

trait MySQLProfile extends Entitytled

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. MySQLProfile
  2. Entitytled
  3. RelationshipRepConversionsComponent
  4. EntityActionBuilderConversionsComponent
  5. EntityCompanionComponent
  6. RelationshipCompositionComponent
  7. RelationshipRepComponent
  8. RelationshipComponent
  9. EntityRepositoryComponent
  10. EntityActionBuilderComponent
  11. EntityComponent
  12. DriverComponent
  13. AnyRef
  14. Any
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  2. Show all
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  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ComposedRelationship[Owner <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#EntityTable[O, I1], Join <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#EntityTable[J, _], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], O <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#Entity[O, I1], J <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#Entity[J, _], T, I1, C[_], C1[_], C2[_]] extends (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#Relationship[Owner, To, O, I1, T, C]

    Composes a base relationship from an owner entity to a joining entity, with an attached relationship from the joining entity to a target relation, into a relationship from the owner entity to the target relation.

  2. class ComposedToMany[Owner <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#EntityTable[O, I1], Join <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#EntityTable[J, _], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], O <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#Entity[O, I1], J <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#Entity[J, _], T, I1, C[_]] extends (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#ComposedRelationship[Owner, Join, To, O, J, T, I1, Seq, C, Seq] with (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#ToManyRelationship[Owner, To, O, I1, T]

    A relationship composed with a 'to many' relationship, which acts as a 'to many' relationship.

  3. trait DirectJoinConditionProvider[From <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[_], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[_]] extends AnyRef

    Provides a default join condition for direct relationships.

  4. abstract class DirectRelationship[From <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T, +C[_]] extends (RelationshipComponent.this)#Relationship[From, To, E, I, T, C]

    Base class for direct relationships (without a join-table).

  5. abstract class Entity[E <: (EntityComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I] extends AnyRef

    Base class for entities.

  6. trait EntityActionBuilder[T <: (EntityActionBuilderComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, _], E <: (EntityActionBuilderComponent.this)#Entity[E, _], C[_]] extends AnyRef

    Base trait for entity action builders, which allow eager-loading includables onto entity queries.

  7. class EntityCollectionActionBuilder[T <: (EntityActionBuilderComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, _], E <: (EntityActionBuilderComponent.this)#Entity[E, _]] extends (EntityActionBuilderComponent.this)#EntityActionBuilder[T, E, Seq]

    Used to build an action which will result in a collection of entities onto which the included includables will be eager-loaded.

  8. implicit class EntityCollectionResultInvoker[T <: (EntityActionBuilderComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, _], E <: (EntityActionBuilderComponent.this)#Entity[E, _]] extends AnyRef

    Adds a result method to an entity collection action builder.

  9. abstract class EntityCompanion[T <: (EntityCompanionComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], E <: (EntityCompanionComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I] extends (EntityCompanionComponent.this)#EntityRepository[T, E, I]

    Base class for entity companion objects.

  10. class EntityInstanceActionBuilder[T <: (EntityActionBuilderComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, _], E <: (EntityActionBuilderComponent.this)#Entity[E, _]] extends (EntityActionBuilderComponent.this)#EntityActionBuilder[T, E, Option]

    Used to build an action which will result in a single entity instance onto which the included includables will be eager-loaded.

  11. class EntityRepository[T <: (EntityRepositoryComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], E <: (EntityRepositoryComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I] extends AnyRef

    Repository class for managing the retrieval and persistence of entities.

  12. abstract class EntityTable[E <: (EntityComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I] extends slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[E]

    Base class for entity tables.

  13. trait Fetched[T, C[_]] extends AnyRef

    Trait that can be mixed into a RelationshipRep for representing the value of a relationship that is already fetched into memory.

  14. trait Includable[Owner <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[O], O] extends AnyRef

    Trait to allow including (eager-loading) related values on a query result.

  15. type Include[E <: Entity[E, _]] = (Relationship[_ <: EntityTable[E, _], _ <: slick.driver.MySQLDriver.Table[_], E, _, T, C], C[T]) forSome {type C[_] <: Any, type T}

    Type alias for a relationship-value pair.

    Type alias for a relationship-value pair.

    Definition Classes
  16. class Includes[E <: (EntityComponent.this)#Entity[E, _]] extends AnyRef

    Set of relationship-value pairs that can be included onto an entity instance.

