Class ASTHelpers

  • public class ASTHelpers
    extends Object
    This class contains utility methods to work with the javac AST.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static Set<> annotationsAmong​( sym, Set<? extends> annotationClasses, VisitorState state)
      Determines which of a set of annotations are present on a symbol.
      static EnumSet<> asFlagSet​(long flags)  
      static boolean canBeRemoved​( symbol)
      static boolean canBeRemoved​( symbol)
      static boolean canBeRemoved​( symbol, VisitorState state)
      Returns whether this symbol is safe to remove.
      static Object constValue​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
      Returns the compile-time constant value of a tree if it has one, or null.
      static <T> T constValue​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree, Class<? extends T> clazz)
      Returns the compile-time constant value of a tree if it is of type clazz, or null.
      static boolean containsComments​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree, VisitorState state)
      Returns whether the given tree contains any comments in its source.
      static String createPrivateConstructor​(com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree classTree)
      Returns a no arg private constructor for the ClassTree.
      static enclosingClass​( sym)
      Return the enclosing ClassSymbol of the given symbol, or null.
      static Stream<> enclosingElements​( sym)
      Returns a stream of the owner hierarchy starting from sym, as described by Symbol.owner.
      static enclosingPackage​( sym)
      Return the enclosing PackageSymbol of the given symbol, or null.
      static LinkedHashSet<String> enumValues​( enumType)  
      static com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree findClass​( symbol, VisitorState state)
      Returns the class tree that matches the given symbol within the compilation unit, or null if none was found.
      static com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree findEnclosingMethod​(VisitorState state)
      Finds the enclosing MethodTree.
      static <T> T findEnclosingNode​(com.sun.source.util.TreePath path, Class<T> klass)
      Given a TreePath, walks up the tree until it finds a node of the given type.
      static<> findMatchingMethods​( name, Predicate<> predicate, startClass, types)
      Finds all methods in any superclass of startClass with a certain name that match the given predicate.
      static com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree findMethod​( symbol, VisitorState state)
      Returns the method tree that matches the given symbol within the compilation unit, or null if none was found.
      static <T> com.sun.source.util.TreePath findPathFromEnclosingNodeToTopLevel​(com.sun.source.util.TreePath path, Class<T> klass)
      Given a TreePath, finds the first enclosing node of the given type and returns the path from the enclosing node to the top-level CompilationUnitTree.
      static Optional<> findSuperMethod​( methodSymbol, types)
      Finds (if it exists) first (in the class hierarchy) non-interface super method of given method.
      static findSuperMethodInType​( methodSymbol, superType, types)  
      static Set<> findSuperMethods​( methodSymbol, types)
      Finds supermethods of methodSymbol, not including methodSymbol itself, and including interfaces.
      static <T extends Annotation>
      getAnnotation​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree, Class<T> annotationClass)
      If annotationClass contains a member that is a Class or an array of them, attempting to access that member from the Error Prone checker code will result in a runtime exception.
      static <T extends Annotation>
      getAnnotation​( sym, Class<T> annotationClass)
      If annotationClass contains a member that is a Class or an array of them, attempting to access that member from the Error Prone checker code will result in a runtime exception.
      static AnnotationMirror getAnnotationMirror​(com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree annotationTree)
      Return a mirror of this annotation.
      static String getAnnotationName​(com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree tree)  
      static List<? extends com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree> getAnnotations​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
      Returns the annotations of the given tree, or an empty list.
      static List<com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree> getAnnotationsWithSimpleName​(List<? extends com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree> annotations, String name)
      Returns a list of AnnotationTree with the given simple name.
      static getAnnotationType​(com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree anno, target, VisitorState state)
      Returns whether anno corresponds to a type annotation, or null if it could not be determined.
      static com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree getAnnotationWithSimpleName​(List<? extends com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree> annotations, String name)
      Returns an AnnotationTree with the given simple name, or null.
      static List<com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree> getConstructors​(com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree classTree)
      Returns the list of all constructors defined in the class (including generated ones).
      static<> getConstructors​( classSymbol)
      Returns the list of all constructors defined in the class.
      static Stream<> getDeclarationAndTypeAttributes​( sym)
      Returns declaration annotations of the given symbol, as well as 'top-level' type annotations, including : Type annotations of the return type of a method.
      static getDeclaredSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
