElement>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll right until the DOM contains the expected element and the supplied predicate for the element is met.
rightUntilPredicate(Path, Predicate<WebElement>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll right until the DOM contains the expected element, and the given predicate regarding that element is met.
ROW - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
rowOfGrid(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid


scroll() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
scroll the browser.
scroll() - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
scroll the browser.
Scroll(WebDriver) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.Scroll
scrollElement(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
scrollElement(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
scroll within the given element.
ScrollElement(WebDriver, Path) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
ScrollElement(WebDriver, Path, int) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
scrollElementWithStepOverride(Path, int) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
scrollElementWithStepOverride(Path, int) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
scroll within the given element.
scrollTo() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
scroll the browser until this element is visible
scrollTo(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
Scroll to the location of the first element that fits the given path
scrollTo(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
scroll to the location of the element that corresponds to the given path.
section - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
section - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
select - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
select() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.RadioInput
Ensure it is selected
selectInCell(String, int, String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGridHighLevelOperations
select an option from a dropdown in a cell
selectInFieldWithLabel(InBrowser, String, String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.Inputs
Perform a selection of an option in a select element.
selectInFieldWithLabel(String, String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi.Inputs
Perform a selection of an option in a select element.
sendKeys(CharSequence...) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.InBrowser
send keys to the browser, or to a specific element.
sendKeys(CharSequence...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton
send keys to the browser, or to a specific element.
sendKeys(CharSequence...) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
send keys to element
setFinalTimeout() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
setScrollStep(int) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Override the default step size of scrolling when moving through a grid
show() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingltonBrowserImage
Display the element image in a separate window.
show(InBrowser, Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images
Display image of an element in a separate window.
showAllColumnsUsingFirstColumn() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Show all columns, by opening the popup menu of the first column.
showAllColumnsUsingMenuOfColumn(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Show all columns by using the popup menu of the given header.
showCanvas() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingltonBrowserImage
Similar to show(), but optimized for an HTML5 canvas element
showCanvas(InBrowser, Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images
Display image of an HTML5 canvas element in a separate window.
showSpecificColumnsUsingMenuOfColumn(String, List<String>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Show only specific columns, by opening the popup menu of the given column
showSpecificColumnsUsingMenuOfColumn(List<String>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Show only specific columns, by opening the popup menu of the first column.
SingleBrowserPath - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser
An implementation of Path that is tailored to a singleton browser, thus allows some additional API's for actions (for those who favor object-oriented API style)
SingleBrowserPath(BasicPath) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
SingltonBrowserImage - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser
Capturing and asserting the image (screenshot) of a Path element.
SingltonBrowserImage(Path) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingltonBrowserImage
sortBy(String, AgGrid.SortDirection) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
Click on 'sort' so that the given column is sorted in the direction provided.
span - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
span - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
svg - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
svg - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath


table - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
td - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
textarea - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
textContains(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
textEndsWith(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
textEquals(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
textNode(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
Define a text node in the DOM, with the given text.
textStartsWith(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils
th - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
that(ElementProperty...) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
returns a path with the provided properties.
that(ElementProperty...) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
returns a path with the provided properties.
that(ElementProperty...) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
times() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.HasElementNTimes
matches the exact number given
times() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.IsPresentNTimes
timesIn(InBrowser) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.IsPresentNTimes
timesIn(Document) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.IsPresentNTimes
timesOrLess() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.HasElementNTimes
matches the number given, or less
timesOrLess() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.IsPresentNTimes
timesOrLessIn(InBrowser) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.IsPresentNTimes
timesOrLessIn(Document) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.IsPresentNTimes
timesOrMore() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.HasElementNTimes
matches the number given, or more
timesOrMore() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers.IsPresentNTimes
timesOrMoreIn(InBrowser) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.IsPresentNTimes
timesOrMoreIn(Document) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.IsPresentNTimes
title - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
to(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.DragAndDrop
drag and drop to the given element's location
to(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.KeysSender
Send keys to a specific element in the browser
to(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.Scroll
Scroll until the location of an element
to(Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.DragAndDrop
drag and drop to the given coordinates
toBrowser() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.KeysSender
Send characters tp the browser in general
toLeftCorner() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll to left-most point
toString() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
toString() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchersUtil.ISPresentNTimesMatcherForDocument
toString() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchersUtil.NTimesMatcher
toString() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.HasElementNTimes.NTimesMatcher
toString() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.CheckBox
toString() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.RadioInput
toString() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid
toString() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
toTopCorner() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll to top-most point
toTopLeftCorner() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll to top-left corner
toTopLeftCorner(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll down until the DOM contains the expected element.
toXpath() - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperty
tr - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
translateTextForPath(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.XpathUtils


