Interface FieldPolicyOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
FieldPolicy, FieldPolicy.Builder

public interface FieldPolicyOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Specifies the required permission(s) for the resource referred to by the field.
    Specifies the required permission(s) for the resource referred to by the field.
    Specifies the resource type for the resource referred to by the field.
    Specifies the resource type for the resource referred to by the field.
    Selects one or more request or response message fields to apply this `FieldPolicy`.
    Selects one or more request or response message fields to apply this `FieldPolicy`.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getSelector

      String getSelector()
       Selects one or more request or response message fields to apply this
       When a `FieldPolicy` is used in proto annotation, the selector must
       be left as empty. The service config generator will automatically fill
       the correct value.
       When a `FieldPolicy` is used in service config, the selector must be a
       comma-separated string with valid request or response field paths,
       such as "" or ",foo.baz".
      string selector = 1;
      The selector.
    • getSelectorBytes getSelectorBytes()
       Selects one or more request or response message fields to apply this
       When a `FieldPolicy` is used in proto annotation, the selector must
       be left as empty. The service config generator will automatically fill
       the correct value.
       When a `FieldPolicy` is used in service config, the selector must be a
       comma-separated string with valid request or response field paths,
       such as "" or ",foo.baz".
      string selector = 1;
      The bytes for selector.
    • getResourcePermission

      String getResourcePermission()
       Specifies the required permission(s) for the resource referred to by the
       field. It requires the field contains a valid resource reference, and
       the request must pass the permission checks to proceed. For example,
      string resource_permission = 2;
      The resourcePermission.
    • getResourcePermissionBytes getResourcePermissionBytes()
       Specifies the required permission(s) for the resource referred to by the
       field. It requires the field contains a valid resource reference, and
       the request must pass the permission checks to proceed. For example,
      string resource_permission = 2;
      The bytes for resourcePermission.
    • getResourceType

      String getResourceType()
       Specifies the resource type for the resource referred to by the field.
      string resource_type = 3;
      The resourceType.
    • getResourceTypeBytes getResourceTypeBytes()
       Specifies the resource type for the resource referred to by the field.
      string resource_type = 3;
      The bytes for resourceType.