case classClosedChannelRead(cont: ContRead[_, _]) extends ChannelActorMessage with Product with Serializable
this is message wich send to ChannelActor, when we
know, that channel is closed. In such case, we don't
konw: is actor stopped or not, So, we say this message
(instead read) and wait for reply. If reply is not received
within given timeout: think that channel is-dead.
Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, ChannelActorMessage, AnyRef, Any
this is message wich send to ChannelActor, when we know, that channel is closed. In such case, we don't konw: is actor stopped or not, So, we say this message (instead read) and wait for reply. If reply is not received within given timeout: think that channel is-dead.