



package module

This package provides a la carte imports. It is organized into modules following the Scala's Selfless Trait Pattern. Some of these modules depend on each other. In this case, there is often a short documentation in the higher-level module and links to the lower-level modules. Have a look for yourself and start at the highest-level all you can eat module Charting.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. module
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BoxAndWhiskerChartFactories extends BoxAndWhiskerDatasetConversions with DocMacros


    Contains factories to create box charts.

  2. trait BoxAndWhiskerDatasetConversions extends Converting with RichChartingCollections


    Provides converters for datasets used for box charts.

  3. trait CategoryChartFactories extends DatasetConversions with RichPlot with DocMacros


    CategoryChartFactories contains all high-level factories to conveniently create charts based on category datasets.

  4. trait CategoryDatasetConversions extends Converting with RichChartingCollections


    Provides converters for datasets used for category charts and multiple pie charts.

  5. trait CategoryLabelGenerators extends Imports


    CategoryLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for category charts.

    CategoryLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for category charts.

    chart.labelGenerator = CategoryLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)

    The following list contains various ways on how to create and set label generators for category charts:

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = BarChart(data)
    chart.labelGenerator = (dataset: CategoryDataset, series: Comparable[_], category: Comparable[_]) =>
    chart.labelGenerator = CategoryLabelGenerator { (dataset, series, category) =>
    chart.labelGenerator = CategoryLabelGenerator(_.getValue(_,_).toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = CategoryLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = CategoryLabelGenerator(_.toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = CategoryLabelGenerator.Default
  6. trait CategoryToolTipGenerators extends Imports


    CategoryToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for category charts.

    CategoryToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for category charts.

    chart.tooltipGenerator = CategoryToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)

    The following list contains various ways on how to create and set tool tip generators for category charts:

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = BarChart(data)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = (dataset: CategoryDataset, series: Comparable[_], category: Comparable[_]) =>
    chart.tooltipGenerator = CategoryToolTipGenerator { (dataset, series, category) =>
    chart.tooltipGenerator = CategoryToolTipGenerator(_.getValue(_,_).toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = CategoryToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = CategoryToolTipGenerator(_.toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = CategoryToolTipGenerator.Default
  7. trait ChartFactories extends BoxAndWhiskerChartFactories with CategoryChartFactories with PieChartFactories with SpiderWebChartFactory with XYChartFactories with DatasetConversions with DocMacros


    ChartFactories contains all high-level factories to conveniently create charts.

    ChartFactories contains all high-level factories to conveniently create charts.

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = XYLineChart(data)

    Creating Charts

    The only argument needed to create a chart is a dataset:

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val dataset = data.toXYSeriesCollection("some data")
    val chart = XYLineChart(dataset)

    Creating Charts with Themes

    The default theme used is the JFreeChart theme. To apply a different theme to the charts created by the factories, simply define an implicit chart theme in scope, e.g. the darkness theme from JFreeChart:

    implicit val theme = org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme.createDarknessTheme
  8. trait Charting extends ChartFactories with DatasetConversions with Exporting with RichPlot with LabelGenerators with ToolTipGenerators


    Contains all enrichments.

    Contains all enrichments.

    Creating Charts

    ChartFactories contains all high-level factories to conveniently create charts.

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = XYLineChart(data)

    Exporting Charts

    Exporting contains enrichments to conveniently export charts to disk.



    LabelGenerators contains means to conveniently create label generators for all supported chart types.

    val chart = PieChart(data)
    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)

    Rich Plots

    RichPlot contains enriched plot types to conveniently work with the plot domain, range and marking.

    chart.plot.domain.axis.label.text = "my label"
    chart.plot.range.markers += ((1,1))

    Tool Tips

    ToolTipGenerators contains means to conveniently create tool tip generators for all supported chart types.

    val chart = PieChart(data)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)
  9. trait Converting extends AnyRef


    Provides the Converter type class and a generic ConverterCompanion for it.

  10. trait DatasetConversions extends BoxAndWhiskerDatasetConversions with CategoryDatasetConversions with PieDatasetConversions with TableXYDatasetConversions with XYDatasetConversions


    Provides all dataset converters.

  11. trait Exporting extends AnyRef


    Exporting contains enrichments to conveniently export charts to disk.

