


Related Doc: package kml


case class IconStyle(scale: Option[Double] = None, heading: Option[Double] = None, icon: Option[Icon] = None, hotSpot: Option[Vec2] = None, color: Option[HexColor] = None, colorMode: Option[ColorMode] = None, id: Option[String] = None, targetId: Option[String] = None, iconStyleSimpleExtensionGroup: Seq[Any] = Nil, iconStyleObjectExtensionGroup: Seq[Any] = Nil, colorStyleSimpleExtensionGroup: Seq[Any] = Nil, colorStyleObjectExtensionGroup: Seq[Any] = Nil, subStyleSimpleExtensionGroup: Seq[Any] = Nil, subStyleObjectExtensionGroup: Seq[Any] = Nil, objectSimpleExtensionGroup: Seq[Any] = Nil) extends ColorStyle with Product with Serializable

Specifies how icons for point Placemarks are drawn, both in the Places panel and in the 3D viewer of Google Earth. The <Icon> element specifies the icon image. The <scale> element specifies the x, y scaling of the icon. The color specified in the <color> element of <IconStyle> is blended with the color of the <Icon>.


Resizes the icon.


Direction (that is, North, South, East, West), in degrees. Default=0 (North)


A custom Icon. In <IconStyle>, the only child element of <Icon> is <href>: <href>: An HTTP address or a local file specification used to load an icon.


Specifies the position within the Icon that is "anchored" to the <Point> specified in the Placemark. The x and y values can be specified in three different ways: as pixels ("pixels"), as fractions of the icon ("fraction"), or as inset pixels ("insetPixels"), which is an offset in pixels from the upper right corner of the icon. The x and y positions can be specified in different ways—for example, x can be in pixels and y can be a fraction. The origin of the coordinate system is in the lower left corner of the icon. x - Either the number of pixels, a fractional component of the icon, or a pixel inset indicating the x component of a point on the icon. y - Either the number of pixels, a fractional component of the icon, or a pixel inset indicating the y component of a point on the icon. xunits - Units in which the x value is specified. A value of fraction indicates the x value is a fraction of the icon. A value of pixels indicates the x value in pixels. A value of insetPixels indicates the indent from the right edge of the icon. yunits - Units in which the y value is specified. A value of fraction indicates the y value is a fraction of the icon. A value of pixels indicates the y value in pixels. A value of insetPixels indicates the indent from the top edge of the icon.


Color and opacity (alpha) values are expressed in hexadecimal notation. The range of values for any one color is 0 to 255 (00 to ff). For alpha, 00 is fully transparent and ff is fully opaque. The order of expression is aabbggrr, where aa=alpha (00 to ff); bb=blue (00 to ff); gg=green (00 to ff); rr=red (00 to ff). For example, if you want to apply a blue color with 50 percent opacity to an overlay, you would specify the following: <color>7fff0000</color>, where alpha=0x7f, blue=0xff, green=0x00, and red=0x00.


Values for <colorMode> are normal (no effect) and random. A value of random applies a random linear scale to the base <color> as follows. To achieve a truly random selection of colors, specify a base <color> of white (ffffffff). If you specify a single color component (for example, a value of ff0000ff for red), random color values for that one component (red) will be selected. In this case, the values would range from 00 (black) to ff (full red). If you specify values for two or for all three color components, a random linear scale is applied to each color component, with results ranging from black to the maximum values specified for each component. The opacity of a color comes from the alpha component of <color> and is never randomized.

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, ColorStyle, SubStyle, KmlObject, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. IconStyle
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. Product
  5. Equals
  6. ColorStyle
  7. SubStyle
  8. KmlObject
  9. AnyRef
  10. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new IconStyle(scale: Double, heading: Double, icon: Icon, hotSpot: Vec2)

  2. new IconStyle(scale: Double, heading: Double, icon: Icon)

  3. new IconStyle(scale: Option[Double] = None, heading: Option[Double] = None, icon: Option[Icon] = None, hotSpot: Option[Vec2] = None, color: Option[HexColor] = None, colorMode: Option[ColorMode] = None, id: Option[String] = None, targetId: Option[String] = None, iconStyleSimpleExtensionGroup: Seq[Any] = Nil, iconStyleObjectExtensionGroup: Seq[Any] = Nil, colorStyleSimpleExtensionGroup: Seq[Any] = Nil, colorStyleObjectExtensionGroup: Seq[Any] = Nil, subStyleSimpleExtensionGroup: Seq[Any] = Nil, subStyleObjectExtensionGroup: Seq[Any] = Nil, objectSimpleExtensionGroup: Seq[Any] = Nil)



    Resizes the icon.


    Direction (that is, North, South, East, West), in degrees. Default=0 (North)


    A custom Icon. In <IconStyle>, the only child element of <Icon> is <href>: <href>: An HTTP address or a local file specification used to load an icon.


    Specifies the position within the Icon that is "anchored" to the <Point> specified in the Placemark. The x and y values can be specified in three different ways: as pixels ("pixels"), as fractions of the icon ("fraction"), or as inset pixels ("insetPixels"), which is an offset in pixels from the upper right corner of the icon. The x and y positions can be specified in different ways—for example, x can be in pixels and y can be a fraction. The origin of the coordinate system is in the lower left corner of the icon. x - Either the number of pixels, a fractional component of the icon, or a pixel inset indicating the x component of a point on the icon. y - Either the number of pixels, a fractional component of the icon, or a pixel inset indicating the y component of a point on the icon. xunits - Units in which the x value is specified. A value of fraction indicates the x value is a fraction of the icon. A value of pixels indicates the x value in pixels. A value of insetPixels indicates the indent from the right edge of the icon. yunits - Units in which the y value is specified. A value of fraction indicates the y value is a fraction of the icon. A value of pixels indicates the y value in pixels. A value of insetPixels indicates the indent from the top edge of the icon.


