Class CivilTimeEncoder


public final class CivilTimeEncoder extends Object
Ported from ZetaSQL CivilTimeEncoder Original code can be found at: Encoder for TIME and DATETIME values, according to civil_time encoding.

The valid range and number of bits required by each date/time field is as the following:

Range and bits for date/time fields
Field Range #Bits
Year [1, 9999] 14
Month [1, 12] 4
Day [1, 31] 5
Hour [0, 23] 5
Minute [0, 59] 6
Second [0, 59]* 6
Micros [0, 999999] 20
Nanos [0, 999999999] 30

* Leap second is not supported.

When encoding the TIME or DATETIME into a bit field, larger date/time field is on the more significant side.

  • Method Details

    • encodePacked64TimeMicros

      public static long encodePacked64TimeMicros(org.threeten.bp.LocalTime time)
      Encodes time as a 8-byte integer with microseconds precision.

      Encoding is as the following:

              6         5         4         3         2         1
       MSB 3210987654321098765432109876543210987654321098765432109876543210 LSB
                                      | H ||  M ||  S ||-------micros-----|
      See Also:
    • decodePacked64TimeMicros

      public static org.threeten.bp.LocalTime decodePacked64TimeMicros(long bitFieldTimeMicros)
      Decodes bitFieldTimeMicros as a LocalTime with microseconds precision.

      Encoding is as the following:

              6         5         4         3         2         1
       MSB 3210987654321098765432109876543210987654321098765432109876543210 LSB
                                      | H ||  M ||  S ||-------micros-----|
      See Also:
    • encodePacked64DatetimeMicros

      public static long encodePacked64DatetimeMicros(org.threeten.bp.LocalDateTime dateTime)
      Encodes dateTime as a 8-byte integer with microseconds precision.

      Encoding is as the following:

              6         5         4         3         2         1
       MSB 3210987654321098765432109876543210987654321098765432109876543210 LSB
               |--- year ---||m || D || H ||  M ||  S ||-------micros-----|
      See Also:
    • decodePacked64DatetimeMicros

      public static org.threeten.bp.LocalDateTime decodePacked64DatetimeMicros(long bitFieldDatetimeMicros)
      Decodes bitFieldDatetimeMicros as a LocalDateTime with microseconds precision.

      Encoding is as the following:

              6         5         4         3         2         1
       MSB 3210987654321098765432109876543210987654321098765432109876543210 LSB
               |--- year ---||m || D || H ||  M ||  S ||-------micros-----|
      See Also: