Interface ProtobufResultSet

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, ResultSet, StructReader
All Known Implementing Classes:
ForwardingAsyncResultSet, ForwardingResultSet

@InternalApi public interface ProtobufResultSet extends ResultSet
Interface for ResultSets that can return a protobuf value.
  • Method Details

    • canGetProtobufValue

      boolean canGetProtobufValue(int columnIndex)
      Returns true if the protobuf value for the given column is still available.
    • getProtobufValue

      @InternalApi getProtobufValue(int columnIndex)
      Returns the column value as a protobuf value.

      This is an internal method not intended for external usage.

      This method may only be called before the column value has been decoded to a plain Java object. This means that the DecodeMode that is used for the ResultSet must be one of DecodeMode.LAZY_PER_ROW and DecodeMode.LAZY_PER_COL, and that the corresponding StructReader.getValue(int), StructReader.getBoolean(int), ... method may not yet have been called for the column.