      Gets the symbol declared by a tree.
      static com.sun.source.tree.Tree getErasedTypeTree​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
      Returns the erasure of the given type tree, i.e.
      static String getFileName​(com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree tree)
      Extract the filename from a CompilationUnitTree, with special handling for jar files.
      static String getFileNameFromUri​(URI uri)
      Extract the filename from the URI, with special handling for jar files.
      static<String> getGeneratedBy​(VisitorState state)
      Returns the value of the @Generated annotation on enclosing classes, if present.
      static<String> getGeneratedBy​( symbol, VisitorState state)
      Returns the values of the given symbol's Generated annotations, if present.
      static com.sun.source.tree.ModifiersTree getModifiers​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
      Returns the modifiers tree of the given class, method, or variable declaration.
      static Nullness getNullnessValue​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expr, VisitorState state, NullnessAnalysis nullnessAnalysis)
      Returns the Nullness for an expression as determined by the nullness dataflow analysis.
      static com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree getReceiver​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expressionTree)
      Returns the receiver of an expression.
      static getReceiverType​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expressionTree)
      Returns the type of a receiver of a method call expression.
      static getResultType​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expressionTree)
      Returns the type that this expression tree will evaluate to.
      static getReturnType​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expressionTree)
      Gives the return type of an ExpressionTree that represents a method select.
      static com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree getRootAssignable​(com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree methodInvocationTree)
      Find the root assignable expression of a chain of field accesses.
      static int getStartPosition​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
      Returns the start position of the node.
      static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree tree)
      Gets the symbol for a class.
      static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.MemberReferenceTree tree)
      Gets the symbol for a member reference.
      static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree tree)
      Gets the symbol for a method invocation.
      static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree tree)
      Gets the symbol for a method.
      static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.NewClassTree tree)
      Gets the method symbol for a new class.
      static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.PackageTree tree)
      Gets the symbol for a package.
      static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
      Gets the symbol for a tree.
      static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree tree)
      Gets the symbol for a variable.
      static<> getThrownExceptions​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree, VisitorState state)
      Returns the exceptions thrown by tree.
      static getType​(com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree tree)
      Returns the ClassType for the given type ClassTree or null if the type could not be determined.
      static getType​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
      Returns the Type of the given tree, or null if the type could not be determined.
      static<,​> getTypeSubstitution​( type, sym)
      Returns the mapping between type variables and their instantiations in the given type.
      static getUpperBound​( type, types)
      Returns the upper bound of a type if it has one, or the type itself if not.
      static boolean hasAnnotation​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass, VisitorState state)
      Check for the presence of an annotation, considering annotation inheritance.
      static boolean hasAnnotation​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree, String annotationClass, VisitorState state)
      Check for the presence of an annotation, considering annotation inheritance.
      static boolean hasAnnotation​( sym, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass, VisitorState state)
      Check for the presence of an annotation, considering annotation inheritance.
      static boolean hasAnnotation​( sym, String annotationClass, VisitorState state)
      Determines whether a symbol has an annotation of the given type.
      static boolean hasDirectAnnotationWithSimpleName​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree, String simpleName)
      Check for the presence of an annotation with a specific simple name directly on this symbol.
      static boolean hasDirectAnnotationWithSimpleName​( sym, String simpleName)
      Check for the presence of an annotation with a specific simple name directly on this symbol.
      static boolean hasNoExplicitType​(com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree tree, VisitorState state)
      Returns true if this is a `var` or a lambda parameter that has no explicit type.
      static boolean inSamePackage​( targetSymbol, VisitorState state)
      Return true if the given symbol is defined in the current package.
      static boolean isAbstract​( method)
      Returns true if the given method symbol is abstract.
      static boolean isBugCheckerCode​(VisitorState state)
      Returns true if the code is in a BugChecker class.
      static boolean isCastable​( s, t, VisitorState state)
      Returns true if erasure(s) is castable to erasure(t).