  17. trait IncludesSetter[E <: (EntityComponent.this)#Entity[E, _]] extends AnyRef

    Can set a new set of included relationship values on an entity instance.

  18. trait IndirectJoinConditionProvider[From <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[_], Through <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[_], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[_]] extends AnyRef

    Provides a default join condition for indirect relationships.

  19. abstract class IndirectRelationship[From <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], Through <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[_], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T, +C[_]] extends (RelationshipComponent.this)#Relationship[From, To, E, I, T, C]

    Base class for indirect relationships (with a join-table).

  20. trait IndirectToQueryProvider[To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], Through <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[_], T] extends AnyRef

    Provides a default target query for indirect relationships.

  21. sealed trait Many[E <: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T] extends (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#RelationshipRep[E, I, T, Seq]

    Represents the value of a 'to many' relationship for a specific owner instance.

  22. case class ManyFetched[E <: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T](relationship: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Relationship[_ <: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], _ <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E, I, T, Seq], value: Seq[T] = ..., ownerId: Option[I] = scala.None) extends (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Many[E, I, T] with (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Fetched[T, Seq] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a fetched (in memory) value of a 'to many' relationship for a specific owner instance.

  23. case class ManyUnfetched[E <: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T](relationship: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Relationship[_ <: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], _ <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E, I, T, Seq], ownerId: Option[I]) extends (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Many[E, I, T] with (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Unfetched[T, Seq] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a unfetched value of a 'to many' relationship for a specific owner instance.

  24. sealed trait One[E <: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T] extends (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#RelationshipRep[E, I, T, Option]

    Represents the value of a 'to one' relationship for a specific owner instance.

  25. case class OneFetched[E <: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T](relationship: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Relationship[_ <: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], _ <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E, I, T, Option], value: Option[T] = scala.None, ownerId: Option[I] = scala.None) extends (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#One[E, I, T] with (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Fetched[T, Option] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a fetched value of a 'to one' relationship for a specific owner instance.

  26. case class OneUnfetched[E <: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T](relationship: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Relationship[_ <: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], _ <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E, I, T, Option], ownerId: Option[I]) extends (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#One[E, I, T] with (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Unfetched[T, Option] with Product with Serializable

    Represents an unfetched value of a 'to one' relationship for a specific owner instance.

  27. trait Relationship[From <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T, +C[_]] extends (RelationshipComponent.this)#Includable[From, E]

    Represents a relationship between an owner entity and an owned relation.

  28. trait RelationshipRep[E <: (RelationshipRepComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T, C[_]] extends AnyRef

    Represents the value of a relationship for a specific owner instance.

  29. trait TableQueryProvider[T <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[M], M] extends AnyRef

    Provides a table query for table T.

  30. class ToMany[From <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T] extends (RelationshipComponent.this)#DirectRelationship[From, To, E, I, T, Seq] with (RelationshipComponent.this)#ToManyRelationship[From, To, E, I, T]

    Represents a direct (without a join-table) 'to many' relationship.

  31. implicit class ToManyComposable[From <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#EntityTable[O, I1], Join <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#EntityTable[J, _], O <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#Entity[O, I1], J <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#Entity[J, _], I1] extends AnyRef

    Implicitly adds the compose operation to 'to many' relationships whose target relation is itself an entity.

  32. class ToManyComposed[Owner <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#EntityTable[O, I1], Join <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#EntityTable[J, _], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], O <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#Entity[O, I1], J <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#Entity[J, _], T, I1, C[_]] extends (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#ComposedRelationship[Owner, Join, To, O, J, T, I1, Seq, Seq, C] with (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#ToManyRelationship[Owner, To, O, I1, T]

    A 'to many' relationship composed with another relationship, which acts as a 'to many' relationship.

  33. trait ToManyRelationship[From <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T] extends AnyRef

    Provides a partial implementation of Relationship for 'to many' relationships.

  34. class ToManyThrough[From <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], Through <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[_], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T] extends (RelationshipComponent.this)#IndirectRelationship[From, Through, To, E, I, T, Seq] with (RelationshipComponent.this)#ToManyRelationship[From, To, E, I, T]

    Represents an indirect (with a join-table) 'to many' relationship.

  35. class ToManyWithIncludes[From <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T] extends (RelationshipComponent.this)#WrappingRelationship[From, To, E, I, T, Seq]

    Wraps a 'to many' relationship and one or more includes which will be eager-loaded onto any actions generated for this relationship.

