Interface Mutation.AddToCellOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
Mutation.AddToCell, Mutation.AddToCell.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface Mutation.AddToCellOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The qualifier of the column into which new data should be added.
    The qualifier of the column into which new data should be added.
    The name of the `Aggregate` family into which new data should be added.
    The name of the `Aggregate` family into which new data should be added.
    The input value to be accumulated into the specified cell.
    The input value to be accumulated into the specified cell.
    The timestamp of the cell to which new data should be added.
    The timestamp of the cell to which new data should be added.
    The qualifier of the column into which new data should be added.
    The input value to be accumulated into the specified cell.
    The timestamp of the cell to which new data should be added.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getFamilyName

      String getFamilyName()
       The name of the `Aggregate` family into which new data should be added.
       This must be a family with a `value_type` of `Aggregate`.
       Format: `[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+`
      string family_name = 1;
      The familyName.
    • getFamilyNameBytes getFamilyNameBytes()
       The name of the `Aggregate` family into which new data should be added.
       This must be a family with a `value_type` of `Aggregate`.
       Format: `[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+`
      string family_name = 1;
      The bytes for familyName.
    • hasColumnQualifier

      boolean hasColumnQualifier()
       The qualifier of the column into which new data should be added. This
       must be a `raw_value`.
      .google.bigtable.v2.Value column_qualifier = 2;
      Whether the columnQualifier field is set.
    • getColumnQualifier

      Value getColumnQualifier()
       The qualifier of the column into which new data should be added. This
       must be a `raw_value`.
      .google.bigtable.v2.Value column_qualifier = 2;
      The columnQualifier.
    • getColumnQualifierOrBuilder

      ValueOrBuilder getColumnQualifierOrBuilder()
       The qualifier of the column into which new data should be added. This
       must be a `raw_value`.
      .google.bigtable.v2.Value column_qualifier = 2;
    • hasTimestamp

      boolean hasTimestamp()
       The timestamp of the cell to which new data should be added. This must
       be a `raw_timestamp_micros` that matches the table's `granularity`.
      .google.bigtable.v2.Value timestamp = 3;
      Whether the timestamp field is set.
    • getTimestamp

      Value getTimestamp()
       The timestamp of the cell to which new data should be added. This must
       be a `raw_timestamp_micros` that matches the table's `granularity`.
      .google.bigtable.v2.Value timestamp = 3;
      The timestamp.
    • getTimestampOrBuilder

      ValueOrBuilder getTimestampOrBuilder()
       The timestamp of the cell to which new data should be added. This must
       be a `raw_timestamp_micros` that matches the table's `granularity`.
      .google.bigtable.v2.Value timestamp = 3;
    • hasInput

      boolean hasInput()
       The input value to be accumulated into the specified cell. This must be
       compatible with the family's `value_type.input_type`.
      .google.bigtable.v2.Value input = 4;
      Whether the input field is set.
    • getInput

      Value getInput()
       The input value to be accumulated into the specified cell. This must be
       compatible with the family's `value_type.input_type`.
      .google.bigtable.v2.Value input = 4;
      The input.
    • getInputOrBuilder

      ValueOrBuilder getInputOrBuilder()
       The input value to be accumulated into the specified cell. This must be
       compatible with the family's `value_type.input_type`.
      .google.bigtable.v2.Value input = 4;