Interface Summary Interface Description CredentialRetriever Retrieves credentials for a registry.DockerClient ImageDetails JibEvent Type for events dispatched by Jib Core. -
Class Summary Class Description Containerizer Configures how to containerize.Credential Holds credentials (username and password).DescriptorDigest Represents a SHA-256 content descriptor digest as defined by the Registry HTTP API v2 reference.DockerDaemonImage Builds to the Docker daemon.ImageReference Represents an image reference.JavaContainerBuilder Creates aJibContainerBuilder
for containerizing Java applications.Jib Build containers with Jib.JibContainer The container built by Jib.JibContainerBuilder Builds a container with Jib.JibContainerDescription A class containing the representation of the contents of a container.LayerConfiguration Deprecated. UseFileEntriesLayer
.LayerConfiguration.Builder Builds aLayerConfiguration
.LayerEntry Deprecated. UseFileEntry
.LogEvent Log message event.MainClassFinder Finds main classes in a list of class files.MainClassFinder.Result Ports Utility for parsing Docker/OCI ports from text representations.RegistryImage Defines an image on a container registry that can be used as either a source or target image.TarImage Builds to a tarball archive. -
Enum Summary Enum Description JavaContainerBuilder.LayerType Represents the different types of layers for a Java application.LogEvent.Level Log levels, in order of verbosity.MainClassFinder.Result.Type The type of result. -
Exception Summary Exception Description CacheDirectoryCreationException Thrown when a directory to be used as the cache could not be created.InsecureRegistryException Throw when attempting to access an insecure registry when only secure connections are allowed.InvalidImageReferenceException Thrown when attempting to parse an invalid image reference.RegistryAuthenticationFailedException Thrown because registry authentication failed.RegistryException Thrown when interacting with a registry.RegistryUnauthorizedException Thrown when a registry request was unauthorized and therefore authentication is needed.