uncheck() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.CheckBox
Unchecked it
unorderedGrid(List<Map<String, String>>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGridHighLevelOperations
define AgGrid with unordered rows
unorderedList - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
An "ul" element
unorderedList - Static variable in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
up(Integer) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.Scroll
scroll up number of pixels
up(Integer) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
scroll up number of pixels
upUntilElementIsPresent(Path) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll up until the virtualized DOM contains the expect element.
upUntilElementIsPresent(Path, int, int) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll up until the virtualized DOM contains the expect element.
upUntilPredicate(Path, int, int, Predicate<WebElement>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll up until the DOM contains the expected element, and the supplied condition for that element is met.
upUntilPredicate(Path, Predicate<WebElement>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Operations.ScrollElement
Scroll up until the DOM contains the expected element, and the given condition for that element is met.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.loyada.jdollarx.RelationOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid.SortDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.loyada.jdollarx.RelationOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid.SortDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyImagesAreEqual(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images.ImageComparator
verifyImagesAreShifted(BufferedImage, BufferedImage, int) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images.ImageComparator
verifyImagesAreSimilar(BufferedImage, BufferedImage, int) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Images.ImageComparator


WindowResizer - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing
An AutoCloseable resizer for the browser.
WindowResizer(int, int) - Constructor for class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.sizing.WindowResizer
Resize a browser to the requested dimensions.
withAlternateXpath(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
withAlternateXpathOptional(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
withClass(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
Equivalent to this.that(hasClass(cssClass))
withClass(String) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The element has the given class name
withClass(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
withClasses(String...) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
Equivalent to this.that(hasClasses(cssClasses))
withClasses(String...) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The element has the given class names
withClasses(String...) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
withDescribedBy(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
withDescribedByOptional(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
withElementProperties(List<ElementProperty>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
withGlobalIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
An alias of: occurrenceNumber(n + 1).of(this)
withGlobalIndex(Integer) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
Return the nth occurrence of the element in the entire document.
withGlobalIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
withHeaders(List<String>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid.AgGridBuilder
The headers of the columns
withIndexInRange(int, int) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.ElementProperties
The index among its siblings is between first and last parameters.
withInsideXpath(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
withInsideXpathOptional(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
withLabeledText(InBrowser, String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.RadioInput
create and return a RadioInput, that has a "label" element with the given text.
withLabeledText(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi.RadioInputs
create and return a RadioInput, that has a "label" element with the given text.
withoutVirtualization() - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid.AgGridBuilder
without virtualization.
withProperties(ElementProperty...) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi.RadioInputs
return a radio button with some custom properties
withRowsAsElementProperties(List<Map<String, ElementProperty>>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid.AgGridBuilder
Define the rows in the table, in order.
withRowsAsElementPropertiesInOrder(List<List<Map.Entry<String, ElementProperty>>>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid.AgGridBuilder
Define the rows in the table, in order.
withRowsAsStrings(List<Map<String, String>>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid.AgGridBuilder
Define the rows in the table, in order.
withRowsAsStringsInOrder(List<List<Map.Entry<String, String>>>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.AgGrid.AgGridBuilder
Define the rows in the table, in order.
withText(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
Element with text equals (ignoring case) to txt.
withText(String) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
Element with text equals (ignoring case) to txt.
withText(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
withTextContaining(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath
Equivalent to this.that(hasTextContaining(txt)).
withTextContaining(String) - Method in interface com.github.loyada.jdollarx.Path
The element has text, containing the given txt parameter.
withTextContaining(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.SingleBrowserPath
withTextUnknownDOM(InBrowser, String, int, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.RadioInput
In case the organization of the DOM is unclear, it will try both labeled input and unlabeled input.
withTextUnknownDOM(String, int, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi.RadioInputs
In case the organization of the DOM is unclear, it will try both labeled input and unlabeled input.
withUnderlying(WebElement) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
withUnderlyingOptional(Optional<WebElement>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
withUnlabeledText(InBrowser, String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.highlevelapi.RadioInput
create and return a RadioInput, that has straight text after it (not in a "label" element).
withUnlabeledText(String) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.highlevelapi.RadioInputs
create and return a RadioInput, that has straight text after it (not in a "label" element).
withXpath(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
withXpathExplanation(String) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
withXpathExplanationOptional(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
withXpathOptional(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.PathBuilder
wrap(Path) - Static method in class com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchersUtil


XpathUtils - Class in com.github.loyada.jdollarx
Internal implementation.
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