Interface AttributeContext.ResponseOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
AttributeContext.Response, AttributeContext.Response.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface AttributeContext.ResponseOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The HTTP response headers.
    The amount of time it takes the backend service to fully respond to a request.
    The amount of time it takes the backend service to fully respond to a request.
    The HTTP response status code, such as `200` and `404`.
    The HTTP response headers.
    The HTTP response headers.
    getHeadersOrDefault(String key, String defaultValue)
    The HTTP response headers.
    The HTTP response headers.
    The HTTP response size in bytes.
    The timestamp when the `destination` service sends the last byte of the response.
    The timestamp when the `destination` service sends the last byte of the response.
    The amount of time it takes the backend service to fully respond to a request.
    The timestamp when the `destination` service sends the last byte of the response.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getCode

      long getCode()
       The HTTP response status code, such as `200` and `404`.
      int64 code = 1;
      The code.
    • getSize

      long getSize()
       The HTTP response size in bytes. If unknown, it must be -1.
      int64 size = 2;
      The size.
    • getHeadersCount

      int getHeadersCount()
       The HTTP response headers. If multiple headers share the same key, they
       must be merged according to HTTP spec. All header keys must be
       lowercased, because HTTP header keys are case-insensitive.
      map<string, string> headers = 3;
    • containsHeaders

      boolean containsHeaders(String key)
       The HTTP response headers. If multiple headers share the same key, they
       must be merged according to HTTP spec. All header keys must be
       lowercased, because HTTP header keys are case-insensitive.
      map<string, string> headers = 3;
    • getHeaders

      @Deprecated Map<String,String> getHeaders()
      Use getHeadersMap() instead.
    • getHeadersMap

      Map<String,String> getHeadersMap()
       The HTTP response headers. If multiple headers share the same key, they
       must be merged according to HTTP spec. All header keys must be
       lowercased, because HTTP header keys are case-insensitive.
      map<string, string> headers = 3;
    • getHeadersOrDefault

      String getHeadersOrDefault(String key, String defaultValue)
       The HTTP response headers. If multiple headers share the same key, they
       must be merged according to HTTP spec. All header keys must be
       lowercased, because HTTP header keys are case-insensitive.
      map<string, string> headers = 3;
    • getHeadersOrThrow

      String getHeadersOrThrow(String key)
       The HTTP response headers. If multiple headers share the same key, they
       must be merged according to HTTP spec. All header keys must be
       lowercased, because HTTP header keys are case-insensitive.
      map<string, string> headers = 3;
    • hasTime

      boolean hasTime()
       The timestamp when the `destination` service sends the last byte of
       the response.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 4;
      Whether the time field is set.
    • getTime getTime()
       The timestamp when the `destination` service sends the last byte of
       the response.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 4;
      The time.
    • getTimeOrBuilder getTimeOrBuilder()
       The timestamp when the `destination` service sends the last byte of
       the response.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 4;
    • hasBackendLatency

      boolean hasBackendLatency()
       The amount of time it takes the backend service to fully respond to a
       request. Measured from when the destination service starts to send the
       request to the backend until when the destination service receives the
       complete response from the backend.
      .google.protobuf.Duration backend_latency = 5;
      Whether the backendLatency field is set.
    • getBackendLatency getBackendLatency()
       The amount of time it takes the backend service to fully respond to a
       request. Measured from when the destination service starts to send the
       request to the backend until when the destination service receives the
       complete response from the backend.
      .google.protobuf.Duration backend_latency = 5;
      The backendLatency.
    • getBackendLatencyOrBuilder getBackendLatencyOrBuilder()
       The amount of time it takes the backend service to fully respond to a
       request. Measured from when the destination service starts to send the
       request to the backend until when the destination service receives the
       complete response from the backend.
      .google.protobuf.Duration backend_latency = 5;