



package geometryObjects

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BoxEnvelope extends Shape3D with Serializable


    Defines a cubical region of 3D coordinate space.

    Defines a cubical region of 3D coordinate space. This can be used to define a bounding box of a geometryObject

    An cube Envelope can be uniquely defined based on minimum and maximum coordinates along all three axes. On creating the cube Envelope initially, the min's and max's are assigned automatically.

    Default constructor is kept private to avoid creating an instance of the cube Envelope class without initialising the min/max coordinates along axes incorrectly.

  2. class Point3D extends Shape3D with Serializable


    Class for describing a point in 3D space.

    Class for describing a point in 3D space. By default, the input coordinates are supposed euclidean, that is (x, y, z). The user can also work with spherical input coordinates (x=r, y=theta, z=phi) by setting the argument isSpherical=true.

  3. class ShellEnvelope extends Shape3D with Serializable


    Defines a shell of 3D coordinate space.

    Defines a shell of 3D coordinate space. Shell here is made by a difference of of two two concentric spheres. This can be used to define a bounding box of a geometryObject

    An Shell Envelope can be uniquely defined based on the center and its outer and inner radius.

Value Members

  1. object BoxEnvelope extends Serializable

  2. object Shape3D extends Serializable


    Generic objects describing 3D shapes.

    Generic objects describing 3D shapes. Other 3D shapes must extend this.

  3. object ShellEnvelope extends Serializable

