All Classes and Interfaces

Exception thrown by a Connection when a database operation detects that a transaction has aborted and an internal retry failed because of a concurrent modification.
Exception thrown by Cloud Spanner when an operation detects that a transaction has aborted.
Generic AbstractLazyInitializer for any heavy-weight object that might throw an exception during initialization.
Internal class for the Spanner Connection API.
Parameter information with positional parameters translated to named parameters.
A statement that has been parsed
The type of statement that has been recognized by the parser.
Base class for assisting StructReader implementations.
Exception thrown by Cloud Spanner the number of administrative requests per minute has been exceeded.
Interface for result sets returned by async query methods.
Response code from tryNext().
Interface for receiving asynchronous callbacks when new data is ready.
Functional interface for executing a read/write transaction asynchronously that returns a result of type R.
An interface for managing the life cycle of a read write transaction including all its retries.
Each step in a transaction chain is defined by an AsyncTransactionManager.AsyncTransactionFunction.
ApiFuture that returns the commit Timestamp of a Cloud Spanner transaction that is executed using an AsyncTransactionManager.
ApiFuture that returns a TransactionContext and that supports chaining of multiple AsyncTransactionManager.TransactionContextFutures to form a transaction.
Enum used to define the behavior of DML statements in autocommit mode
Represents a Cloud Spanner database backup.
Marker interface for encryption configurations that can be applied on backups.
Represents an id of a Cloud Spanner backup resource.
Represents a Cloud Spanner database backup.
State of the backup.
Interface for the Batch Client that is used to read data from a Cloud Spanner database.
Default implementation for Batch Client interface.
BatchReadOnlyTransaction can be configured to read at timestamps in the past and allows for exporting arbitrarily large amounts of data from Cloud Spanner databases.
BatchTransactionId is unique identifier for BatchReadOnlyTransaction.
Represents a response from a commit operation.
Commit statistics are returned by a read/write transaction if specifically requested by passing in Options.commitStats() to the transaction.
Internal connection API for Google Cloud Spanner.
This query option is used internally to indicate that a query is executed by the library itself to fetch metadata.
Internal connection API for Google Cloud Spanner.
Builder for ConnectionOptions instances.
Supported connection properties that can be included in the connection URI.
ConnectionOptions.ExternalChannelProvider can be used for to specify an external channel provider.
The data is encrypted with a key provided by the customer.
Represents a Cloud Spanner database.
Service Description: Cloud Spanner Database Admin API
Client to do admin operations on a Cloud Spanner Database.
Settings class to configure an instance of DatabaseAdminClient.
Builder for DatabaseAdminSettings.
Base stub class for the DatabaseAdmin service API.
Settings class to configure an instance of DatabaseAdminStub.
Builder for DatabaseAdminStubSettings.
Interface for all the APIs that are used to read/write data into a Cloud Spanner database.
Represents an id of a Cloud Spanner database resource.
Represents a Cloud Spanner database.
Represent an updatable field in a Cloud Spanner database.
State of the database.
Exception thrown by Cloud Spanner when an operation detects that the database that is being used no longer exists.
A Cloud Spanner database role.
Utility class for checking emulator state for tests
Maps encryption config domain classes to their protobuf counterpart.
Encryption configuration factory.
Represents the encryption information for a Cloud Spanner backup.
Enumerates the major types of error that the Cloud Spanner service can produce.
Forwarding implementation of AsyncResultSet that forwards all calls to a delegate.
Forwarding implementation of ResultSet that forwards all calls to a delegate.
Forwarding implements of StructReader
Implementation of Cloud Spanner remote calls using Gapic libraries.
The data is encrypted with a key that is fully managed by Google.
gRPC callable factory implementation for the DatabaseAdmin service API.
gRPC stub implementation for the DatabaseAdmin service API.
gRPC callable factory implementation for the InstanceAdmin service API.
gRPC stub implementation for the InstanceAdmin service API.
gRPC callable factory implementation for the Spanner service API.
gRPC stub implementation for the Spanner service API.
REST callable factory implementation for the DatabaseAdmin service API.
REST stub implementation for the DatabaseAdmin service API.
REST callable factory implementation for the InstanceAdmin service API.
REST stub implementation for the InstanceAdmin service API.
REST callable factory implementation for the Spanner service API.
REST stub implementation for the Spanner service API.
Represents a Cloud Spanner Instance.
Builder of Instance.
Service Description: Cloud Spanner Instance Admin API
Client to do admin operations on Cloud Spanner Instance and Instance Configs.
Settings class to configure an instance of InstanceAdminClient.
Builder for InstanceAdminSettings.
Base stub class for the InstanceAdmin service API.
Settings class to configure an instance of InstanceAdminStub.
Builder for InstanceAdminStubSettings.
Represents a Cloud Spanner instance config.InstanceConfig adds a layer of service related functionality over InstanceConfigInfo.
Builder of InstanceConfig.
Returns id of a Cloud Spanner instance config.
Represents a Cloud Spanner instance config resource.
Builder for InstanceConfigInfo.
Represent an updatable field in Cloud Spanner InstanceConfig.
Type of the Instance config.
Type of the Instance config.
Represents the resource name of a Cloud Spanner Instance.
Represents a Cloud Spanner Instance.
Builder for InstanceInfo.
Represent an updatable field in Cloud Spanner instance.
State of the Instance.
