Interface SamReader.Indexing

All Known Implementing Classes:
CRAMFileReader, SamReader.PrimitiveSamReaderToSamReaderAdapter, SRAFileReader
Enclosing interface:

public static interface SamReader.Indexing
Facet for index-related operations.
  • Method Details

    • getIndex

      BAMIndex getIndex()
      Retrieves the index for the given file type. Ensure that the index is of the specified type.
      An index of the given type.
    • hasBrowseableIndex

      boolean hasBrowseableIndex()
      Returns true if the supported index is browseable, meaning the bins in it can be traversed and chunk data inspected and retrieved.
      True if the index supports the BrowseableBAMIndex interface. False otherwise.
    • getBrowseableIndex

      BrowseableBAMIndex getBrowseableIndex()
      Gets an index tagged with the BrowseableBAMIndex interface. Throws an exception if no such index is available.
      An index with a browseable interface, if possible.
      SAMException - if no such index is available.
    • iterator

      SAMRecordIterator iterator(SAMFileSpan chunks)
      Iterate through the given chunks in the file.
      chunks - List of chunks for which to retrieve data.
      An iterator over the given chunks.
    • getFilePointerSpanningReads

      SAMFileSpan getFilePointerSpanningReads()
      Gets a pointer spanning all reads in the BAM file.
      Unbounded pointer to the first record, in chunk format.