

package export

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ClairvoyanceHtmlPrinter extends AnyRef

  2. trait ScalaTestEvent extends AnyRef

  3. case class ScalaTestHtmlFormat(xml: NodeSeq = scala.xml.NodeSeq.Empty) extends HtmlFormat with Product with Serializable

  4. class ScalaTestHtmlReporter extends ResourcefulReporter with ClairvoyanceHtmlPrinter with ClairvoyanceHtmlFileWriter

  5. class ScalaTestHtmlReporterWithLocation extends ScalaTestHtmlReporter

    required by IDEA's ScalaTest runner only

  6. case class ScopeOpenedOrPending(nameInfo: NameInfo, formatter: Option[Formatter], resourceName: String) extends Product with Serializable

  7. case class SuiteResult(suiteId: String, suiteName: String, suiteClassName: Option[String], duration: Option[Long], startEvent: SuiteStarting, endEvent: Event, eventList: IndexedSeq[Event], testsPassedCount: Int, testsFailedCount: Int, testsIgnoredCount: Int, testsPendingCount: Int, testsCancelledCount: Int, scopesPendingCount: Int, isCompleted: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  8. case class TestFailedOrCancelled(message: String, suiteClassName: String, testName: String, testText: String, recordedEvents: IndexedSeq[RecordableEvent], throwable: Option[Throwable], duration: Option[Long], failed: Boolean) extends ScalaTestEvent with Product with Serializable

  9. case class TestPendingOrIgnored(suiteClassName: String, testName: String, testText: String, recordedEvents: IndexedSeq[RecordableEvent], pending: Boolean) extends ScalaTestEvent with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object ScopeOpenedOrPending extends Serializable

  2. object TestFailedOrCancelled extends Serializable

  3. object TestPendingOrIgnored extends Serializable
