Class QueryStage

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class QueryStage extends Object implements Serializable
BigQuery provides diagnostic information about a completed query's execution plan (or query plan for short). The query plan describes a query as a series of stages, with each stage comprising a number of steps that read from data sources, perform a series of transformations on the input, and emit an output to a future stage (or the final result). This class contains information on a query stage.
See Also:
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
    Each query stage is made of a number of steps.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final boolean
    Returns the number of parallel input segments completed.
    Returns the time in milliseconds the average worker spent on CPU-bound tasks.
    Returns the time in milliseconds the slowest worker spent on CPU-bound tasks.
    Returns the time the average worker spent CPU-bound, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    Returns the time the slowest worker spent CPU-bound, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    Returns the stage end time represented as milliseconds since epoch.
    Returns a unique, server-generated ID for the stage within its plan.
    Returns a list of the stage IDs that are inputs to this stage.
    Returns a human-readable name for the stage.
    Returns the number of parallel input segments to be processed.
    Returns the time in milliseconds the average worker spent reading input.
    Returns the time in milliseconds the slowest worker spent reading input.
    Returns the time the average worker spent reading input data, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    Returns the time the slowest worker spent reading input data, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    Returns the number of rows (top-level records) read by the stage.
    Returns the number of rows (top-level records) written by the stage.
    Returns the total number of bytes written to shuffle.
    Returns the total number of bytes writtedn to shuffle and spilled to disk.
    Returns the slot-milliseconds used by the stage.
    Returns the stage start time represented as milliseconds since epoch.
    Returns the current status for the stage.
    Returns the list of steps within the stage in dependency order (approximately chronological).
    Returns the time in milliseconds the average worker spent waiting to be scheduled.
    Returns the time in milliseconds the slowest worker spent waiting to be scheduled.
    Returns the time the average worker spent waiting to be scheduled, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    Returns the time the slowest worker spent waiting to be scheduled, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    Returns the time in milliseconds the average worker spent writing output.
    Returns the time in milliseconds the slowest worker spent writing output.
    Returns the time the average worker spent writing output data, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    Returns the time the slowest worker spent writing output data, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    final int

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • getCompletedParallelInputs

      public long getCompletedParallelInputs()
      Returns the number of parallel input segments completed.
    • getComputeMsAvg

      public long getComputeMsAvg()
      Returns the time in milliseconds the average worker spent on CPU-bound tasks.
    • getComputeMsMax

      public long getComputeMsMax()
      Returns the time in milliseconds the slowest worker spent on CPU-bound tasks.
    • getComputeRatioAvg

      public double getComputeRatioAvg()
      Returns the time the average worker spent CPU-bound, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    • getComputeRatioMax

      public double getComputeRatioMax()
      Returns the time the slowest worker spent CPU-bound, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    • getEndMs

      public long getEndMs()
      Returns the stage end time represented as milliseconds since epoch.
    • getGeneratedId

      public long getGeneratedId()
      Returns a unique, server-generated ID for the stage within its plan.
    • getInputStages

      public List<Long> getInputStages()
      Returns a list of the stage IDs that are inputs to this stage.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns a human-readable name for the stage.
    • getParallelInputs

      public long getParallelInputs()
      Returns the number of parallel input segments to be processed.
    • getReadMsAvg

      public long getReadMsAvg()
      Returns the time in milliseconds the average worker spent reading input.
    • getReadMsMax

      public long getReadMsMax()
      Returns the time in milliseconds the slowest worker spent reading input.
    • getReadRatioAvg

      public double getReadRatioAvg()
      Returns the time the average worker spent reading input data, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    • getReadRatioMax

      public double getReadRatioMax()
      Returns the time the slowest worker spent reading input data, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    • getRecordsRead

      public long getRecordsRead()
      Returns the number of rows (top-level records) read by the stage.
    • getRecordsWritten

      public long getRecordsWritten()
      Returns the number of rows (top-level records) written by the stage.
    • getShuffleOutputBytes

      public long getShuffleOutputBytes()
      Returns the total number of bytes written to shuffle.
    • getShuffleOutputBytesSpilled

      public long getShuffleOutputBytesSpilled()
      Returns the total number of bytes writtedn to shuffle and spilled to disk.
    • getStartMs

      public long getStartMs()
      Returns the stage start time represented as milliseconds since epoch.
    • getStatus

      public String getStatus()
      Returns the current status for the stage.
    • getSteps

      public List<QueryStage.QueryStep> getSteps()
      Returns the list of steps within the stage in dependency order (approximately chronological).
    • getWaitMsAvg

      public long getWaitMsAvg()
      Returns the time in milliseconds the average worker spent waiting to be scheduled.
    • getWaitMsMax

      public long getWaitMsMax()
      Returns the time in milliseconds the slowest worker spent waiting to be scheduled.
    • getWaitRatioAvg

      public double getWaitRatioAvg()
      Returns the time the average worker spent waiting to be scheduled, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    • getWaitRatioMax

      public double getWaitRatioMax()
      Returns the time the slowest worker spent waiting to be scheduled, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    • getWriteMsAvg

      public long getWriteMsAvg()
      Returns the time in milliseconds the average worker spent writing output.
    • getWriteMsMax

      public long getWriteMsMax()
      Returns the time in milliseconds the slowest worker spent writing output.
    • getWriteRatioAvg

      public double getWriteRatioAvg()
      Returns the time the average worker spent writing output data, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    • getWriteRatioMax

      public double getWriteRatioMax()
      Returns the time the slowest worker spent writing output data, divided by the longest time spent by any worker in any segment.
    • getSlotMs

      public long getSlotMs()
      Returns the slot-milliseconds used by the stage.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object