Interface FullReadStatsViewOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
FullReadStatsView, FullReadStatsView.Builder

public interface FullReadStatsViewOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Iteration stats describe how efficient the read is, e.g.
    Iteration stats describe how efficient the read is, e.g.
    Request latency stats describe the time taken to complete a request, from the server side.
    Request latency stats describe the time taken to complete a request, from the server side.
    Iteration stats describe how efficient the read is, e.g.
    Request latency stats describe the time taken to complete a request, from the server side.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • hasReadIterationStats

      boolean hasReadIterationStats()
       Iteration stats describe how efficient the read is, e.g. comparing
       rows seen vs. rows returned or cells seen vs cells returned can provide an
       indication of read efficiency (the higher the ratio of seen to retuned the
      .google.bigtable.v2.ReadIterationStats read_iteration_stats = 1;
      Whether the readIterationStats field is set.
    • getReadIterationStats

      ReadIterationStats getReadIterationStats()
       Iteration stats describe how efficient the read is, e.g. comparing
       rows seen vs. rows returned or cells seen vs cells returned can provide an
       indication of read efficiency (the higher the ratio of seen to retuned the
      .google.bigtable.v2.ReadIterationStats read_iteration_stats = 1;
      The readIterationStats.
    • getReadIterationStatsOrBuilder

      ReadIterationStatsOrBuilder getReadIterationStatsOrBuilder()
       Iteration stats describe how efficient the read is, e.g. comparing
       rows seen vs. rows returned or cells seen vs cells returned can provide an
       indication of read efficiency (the higher the ratio of seen to retuned the
      .google.bigtable.v2.ReadIterationStats read_iteration_stats = 1;
    • hasRequestLatencyStats

      boolean hasRequestLatencyStats()
       Request latency stats describe the time taken to complete a request, from
       the server side.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RequestLatencyStats request_latency_stats = 2;
      Whether the requestLatencyStats field is set.
    • getRequestLatencyStats

      RequestLatencyStats getRequestLatencyStats()
       Request latency stats describe the time taken to complete a request, from
       the server side.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RequestLatencyStats request_latency_stats = 2;
      The requestLatencyStats.
    • getRequestLatencyStatsOrBuilder

      RequestLatencyStatsOrBuilder getRequestLatencyStatsOrBuilder()
       Request latency stats describe the time taken to complete a request, from
       the server side.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RequestLatencyStats request_latency_stats = 2;