    Color and opacity (alpha) values are expressed in hexadecimal notation. The range of values for any one color is 0 to 255 (00 to ff). For alpha, 00 is fully transparent and ff is fully opaque. The order of expression is aabbggrr, where aa=alpha (00 to ff); bb=blue (00 to ff); gg=green (00 to ff); rr=red (00 to ff). For example, if you want to apply a blue color with 50 percent opacity to an overlay, you would specify the following: <color>7fff0000</color>, where alpha=0x7f, blue=0xff, green=0x00, and red=0x00.


    Values for <colorMode> are normal (no effect) and random. A value of random applies a random linear scale to the base <color> as follows. To achieve a truly random selection of colors, specify a base <color> of white (ffffffff). If you specify a single color component (for example, a value of ff0000ff for red), random color values for that one component (red) will be selected. In this case, the values would range from 00 (black) to ff (full red). If you specify values for two or for all three color components, a random linear scale is applied to each color component, with results ranging from black to the maximum values specified for each component. The opacity of a color comes from the alpha component of <color> and is never randomized.

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  5. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  6. val color: Option[HexColor]


    Color and opacity (alpha) values are expressed in hexadecimal notation.

    Color and opacity (alpha) values are expressed in hexadecimal notation. The range of values for any one color is 0 to 255 (00 to ff). For alpha, 00 is fully transparent and ff is fully opaque. The order of expression is aabbggrr, where aa=alpha (00 to ff); bb=blue (00 to ff); gg=green (00 to ff); rr=red (00 to ff). For example, if you want to apply a blue color with 50 percent opacity to an overlay, you would specify the following: <color>7fff0000</color>, where alpha=0x7f, blue=0xff, green=0x00, and red=0x00.

    Definition Classes
  7. val colorMode: Option[ColorMode]


    Values for <colorMode> are normal (no effect) and random.

    Values for <colorMode> are normal (no effect) and random. A value of random applies a random linear scale to the base <color> as follows. To achieve a truly random selection of colors, specify a base <color> of white (ffffffff). If you specify a single color component (for example, a value of ff0000ff for red), random color values for that one component (red) will be selected. In this case, the values would range from 00 (black) to ff (full red). If you specify values for two or for all three color components, a random linear scale is applied to each color component, with results ranging from black to the maximum values specified for each component. The opacity of a color comes from the alpha component of <color> and is never randomized.

    Definition Classes
  8. val colorStyleObjectExtensionGroup: Seq[Any]

    Definition Classes
  9. val colorStyleSimpleExtensionGroup: Seq[Any]

    Definition Classes
  10. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  11. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  12. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  13. val heading: Option[Double]


    Direction (that is, North, South, East, West), in degrees.

    Direction (that is, North, South, East, West), in degrees. Default=0 (North)

  14. val hotSpot: Option[Vec2]


    Specifies the position within the Icon that is "anchored" to the <Point> specified in the Placemark.

    Specifies the position within the Icon that is "anchored" to the <Point> specified in the Placemark. The x and y values can be specified in three different ways: as pixels ("pixels"), as fractions of the icon ("fraction"), or as inset pixels ("insetPixels"), which is an offset in pixels from the upper right corner of the icon. The x and y positions can be specified in different ways—for example, x can be in pixels and y can be a fraction. The origin of the coordinate system is in the lower left corner of the icon. x - Either the number of pixels, a fractional component of the icon, or a pixel inset indicating the x component of a point on the icon. y - Either the number of pixels, a fractional component of the icon, or a pixel inset indicating the y component of a point on the icon. xunits - Units in which the x value is specified. A value of fraction indicates the x value is a fraction of the icon. A value of pixels indicates the x value in pixels. A value of insetPixels indicates the indent from the right edge of the icon. yunits - Units in which the y value is specified. A value of fraction indicates the y value is a fraction of the icon. A value of pixels indicates the y value in pixels. A value of insetPixels indicates the indent from the top edge of the icon.

  15. val icon: Option[Icon]


    A custom Icon.

    A custom Icon. In <IconStyle>, the only child element of <Icon> is <href>: <href>: An HTTP address or a local file specification used to load an icon.

  16. val iconStyleObjectExtensionGroup: Seq[Any]

  17. val iconStyleSimpleExtensionGroup: Seq[Any]

  18. val id: Option[String]

    Definition Classes
  19. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  20. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  21. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  22. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  23. val objectSimpleExtensionGroup: Seq[Any]

    Definition Classes
  24. val scale: Option[Double]


    Resizes the icon.

  25. val subStyleObjectExtensionGroup: Seq[Any]

    Definition Classes
  26. val subStyleSimpleExtensionGroup: Seq[Any]

    Definition Classes
  27. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  28. val targetId: Option[String]

    Definition Classes
  29. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  30. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  31. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from ColorStyle

Inherited from SubStyle

Inherited from KmlObject

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