    Exporting contains enrichments to conveniently export charts to disk.


    Supported Formats

    Charts may be exported into the following formats:

    • JPEG
    • PNG
    • PDF, needs the optional dependency "com.itextpdf" % "itextpdf" on your class path
    • SVG, needs the optional dependency "org.jfree" % "jfreesvg" on your class path

    Export Stages

    There are different stages in which charts may be exported: encoding, writing and the actual saving of the file, which is demonstrated by the following code snippet:

    val bytes = chart.encodeAsPNG()
  12. trait Imports extends AnyRef


    Contains imports from other libraries, most notably JFreeChart.

  13. trait LabelGenerators extends CategoryLabelGenerators with PieLabelGenerators with XYLabelGenerators


    LabelGenerators contains means to conveniently create label generators for all supported chart types.

    LabelGenerators contains means to conveniently create label generators for all supported chart types.

    val chart = PieChart(data)
    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)

    Labels for Category Charts

    CategoryLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for category charts.

    chart.labelGenerator = CategoryLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)

    Labels for Pie-like Charts

    PieLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for pie charts.

    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)

    Labels for XY Charts

    XYLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for xy charts.

    chart.labelGenerator = XYLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)
  14. trait MarkerConversions extends Imports


    MarkerConversions contains type class based conversions from certain types to Marker instances.

    MarkerConversions contains type class based conversions from certain types to Marker instances.

    chart.plot.domain.markers += 1

    All numeric types and numeric ranges are supported to create simple value markers:

    chart.plot.range.markers += 3
    chart.plot.range.markers += 3L
    chart.plot.range.markers += 3.0
    chart.plot.range.markers += ((1.0,2.0))

    There is also an additional conversion type class for the domain of CategoryCharts you can use for CategoryMarkers, which support arbitrary Comparables like String:

    chart.plot.domain.markers += "category"

    The legacy JFreeChart classes can still be used directly:

    chart.plot.range.markers += new ValueMarker(3.0)
    chart.plot.range.markers += new IntervalMarker(1.0, 2.0)
    chart.plot.domain.markers += new CategoryMarker("category")
  15. trait PieChartFactories extends AnyRef


    Contains factories to create pie charts and other pie-like chart.

  16. trait PieDatasetConversions extends Converting with RichChartingCollections


    Provides converters for datasets used for pie charts and ring charts.

  17. trait PieLabelGenerators extends Imports


    PieLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for pie charts.

    PieLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for pie charts.

    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)

    The following list contains various ways on how to create and set label generators for pie charts:

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = PieChart(data)
    chart.labelGenerator = (dataset: PieDataset, key: Comparable[_]) =>
    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator { (dataset, key) =>
    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator(_.getValue(_).toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator(_.toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator.Default
  18. trait PieToolTipGenerators extends Imports


    PieToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for pie charts.

    PieToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for pie charts.

    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)

    The following list contains various ways on how to create and set tool tip generators for pie charts:

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = PieChart(data)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = (dataset: PieDataset, key: Comparable[_]) =>
    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator { (dataset, key) =>
    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator(_.getValue(_).toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator(_.toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator.Default
  19. trait RichChartingCollections extends Imports


    Contains enrichments for collections for conversions to datasets.

    Contains enrichments for collections for conversions to datasets. To see which conversions are provided have a look at the classes defined below.

  20. trait RichPlot extends MarkerConversions


    RichPlot contains enriched plot types to conveniently work with the plot domain, range and marking.

    RichPlot contains enriched plot types to conveniently work with the plot domain, range and marking.

    chart.plot.domain.axis.label.text = "my label"
    chart.plot.range.markers += ((1,1))


    There are enrichments concerning the handling of markers in plots:

    chart.plot.domain.markers += 1
    chart.plot.range.markers += ((1,1))
    for (marker <- chart.plot.range.markers) {
      // do something with marker

    Marker Conversions

    MarkerConversions contains type class based conversions from certain types to Marker instances.

    chart.plot.domain.markers += 1
  21. trait SpiderWebChartFactory extends AnyRef


    Contains factories to create spider web charts aka radar charts.

  22. trait TableXYDatasetConversions extends Converting with RichChartingCollections


    Provides converters for TableXYDatasets.

