Package htsjdk.samtools.cram.structure

package htsjdk.samtools.cram.structure
  • Class
    An AlignmentContext represents mapping information related to a collection of reads, or a single CRAMCompressionRecord, Slice, or Container.
    A span of over a single reference.
    Maintains a map of DataSeries to EncodingDescriptor, and a second map that contains the compressor to use for each EncodingDescriptor that represents an EXTERNAL encoding.
    Maintain a cache of reusable compressor instances in order to reduce the need to repeatedly instantiate them, since some, like the RANS de/compressor, allocate large numbers (~256k) of small temporary objects every time they're instantiated.
    Notes: Container will construct a container out of as many CRAMCompressionRecords as it is handed, respecting only the maximum number of slices.
    A CRAMRecord represents a SAMRecord that has been transformed to CRAM-style representation.
    Parameters that can be set to control the encoding strategy used when writing CRAM.
    A CRAM file header, including the file format definition (including CRAM version and content id), and the SAMFileHeader.
    Class for handling the read features for a CRAMCompressionRecord.
    Represents a specific CRAM record data series and its associated type and unique Content ID.
    Data series types known to CRAM.
    A class for representing an encoding, including encoding-specific parameters, suitable for serialization to/from a stream.
    Encoding ID as specified by Section 3 of the CRAM spec.
    CRAM counterpart of SAMTag.
    A CRAM slice is a logical construct that is just a subset of the blocks in a Slice.
    Manage the (logical) set of blocks that constitute a Slice, not including the Slice header block, which is managed by Slice.
    Provides a layer over a SliceBlocks object and acts as a bridge between the DataSeries codecs and their underlying blocks when reading a CRAM stream by presenting a bit (core) or byte (external) stream for each block.
    Provides a layer over a SliceBlocks object and acts as a bridge between the DataSeries codecs and their underlying blocks when writing a CRAM stream by presenting a bit (core) or byte (external) stream for each block.
    Substitution matrix, used to represent base substitutions for reference-based CRAM compression.