Class DockerCredentialHelper

    • Constructor Detail

      • DockerCredentialHelper

        public DockerCredentialHelper​(java.lang.String serverUrl,
                                      java.nio.file.Path credentialHelper)
        Constructs a new DockerCredentialHelper.
        serverUrl - the server URL to pass into the credential helper
        credentialHelper - the path to the credential helper executable
      • DockerCredentialHelper

        public DockerCredentialHelper​(java.lang.String serverUrl,
                                      java.nio.file.Path credentialHelper,
                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> environment)
        Constructs a new DockerCredentialHelper.
        serverUrl - the server URL to pass into the credential helper
        credentialHelper - the path to the credential helper executable
        environment - environment variables used in configuring the credential helper