  23. trait ToolTipGenerators extends CategoryToolTipGenerators with PieToolTipGenerators with XYToolTipGenerators


    ToolTipGenerators contains means to conveniently create tool tip generators for all supported chart types.

    ToolTipGenerators contains means to conveniently create tool tip generators for all supported chart types.

    val chart = PieChart(data)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)

    Tool Tips for Category Charts

    CategoryToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for category charts.

    chart.tooltipGenerator = CategoryToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)

    Tool Tips for Pie-like Charts

    PieToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for pie charts.

    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)

    Tool Tips for XY Charts

    XYToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for xy charts.

    chart.tooltipGenerator = XYToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)
  24. trait XYChartFactories extends DatasetConversions with DocMacros


    XYChartFactories contains all high-level factories to conveniently create xy charts.

  25. trait XYDatasetConversions extends Converting with RichChartingCollections


    Provides converters for datasets used for xy charts.

  26. trait XYLabelGenerators extends Imports


    XYLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for xy charts.

    XYLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for xy charts.

    chart.labelGenerator = XYLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)

    The following list contains various ways on how to create and set label generators for xy charts:

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = XYLineChart(data)
    chart.labelGenerator = (dataset: XYDataset, series: Comparable[_], item: Int) =>
      val idx = dataset.indexOf(series)
      dataset.getY(idx, item).toString
    chart.labelGenerator = XYLabelGenerator { (dataset, series, item) =>
      val idx = dataset.indexOf(series)
    chart.labelGenerator = XYLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = XYLabelGenerator(_.toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = XYLabelGenerator((x,y) => s"""($x,$y)""")
    chart.labelGenerator = XYLabelGenerator.Default
  27. trait XYToolTipGenerators extends Imports


    XYToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for xy charts.

    XYToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for xy charts.

    chart.tooltipGenerator = XYToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)

    The following list contains various ways on how to create and set tool tip generators for xy charts:

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = XYLineChart(data)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = (dataset: XYDataset, series: Comparable[_], item: Int) =>
      val idx = dataset.indexOf(series)
      dataset.getY(idx, item).toString
    chart.tooltipGenerator = XYToolTipGenerator { (dataset, series, item) =>
      val idx = dataset.indexOf(series)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = XYToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = XYToolTipGenerator(_.toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = XYToolTipGenerator((x,y) => s"""($x,$y)""")
    chart.tooltipGenerator = XYToolTipGenerator.Default

Value Members

  1. object BoxAndWhiskerChartFactories extends BoxAndWhiskerChartFactories


    Contains factories to create box charts.

  2. object BoxAndWhiskerDatasetConversions extends BoxAndWhiskerDatasetConversions


    Provides converters for datasets used for box charts.

  3. object CategoryChartFactories extends CategoryChartFactories


    CategoryChartFactories contains all high-level factories to conveniently create charts based on category datasets.

  4. object CategoryDatasetConversions extends CategoryDatasetConversions


    Provides converters for datasets used for category charts and multiple pie charts.

  5. object CategoryLabelGenerators extends CategoryLabelGenerators


    CategoryLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for category charts.

    CategoryLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for category charts.

    chart.labelGenerator = CategoryLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)

    The following list contains various ways on how to create and set label generators for category charts:

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = BarChart(data)
    chart.labelGenerator = (dataset: CategoryDataset, series: Comparable[_], category: Comparable[_]) =>
    chart.labelGenerator = CategoryLabelGenerator { (dataset, series, category) =>
    chart.labelGenerator = CategoryLabelGenerator(_.getValue(_,_).toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = CategoryLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = CategoryLabelGenerator(_.toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = CategoryLabelGenerator.Default
  6. object CategoryToolTipGenerators extends CategoryToolTipGenerators


    CategoryToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for category charts.

    CategoryToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for category charts.

    chart.tooltipGenerator = CategoryToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)

    The following list contains various ways on how to create and set tool tip generators for category charts:

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = BarChart(data)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = (dataset: CategoryDataset, series: Comparable[_], category: Comparable[_]) =>
    chart.tooltipGenerator = CategoryToolTipGenerator { (dataset, series, category) =>
    chart.tooltipGenerator = CategoryToolTipGenerator(_.getValue(_,_).toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = CategoryToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = CategoryToolTipGenerator(_.toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = CategoryToolTipGenerator.Default
  7. object ChartFactories extends ChartFactories


    ChartFactories contains all high-level factories to conveniently create charts.

