

package pool

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AsyncObjectPool[T] extends AnyRef

    Defines the common interface for async object pools.

  2. class ConnectionPool[T <: Connection] extends SingleThreadedAsyncObjectPool[T] with Connection

    Pool specialized in database connections that also simplifies connection handling by implementing the com.github.mauricio.async.db.Connection trait and saving clients from having to implement the "give back" part of pool management.

  3. trait ObjectFactory[T] extends AnyRef

    Definition for objects that can be used as a factory for com.github.mauricio.async.db.pool.AsyncObjectPool objects.

  4. class PartitionedAsyncObjectPool[T] extends AsyncObjectPool[T]

  5. class PartitionedConnectionPool[T <: Connection] extends PartitionedAsyncObjectPool[T] with Connection

  6. class PoolAlreadyTerminatedException extends IllegalStateException

    Thrown when the pool has already been closed.

  7. case class PoolConfiguration(maxObjects: Int, maxIdle: Long, maxQueueSize: Int, validationInterval: Long = 5000) extends Product with Serializable

    Defines specific pieces of a pool's behavior.

  8. class PoolExhaustedException extends IllegalStateException

    Raised when a pool has reached it's limit of available objects.

  9. class SingleThreadedAsyncObjectPool[T] extends AsyncObjectPool[T]

    Implements an com.github.mauricio.async.db.pool.AsyncObjectPool using a single thread from a fixed executor service as an event loop to cause all calls to be sequential.

Value Members

  1. object PoolConfiguration extends Serializable

  2. object SingleThreadedAsyncObjectPool