Exception thrown by Cloud Spanner when an operation detects that the instance that is being used no longer exists.
Represents a row key in a Cloud Spanner table or index.
Builder for Key instances.
Represents a range of rows in a table or index.
Builder for KeyRange instances.
Defines whether a range includes or excludes its endpoint keys.
Defines a collection of Cloud Spanner keys and/or key ranges.
Builder for KeySet instances.
Default implementation of AbstractLazyInitializer for a Spanner instance.
Represents an individual table modification to be applied to Cloud Spanner.
Enumerates the types of mutation that can be applied.
Represents a group of Cloud Spanner mutations to be committed together.
Represents a long-running operation.
Specifies options for various spanner operations
Marker interface to mark options applicable to operations in admin API.
Marker interface to mark options applicable to Create operations in admin API.
Marker interface to mark options applicable to Create, Update and Delete operations in admin API.
Marker interface to mark options applicable to Delete operations in admin API.
Marker interface to mark options applicable to list operations in admin API.
Marker interface to mark options applicable to query operation.
Marker interface to mark options applicable to both Read and Query operations
Marker interface to mark options applicable to read operation
Marker interface to mark options applicable to Read, Query, Update and Write operations
Priority for an RPC invocation.
Marker interface to mark options applicable to write operations
Marker interface to mark options applicable to Update operations in admin API.
Marker interface to mark options applicable to update operation.
Defines the segments of data to be read in a batch read/query context.
Result set that is returned for partitioned queries.
Contains a reference to a BatchTransactionId and a Partition.
Builder for PartitionOptions instance.
A concurrency context in which to run a read or SQL statement.
Used to specify the mode in which the query should be analyzed by ReadContext.analyzeQuery(Statement,QueryAnalyzeMode).
Util class for parsing and converting ReadOnlyStaleness values to/from strings.
A transaction type that provides guaranteed consistency across several reads, but does not allow writes.
Utility that provides access to a Cloud Spanner instance to use for tests, and allows uniquely named test databases to be created within that instance.
Represents a Cloud Spanner replica information.
Indicates the type of the replica.
Represents a restore operation of a Cloud Spanner backup.
Marker interface for encryption configurations that can be applied on restores.
Represents the restore information of a Cloud Spanner database.
Source of the restore information.
Provides access to the data returned by a Cloud Spanner read or query.
Utility methods for working with ResultSet.
Option value used for determining the behavior of savepoints.
A Session can be used to perform transactions that read and/or modify data in a Cloud Spanner database.
Exception thrown by Cloud Spanner when an operation detects that the session that is being used is no longer valid.
Options for the session pool used by DatabaseClient.
Builder for creating SessionPoolOptions.
An interface for Cloud Spanner.
Service Description: Cloud Spanner API
Adds error details to statuses returned by the Cloud Spanner API.
Base exception type for all exceptions produced by the Cloud Spanner service.
Base exception type for NOT_FOUND exceptions for known resource types.
A factory for creating instances of SpannerException and its subtypes.
Factory to create instance of Spanner.
For internal use only.
Options for the Cloud Spanner service.
Builder for SpannerOptions instances.
SpannerOptions.CallContextConfigurator can be used to modify the ApiCallContext for one or more specific RPCs.
Interface that can be used to provide CallCredentials to SpannerOptions.
ExecutorProvider that is used for AsyncResultSet.
Implementation of SpannerOptions.CloseableExecutorProvider that uses a fixed single ScheduledExecutorService.
Helper class to configure timeouts for specific Spanner RPCs.
The environment to read configuration values from.
Pool for keeping track of Spanner instances needed for connections.
Abstracts remote calls to the Cloud Spanner service.
Options passed in SpannerRpc methods to control how an RPC is issued.
Represents results from paginated RPCs, i.e., those where up to a maximum number of items is returned from each call and a followup call must be made to fetch more.
Consumer for the results produced by a streaming read or query call.
Handle for cancellation of a streaming read or query call.
Factory to create instances of SpannerRpc.
Settings class to configure an instance of SpannerClient.
Builder for SpannerSettings.
Base stub class for the Spanner service API.
Settings class to configure an instance of SpannerStub.
Builder for SpannerStubSettings.
A SQL statement and optional bound parameters that can be executed in a ReadContext.
Builder for Statement.
A result of the execution of a statement.
The type of client side statement that was executed.
Enum indicating the type of result that was returned by Connection.execute(
Represents a non-NULL value of Type.Code.STRUCT.
Builder for constructing non-NULL Struct instances.
A base interface for reading the fields of a STRUCT.
Defines how Cloud Spanner will choose a timestamp for a read-only transaction or a single read/query.
The type of timestamp bound.
Context for a single attempt of a locking read-write transaction.
An interface for managing the life cycle of a read write transaction including all its retries.
State of the transaction manager.
Enum used to define the transaction type of a Connection
Cloud Spanner can abort any read/write transaction because of potential deadlocks or other internal reasons.
The result of a retry.
An interface for executing a body of work in the context of a read-write transaction, with retries for transaction aborts.
A unit of work to be performed in the context of a transaction.
Describes a type in the Cloud Spanner type system.
Enumerates the categories of types.
Describes an individual field in a STRUCT type.
The data is encrypted with the same configuration as specified by the backup being restored.
The data is encrypted with the same configuration as specified by the source database for a backup.
Represents a value to be consumed by the Cloud Spanner API.
An interface for binding a Value in some context.