Class CheckBox

  • public class CheckBox
    extends Object
    High-level wrapper to define and interact with a checkbox input. High level API's are not optimized. A definition of an element may interact with the browser to understand the structure of the DOM.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CheckBox

        public CheckBox​(InBrowser browser,
                        String labelText)
        input of type "checkbox" with a label element
        labelText - - the text in the label
      • CheckBox

        public CheckBox​(InBrowser browser,
                        Path inputEl,
                        String name)
        input of type "checkbox"
        inputEl - - the input element which is the checkbox
        name - - An optional name for the checkbox. .
      • CheckBox

        public CheckBox​(InBrowser browser,
                        ElementProperty... props)
        input of type "checkbox" with the given properties
        props - - properties of the checkbox
    • Method Detail

      • isChecked

        public boolean isChecked()
        Is it checked?
        whether it is checked
      • check

        public void check()
        Check it
      • uncheck

        public void uncheck()
        Unchecked it
      • getCheckbox

        public Path getCheckbox()