Interface MetricRuleOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
MetricRule, MetricRule.Builder

public interface MetricRuleOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Metrics to update when the selected methods are called, and the associated cost applied to each metric.
    Metrics to update when the selected methods are called, and the associated cost applied to each metric.
    Metrics to update when the selected methods are called, and the associated cost applied to each metric.
    getMetricCostsOrDefault(String key, long defaultValue)
    Metrics to update when the selected methods are called, and the associated cost applied to each metric.
    Metrics to update when the selected methods are called, and the associated cost applied to each metric.
    Selects the methods to which this rule applies.
    Selects the methods to which this rule applies.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getSelector

      String getSelector()
       Selects the methods to which this rule applies.
       Refer to [selector][google.api.DocumentationRule.selector] for syntax
      string selector = 1;
      The selector.
    • getSelectorBytes getSelectorBytes()
       Selects the methods to which this rule applies.
       Refer to [selector][google.api.DocumentationRule.selector] for syntax
      string selector = 1;
      The bytes for selector.
    • getMetricCostsCount

      int getMetricCostsCount()
       Metrics to update when the selected methods are called, and the associated
       cost applied to each metric.
       The key of the map is the metric name, and the values are the amount
       increased for the metric against which the quota limits are defined.
       The value must not be negative.
      map<string, int64> metric_costs = 2;
    • containsMetricCosts

      boolean containsMetricCosts(String key)
       Metrics to update when the selected methods are called, and the associated
       cost applied to each metric.
       The key of the map is the metric name, and the values are the amount
       increased for the metric against which the quota limits are defined.
       The value must not be negative.
      map<string, int64> metric_costs = 2;
    • getMetricCosts

      @Deprecated Map<String,Long> getMetricCosts()
      Use getMetricCostsMap() instead.
    • getMetricCostsMap

      Map<String,Long> getMetricCostsMap()
       Metrics to update when the selected methods are called, and the associated
       cost applied to each metric.
       The key of the map is the metric name, and the values are the amount
       increased for the metric against which the quota limits are defined.
       The value must not be negative.
      map<string, int64> metric_costs = 2;
    • getMetricCostsOrDefault

      long getMetricCostsOrDefault(String key, long defaultValue)
       Metrics to update when the selected methods are called, and the associated
       cost applied to each metric.
       The key of the map is the metric name, and the values are the amount
       increased for the metric against which the quota limits are defined.
       The value must not be negative.
      map<string, int64> metric_costs = 2;
    • getMetricCostsOrThrow

      long getMetricCostsOrThrow(String key)
       Metrics to update when the selected methods are called, and the associated
       cost applied to each metric.
       The key of the map is the metric name, and the values are the amount
       increased for the metric against which the quota limits are defined.
       The value must not be negative.
      map<string, int64> metric_costs = 2;