  36. class ToOne[From <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T] extends (RelationshipComponent.this)#DirectRelationship[From, To, E, I, T, Option] with (RelationshipComponent.this)#ToOneRelationship[From, To, E, I, T]

    Represents a direct (without a join-table) 'to one' relationship.

  37. implicit class ToOneComposable[From <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#EntityTable[O, I1], Join <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#EntityTable[J, _], O <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#Entity[O, I1], J <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#Entity[J, _], I1] extends AnyRef

    Implicitly adds the compose operation to 'to one' relationships whose target relation is itself an entity.

  38. class ToOneComposedToOne[Owner <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#EntityTable[O, I1], Join <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#EntityTable[J, _], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], O <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#Entity[O, I1], J <: (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#Entity[J, _], T, I1] extends (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#ComposedRelationship[Owner, Join, To, O, J, T, I1, Option, Option, Option] with (RelationshipCompositionComponent.this)#ToOneRelationship[Owner, To, O, I1, T]

    A 'to one' relationship composed with a 'to one' relationship, which acts as a 'to one' relationship.

  39. trait ToOneRelationship[From <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T] extends AnyRef

    Provides a partial implementation of Relationship for 'to one' relationships.

  40. class ToOneThrough[From <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], Through <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[_], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T] extends (RelationshipComponent.this)#IndirectRelationship[From, Through, To, E, I, T, Option] with (RelationshipComponent.this)#ToOneRelationship[From, To, E, I, T]

    Represents an indirect (with a join-table) 'to one' relationship.

  41. class ToOneWithIncludes[From <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T] extends (RelationshipComponent.this)#WrappingRelationship[From, To, E, I, T, Option]

    Wraps a 'to one' relationship and one or more includes which will be eager-loaded onto any actions generated for this relationship.

  42. trait Unfetched[T, C[_]] extends AnyRef

    Trait that can be mixed into a RelationshipRep for representing the value of a relationship that has not yet been fetched into memory.

  43. class WrappingRelationship[From <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#EntityTable[E, I], To <: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Table[T], E <: (RelationshipComponent.this)#Entity[E, I], I, T, +C[_]] extends (RelationshipComponent.this)#Relationship[From, To, E, I, T, C]

    Base class for wrapping relationships.

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. object DirectJoinCondition

    Definition Classes
  7. object DirectJoinConditionProvider

    Definition Classes
  8. object Includes

    Definition Classes
  9. object IncludesSetter

    Definition Classes
  10. object IndirectJoinCondition

    Definition Classes
  11. object IndirectJoinConditionProvider

    Definition Classes
  12. object IndirectToQueryProvider

    Definition Classes
  13. object TableQueryProvider

    Definition Classes
  14. implicit def actionBuilderToQuery[T <: EntityTable[E, _], E <: Entity[E, _], C[_]](actionBuilder: EntityActionBuilder[T, E, C]): slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Query[T, E, Seq]

  15. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  16. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  17. val driver: MySQLDriver

    Definition Classes
  18. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  19. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  20. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  21. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  22. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  23. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  24. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  25. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  26. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  27. implicit def queryToCollectionBuilder[T <: EntityTable[E, _], E <: Entity[E, _]](query: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Query[T, E, Seq]): EntityCollectionActionBuilder[T, E]

  28. implicit def relationshipRepToValue[E <: Entity[E, I], I, T, C[_]](rep: RelationshipRep[E, I, T, C])(implicit db: slick.driver.JdbcProfile.API.Database, ec: ExecutionContext): C[T]

    Converts relationship value representation into the related value it is representing.

    Converts relationship value representation into the related value it is representing.

    Converts relationship value representation into the related value it is representing, either by using the in-memory values for values that were already fetched, or executing a database query.


    The represented entity's type.


    The represented entity's ID type.


    The relationship's target type.


    The value container type.


    The relationship value representation to be converted.


    Database definition to be used for executing a query to retrieve unfetched values.


    Execution context for running a database query.


    The value represented by the relationship value representation.

    Definition Classes
  29. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  30. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  31. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  32. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  33. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from Entitytled

Inherited from EntityCompanionComponent

Inherited from RelationshipRepComponent

Inherited from RelationshipComponent

Inherited from EntityRepositoryComponent

Inherited from EntityComponent

Inherited from DriverComponent

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
