Interface GqlQueryOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
GqlQuery, GqlQuery.Builder

public interface GqlQueryOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    For each non-reserved named binding site in the query string, there must be a named parameter with that name, but not necessarily the inverse.
    When false, the query string must not contain any literals and instead must bind all values.
    For each non-reserved named binding site in the query string, there must be a named parameter with that name, but not necessarily the inverse.
    For each non-reserved named binding site in the query string, there must be a named parameter with that name, but not necessarily the inverse.
    For each non-reserved named binding site in the query string, there must be a named parameter with that name, but not necessarily the inverse.
    For each non-reserved named binding site in the query string, there must be a named parameter with that name, but not necessarily the inverse.
    Numbered binding site @1 references the first numbered parameter, effectively using 1-based indexing, rather than the usual 0.
    Numbered binding site @1 references the first numbered parameter, effectively using 1-based indexing, rather than the usual 0.
    Numbered binding site @1 references the first numbered parameter, effectively using 1-based indexing, rather than the usual 0.
    Numbered binding site @1 references the first numbered parameter, effectively using 1-based indexing, rather than the usual 0.
    Numbered binding site @1 references the first numbered parameter, effectively using 1-based indexing, rather than the usual 0.
    A string of the format described [here](
    A string of the format described [here](

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getQueryString

      String getQueryString()
       A string of the format described
      string query_string = 1;
      The queryString.
    • getQueryStringBytes getQueryStringBytes()
       A string of the format described
      string query_string = 1;
      The bytes for queryString.
    • getAllowLiterals

      boolean getAllowLiterals()
       When false, the query string must not contain any literals and instead must
       bind all values. For example,
       `SELECT * FROM Kind WHERE a = 'string literal'` is not allowed, while
       `SELECT * FROM Kind WHERE a = @value` is.
      bool allow_literals = 2;
      The allowLiterals.
    • getNamedBindingsCount

      int getNamedBindingsCount()
       For each non-reserved named binding site in the query string, there must be
       a named parameter with that name, but not necessarily the inverse.
       Key must match regex `[A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z_$0-9]*`, must not match regex
       `__.*__`, and must not be `""`.
      map<string, .google.datastore.v1.GqlQueryParameter> named_bindings = 5;
    • containsNamedBindings

      boolean containsNamedBindings(String key)
       For each non-reserved named binding site in the query string, there must be
       a named parameter with that name, but not necessarily the inverse.
       Key must match regex `[A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z_$0-9]*`, must not match regex
       `__.*__`, and must not be `""`.
      map<string, .google.datastore.v1.GqlQueryParameter> named_bindings = 5;
    • getNamedBindings

    • getNamedBindingsMap

      Map<String,GqlQueryParameter> getNamedBindingsMap()
       For each non-reserved named binding site in the query string, there must be
       a named parameter with that name, but not necessarily the inverse.
       Key must match regex `[A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z_$0-9]*`, must not match regex
       `__.*__`, and must not be `""`.
      map<string, .google.datastore.v1.GqlQueryParameter> named_bindings = 5;
    • getNamedBindingsOrDefault

      GqlQueryParameter getNamedBindingsOrDefault(String key, GqlQueryParameter defaultValue)
       For each non-reserved named binding site in the query string, there must be
       a named parameter with that name, but not necessarily the inverse.
       Key must match regex `[A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z_$0-9]*`, must not match regex
       `__.*__`, and must not be `""`.
      map<string, .google.datastore.v1.GqlQueryParameter> named_bindings = 5;
    • getNamedBindingsOrThrow

      GqlQueryParameter getNamedBindingsOrThrow(String key)
       For each non-reserved named binding site in the query string, there must be
       a named parameter with that name, but not necessarily the inverse.
       Key must match regex `[A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z_$0-9]*`, must not match regex
       `__.*__`, and must not be `""`.
      map<string, .google.datastore.v1.GqlQueryParameter> named_bindings = 5;
    • getPositionalBindingsList

      List<GqlQueryParameter> getPositionalBindingsList()
       Numbered binding site @1 references the first numbered parameter,
       effectively using 1-based indexing, rather than the usual 0.
       For each binding site numbered i in `query_string`, there must be an i-th
       numbered parameter. The inverse must also be true.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.GqlQueryParameter positional_bindings = 4;
    • getPositionalBindings

      GqlQueryParameter getPositionalBindings(int index)
       Numbered binding site @1 references the first numbered parameter,
       effectively using 1-based indexing, rather than the usual 0.
       For each binding site numbered i in `query_string`, there must be an i-th
       numbered parameter. The inverse must also be true.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.GqlQueryParameter positional_bindings = 4;
    • getPositionalBindingsCount

      int getPositionalBindingsCount()
       Numbered binding site @1 references the first numbered parameter,
       effectively using 1-based indexing, rather than the usual 0.
       For each binding site numbered i in `query_string`, there must be an i-th
       numbered parameter. The inverse must also be true.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.GqlQueryParameter positional_bindings = 4;
    • getPositionalBindingsOrBuilderList

      List<? extends GqlQueryParameterOrBuilder> getPositionalBindingsOrBuilderList()
       Numbered binding site @1 references the first numbered parameter,
       effectively using 1-based indexing, rather than the usual 0.
       For each binding site numbered i in `query_string`, there must be an i-th
       numbered parameter. The inverse must also be true.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.GqlQueryParameter positional_bindings = 4;
    • getPositionalBindingsOrBuilder

      GqlQueryParameterOrBuilder getPositionalBindingsOrBuilder(int index)
       Numbered binding site @1 references the first numbered parameter,
       effectively using 1-based indexing, rather than the usual 0.
       For each binding site numbered i in `query_string`, there must be an i-th
       numbered parameter. The inverse must also be true.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.GqlQueryParameter positional_bindings = 4;