Interface AggregationResultOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
AggregationResult, AggregationResult.Builder

public interface AggregationResultOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The result of the aggregation functions, ex: `COUNT(*) AS total_entities`.
    The result of the aggregation functions, ex: `COUNT(*) AS total_entities`.
    The result of the aggregation functions, ex: `COUNT(*) AS total_entities`.
    The result of the aggregation functions, ex: `COUNT(*) AS total_entities`.
    The result of the aggregation functions, ex: `COUNT(*) AS total_entities`.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getAggregatePropertiesCount

      int getAggregatePropertiesCount()
       The result of the aggregation functions, ex: `COUNT(*) AS total_entities`.
       The key is the
       [alias][google.datastore.v1.AggregationQuery.Aggregation.alias] assigned to
       the aggregation function on input and the size of this map equals the
       number of aggregation functions in the query.
      map<string, .google.datastore.v1.Value> aggregate_properties = 2;
    • containsAggregateProperties

      boolean containsAggregateProperties(String key)
       The result of the aggregation functions, ex: `COUNT(*) AS total_entities`.
       The key is the
       [alias][google.datastore.v1.AggregationQuery.Aggregation.alias] assigned to
       the aggregation function on input and the size of this map equals the
       number of aggregation functions in the query.
      map<string, .google.datastore.v1.Value> aggregate_properties = 2;
    • getAggregateProperties

      @Deprecated Map<String,Value> getAggregateProperties()
    • getAggregatePropertiesMap

      Map<String,Value> getAggregatePropertiesMap()
       The result of the aggregation functions, ex: `COUNT(*) AS total_entities`.
       The key is the
       [alias][google.datastore.v1.AggregationQuery.Aggregation.alias] assigned to
       the aggregation function on input and the size of this map equals the
       number of aggregation functions in the query.
      map<string, .google.datastore.v1.Value> aggregate_properties = 2;
    • getAggregatePropertiesOrDefault

      Value getAggregatePropertiesOrDefault(String key, Value defaultValue)
       The result of the aggregation functions, ex: `COUNT(*) AS total_entities`.
       The key is the
       [alias][google.datastore.v1.AggregationQuery.Aggregation.alias] assigned to
       the aggregation function on input and the size of this map equals the
       number of aggregation functions in the query.
      map<string, .google.datastore.v1.Value> aggregate_properties = 2;
    • getAggregatePropertiesOrThrow

      Value getAggregatePropertiesOrThrow(String key)
       The result of the aggregation functions, ex: `COUNT(*) AS total_entities`.
       The key is the
       [alias][google.datastore.v1.AggregationQuery.Aggregation.alias] assigned to
       the aggregation function on input and the size of this map equals the
       number of aggregation functions in the query.
      map<string, .google.datastore.v1.Value> aggregate_properties = 2;