ExclusionStrategy |
A strategy (or policy) definition that is used to decide whether or not a field or top-level
class should be serialized or deserialized as part of the JSON output/input.
FieldAttributes |
A data object that stores attributes of a field.
FieldNamingPolicy |
An enumeration that defines a few standard naming conventions for JSON field names.
FieldNamingStrategy |
A mechanism for providing custom field naming in Gson.
Gson |
This is the main class for using Gson.
GsonBuilder |
Use this builder to construct a Gson instance when you need to set configuration
options other than the default.
JsonArray |
A class representing an array type in Json.
JsonDeserializationContext |
JsonElement |
A class representing an element of Json.
JsonIOException |
This exception is raised when Gson was unable to read an input stream
or write to one.
JsonNull |
A class representing a Json null value.
JsonObject |
A class representing an object type in Json.
JsonParseException |
This exception is raised if there is a serious issue that occurs during parsing of a Json
JsonPrimitive |
A class representing a Json primitive value.
JsonSerializationContext |
JsonSyntaxException |
This exception is raised when Gson attempts to read (or write) a malformed
JSON element.
LongSerializationPolicy |
Defines the expected format for a long or Long type when it is serialized.
ToNumberPolicy |
An enumeration that defines two standard number reading strategies and a couple of
strategies to overcome some historical Gson limitations while deserializing numbers as
Object and Number .
ToNumberStrategy |
A strategy that is used to control how numbers should be deserialized for Object and Number
when a concrete type of the deserialized number is unknown in advance.
TypeAdapter |
Converts Java objects to and from JSON.
TypeAdapterFactory |
Creates type adapters for set of related types.