Class HadoopCredentialsConfiguration

  • public class HadoopCredentialsConfiguration
    extends Object
    The Hadoop credentials configuration.

    When reading configuration this class makes use of a list of key prefixes that are each applied to key suffixes to create a complete configuration key. There is a base prefix of '' that is included by the builder for each configuration key suffix. When constructing, other prefixes can be specified. Prefixes specified later can be used to override the values of previously set values. In this way a set of global credentials can be specified for most connectors with an override specified for any connectors that need different credentials.

    • Field Detail


        public static final String BASE_KEY_PREFIX
        All instances constructed using the builder will use as the first prefix checked. Other prefixes can be added and will override values in the prefix.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final HadoopConfigurationProperty<String> SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_KEYFILE_SUFFIX
        Key suffix used to configure the path to a JSON file containing a Service Account key and identifier (email). Technically, this could be a JSON containing a non-service account user, but this setting is only used in the service account flow and is namespaced as such.

        public static final HadoopConfigurationProperty<String> WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_FEDERATION_CREDENTIAL_CONFIG_FILE_SUFFIX
        Key suffix used to configure the path to a JSON file containing a workload identity federation, i.e. external account credential configuration. Technically, this could be a JSON containing an service account impersonation url and credential source. but this setting is only used in the workload identity federation flow and is namespaced as such.

        public static final HadoopConfigurationProperty<String> IMPERSONATION_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_SUFFIX
        Key suffix used to configure the impersonating service account with which to call GCS API to get access token.

        public static final HadoopConfigurationProperty<Map<String,​String>> USER_IMPERSONATION_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_SUFFIX
        Key prefix for the user identifier associated with the service account to impersonate when accessing GCS.

        public static final HadoopConfigurationProperty<Map<String,​String>> GROUP_IMPERSONATION_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_SUFFIX
        Key prefix for the group identifier associated with the service account to impersonate when accessing GCS.

        public static final HadoopConfigurationProperty<String> TOKEN_SERVER_URL_SUFFIX
        Key suffix for setting a token server URL to use to refresh OAuth token.

        public static final HadoopConfigurationProperty<String> PROXY_ADDRESS_SUFFIX
        Key suffix for setting a proxy for the connector to use to connect to GCS. The proxy must be an HTTP proxy of the form "host:port".

        public static final HadoopConfigurationProperty<RedactedString> PROXY_USERNAME_SUFFIX
        Key suffix for setting a proxy username for the connector to use to authenticate with proxy used to connect to GCS.

        public static final HadoopConfigurationProperty<RedactedString> PROXY_PASSWORD_SUFFIX
        Key suffix for setting a proxy password for the connector to use to authenticate with proxy used to connect to GCS.

        public static final HadoopConfigurationProperty<String> AUTH_CLIENT_ID_SUFFIX
        Configuration key for defining the OAUth2 client ID. Required when the authentication type is USER_CREDENTIALS

        public static final HadoopConfigurationProperty<RedactedString> AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET_SUFFIX
        Configuration key for defining the OAUth2 client secret. Required when the authentication type is USER_CREDENTIALS

        public static final HadoopConfigurationProperty<RedactedString> AUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN_SUFFIX
        Configuration key for defining the OAuth2 refresh token. Required when the authentication type is USER_CREDENTIALS
    • Constructor Detail

      • HadoopCredentialsConfiguration

        protected HadoopCredentialsConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • getConfigKeyPrefixes

        public static List<String> getConfigKeyPrefixes​(String... keyPrefixes)
        Returns full list of config prefixes that will be resolved based on the order in returned list.
      • getImpersonatedCredentials

        public static getImpersonatedCredentials​(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration config,
                                                                                          String... keyPrefixesVararg)
                                                                                   throws IOException
        Create a ImpersonatedCredentials based on service account to impersonate configuration