    ChartFactories contains all high-level factories to conveniently create charts.

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = XYLineChart(data)

    Creating Charts

    The only argument needed to create a chart is a dataset:

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val dataset = data.toXYSeriesCollection("some data")
    val chart = XYLineChart(dataset)

    Creating Charts with Themes

    The default theme used is the JFreeChart theme. To apply a different theme to the charts created by the factories, simply define an implicit chart theme in scope, e.g. the darkness theme from JFreeChart:

    implicit val theme = org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme.createDarknessTheme
  8. object Charting extends Charting


    Contains all enrichments.

    Contains all enrichments.

    Creating Charts

    ChartFactories contains all high-level factories to conveniently create charts.

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = XYLineChart(data)

    Exporting Charts

    Exporting contains enrichments to conveniently export charts to disk.



    LabelGenerators contains means to conveniently create label generators for all supported chart types.

    val chart = PieChart(data)
    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)

    Rich Plots

    RichPlot contains enriched plot types to conveniently work with the plot domain, range and marking.

    chart.plot.domain.axis.label.text = "my label"
    chart.plot.range.markers += ((1,1))

    Tool Tips

    ToolTipGenerators contains means to conveniently create tool tip generators for all supported chart types.

    val chart = PieChart(data)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)
  9. object Converting extends Converting


    Provides the Converter type class and a generic ConverterCompanion for it.

  10. object DatasetConversions extends DatasetConversions


    Provides all dataset converters.

  11. object Exporting extends Exporting


    Exporting contains enrichments to conveniently export charts to disk.

    Exporting contains enrichments to conveniently export charts to disk.


    Supported Formats

    Charts may be exported into the following formats:

    • JPEG
    • PNG
    • PDF, needs the optional dependency "com.itextpdf" % "itextpdf" on your class path
    • SVG, needs the optional dependency "org.jfree" % "jfreesvg" on your class path

    Export Stages

    There are different stages in which charts may be exported: encoding, writing and the actual saving of the file, which is demonstrated by the following code snippet:

    val bytes = chart.encodeAsPNG()
  12. object Imports extends Imports


    Contains imports from other libraries, most notably JFreeChart.

  13. object LabelGenerators extends LabelGenerators


    LabelGenerators contains means to conveniently create label generators for all supported chart types.

    LabelGenerators contains means to conveniently create label generators for all supported chart types.

    val chart = PieChart(data)
    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)

    Labels for Category Charts

    CategoryLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for category charts.

    chart.labelGenerator = CategoryLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)

    Labels for Pie-like Charts

    PieLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for pie charts.

    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)

    Labels for XY Charts

    XYLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for xy charts.

    chart.labelGenerator = XYLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)
  14. object MarkerConversions extends MarkerConversions


    MarkerConversions contains type class based conversions from certain types to Marker instances.

    MarkerConversions contains type class based conversions from certain types to Marker instances.

    chart.plot.domain.markers += 1

    All numeric types and numeric ranges are supported to create simple value markers:

    chart.plot.range.markers += 3
    chart.plot.range.markers += 3L
    chart.plot.range.markers += 3.0
    chart.plot.range.markers += ((1.0,2.0))

    There is also an additional conversion type class for the domain of CategoryCharts you can use for CategoryMarkers, which support arbitrary Comparables like String:

    chart.plot.domain.markers += "category"

    The legacy JFreeChart classes can still be used directly:

    chart.plot.range.markers += new ValueMarker(3.0)
    chart.plot.range.markers += new IntervalMarker(1.0, 2.0)
    chart.plot.domain.markers += new CategoryMarker("category")
  15. object PieChartFactories extends PieChartFactories


    Contains factories to create pie charts and other pie-like chart.

  16. object PieDatasetConversions extends PieDatasetConversions


    Provides converters for datasets used for pie charts and ring charts.

  17. object PieLabelGenerators extends PieLabelGenerators


    PieLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for pie charts.

    PieLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for pie charts.

    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)

    The following list contains various ways on how to create and set label generators for pie charts:

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = PieChart(data)
    chart.labelGenerator = (dataset: PieDataset, key: Comparable[_]) =>
    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator { (dataset, key) =>
    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator(_.getValue(_).toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator(_.toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = PieLabelGenerator.Default
  18. object PieToolTipGenerators extends PieToolTipGenerators


    PieToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for pie charts.

    PieToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for pie charts.

    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)

    The following list contains various ways on how to create and set tool tip generators for pie charts:

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = PieChart(data)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = (dataset: PieDataset, key: Comparable[_]) =>
    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator { (dataset, key) =>
    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator(_.getValue(_).toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator(_.toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator.Default
  19. object RichChartingCollections extends RichChartingCollections


    Contains enrichments for collections for conversions to datasets.

    Contains enrichments for collections for conversions to datasets. To see which conversions are provided have a look at the classes defined below.

  20. object RichPlot extends RichPlot


    RichPlot contains enriched plot types to conveniently work with the plot domain, range and marking.

    RichPlot contains enriched plot types to conveniently work with the plot domain, range and marking.

    chart.plot.domain.axis.label.text = "my label"
    chart.plot.range.markers += ((1,1))


    There are enrichments concerning the handling of markers in plots:

    chart.plot.domain.markers += 1
    chart.plot.range.markers += ((1,1))
    for (marker <- chart.plot.range.markers) {
      // do something with marker

    Marker Conversions

    MarkerConversions contains type class based conversions from certain types to Marker instances.

    chart.plot.domain.markers += 1
  21. object SpiderWebChartFactory extends SpiderWebChartFactory


    Contains factories to create spider web charts aka radar charts.

  22. object TableXYDatasetConversions extends TableXYDatasetConversions


    Provides converters for TableXYDatasets.

  23. object ToolTipGenerators extends ToolTipGenerators


    ToolTipGenerators contains means to conveniently create tool tip generators for all supported chart types.

    ToolTipGenerators contains means to conveniently create tool tip generators for all supported chart types.

    val chart = PieChart(data)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)

    Tool Tips for Category Charts

    CategoryToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for category charts.

    chart.tooltipGenerator = CategoryToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)

    Tool Tips for Pie-like Charts

    PieToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for pie charts.

    chart.tooltipGenerator = PieToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)

    Tool Tips for XY Charts

    XYToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for xy charts.

    chart.tooltipGenerator = XYToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)
  24. object XYChartFactories extends XYChartFactories


    XYChartFactories contains all high-level factories to conveniently create xy charts.

  25. object XYDatasetConversions extends XYDatasetConversions


    Provides converters for datasets used for xy charts.

  26. object XYLabelGenerators extends XYLabelGenerators


    XYLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for xy charts.

    XYLabelGenerators contains factories for creating label generators for xy charts.

    chart.labelGenerator = XYLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)

    The following list contains various ways on how to create and set label generators for xy charts:

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = XYLineChart(data)
    chart.labelGenerator = (dataset: XYDataset, series: Comparable[_], item: Int) =>
      val idx = dataset.indexOf(series)
      dataset.getY(idx, item).toString
    chart.labelGenerator = XYLabelGenerator { (dataset, series, item) =>
      val idx = dataset.indexOf(series)
    chart.labelGenerator = XYLabelGenerator(value => value.toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = XYLabelGenerator(_.toString)
    chart.labelGenerator = XYLabelGenerator((x,y) => s"""($x,$y)""")
    chart.labelGenerator = XYLabelGenerator.Default
  27. object XYToolTipGenerators extends XYToolTipGenerators


    XYToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for xy charts.

    XYToolTipGenerators contains factories for creating tool tip generators for xy charts.

    chart.tooltipGenerator = XYToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)

    The following list contains various ways on how to create and set tool tip generators for xy charts:

    val data = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield (i,i)
    val chart = XYLineChart(data)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = (dataset: XYDataset, series: Comparable[_], item: Int) =>
      val idx = dataset.indexOf(series)
      dataset.getY(idx, item).toString
    chart.tooltipGenerator = XYToolTipGenerator { (dataset, series, item) =>
      val idx = dataset.indexOf(series)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = XYToolTipGenerator(value => value.toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = XYToolTipGenerator(_.toString)
    chart.tooltipGenerator = XYToolTipGenerator((x,y) => s"""($x,$y)""")
    chart.tooltipGenerator = XYToolTipGenerator.Default

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