      static boolean isCheckedExceptionType​( t, VisitorState state)
      Returns true if t is a subtype of Throwable but not a subtype of RuntimeException or Error.
      static boolean isConsideredFinal​( symbol)
      Returns whether symbol is final or effectively final.
      static boolean isGeneratedConstructor​(com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree tree)
      Returns true if the given tree is a generated constructor.
      static boolean isJUnitTestCode​(VisitorState state)
      Returns true if the leaf node in the TreePath from state sits somewhere underneath a class or method that is marked as JUnit 3 or 4 test code.
      static boolean isLocal​( symbol)
      Returns true if the symbol is directly or indirectly local to a method or variable initializer; see Symbol#isLocal or Symbol#isDirectlyOrIndirectlyLocal.
      static boolean isSameType​( s, t, VisitorState state)
      Returns true if erasure(s) == erasure(t).
      static boolean isStatic​( symbol)
      Returns true if the symbol is static.
      static boolean isSubtype​( s, t, VisitorState state)
      Returns true if erasure(s) <: erasure(t).
      static boolean isSuper​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)  
      static boolean isTestNgTestCode​(VisitorState state)
      Returns true if the leaf node in the TreePath from state sits somewhere underneath a class or method that is marked as TestNG test code.
      static boolean isUsedReflectively​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
      static boolean isVoidType​( type, VisitorState state)
      Return true if the given type is 'void' or 'Void'.
      static List<com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree> matchBinaryTree​(com.sun.source.tree.BinaryTree tree, List<Matcher<com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree>> matchers, VisitorState state)
      Given a BinaryTree to match against and a list of two matchers, applies the matchers to the operands in both orders.
      static Stream<> matchingMethods​( name, Predicate<> predicate, startClass, types)
      Finds all methods in any superclass of startClass with a certain name that match the given predicate.
      static boolean methodCanBeOverridden​( methodSymbol)
      Determines whether a method can be overridden.
      static outermostClass​( symbol)
      Returns the outermost enclosing owning class, or null.
      static boolean requiresParentheses​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expression, VisitorState state)
      Checks whether an expression requires parentheses.
      static resolveExistingMethod​(VisitorState state, base, name, Iterable<> argTypes, Iterable<> tyargTypes)
      Given a Type (base), find the method named name, with the appropriate argTypes and tyargTypes and return its MethodSymbol.
      static boolean sameVariable​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expr1, com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expr2)
      Determines whether two expressions refer to the same variable.
      static ErrorProneScope scope​( scope)
      Returns a compatibility adapter around Scope.
      static boolean shouldKeep​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
      Returns true if any of the given tree is a declaration annotated with an annotation with the simple name @UsedReflectively or @Keep, or any annotations meta-annotated with an annotation with that simple name.
      static Stream<com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree> streamReceivers​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree tree)
      Returns a Stream of ExpressionTrees resulting from calling getReceiver(ExpressionTree) repeatedly until no receiver exists.
      static Stream<> streamSuperMethods​( methodSymbol, types)
      static boolean stringContainsComments​(CharSequence source, context)
      Returns true if the given source code contains comments.
      static com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree stripParentheses​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree tree)
      Given an ExpressionTree, removes any enclosing parentheses.
      static com.sun.source.tree.Tree stripParentheses​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
      Removes any enclosing parentheses from the tree.
      static ASTHelpers.TargetType targetType​(VisitorState state)
      Returns the target type of the tree at the given VisitorState's path, or else null.
    • Method Detail

      • sameVariable

        public static boolean sameVariable​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expr1,
                                           com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expr2)
        Determines whether two expressions refer to the same variable. Note that returning false doesn't necessarily mean the expressions do *not* refer to the same field. We don't attempt to do any complex analysis here, just catch the obvious cases.
      • getDeclaredSymbol

        public static getDeclaredSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
        Gets the symbol declared by a tree. Returns null if tree does not declare a symbol or is null.
      • getSymbol

        public static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
        Gets the symbol for a tree. Returns null if this tree does not have a symbol because it is of the wrong type, if tree is null, or if the symbol cannot be found due to a compilation error.
      • getSymbol

        public static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree tree)
        Gets the symbol for a class.
      • getSymbol

        public static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.PackageTree tree)
        Gets the symbol for a package.
      • getSymbol

        public static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree tree)
        Gets the symbol for a method.
      • getSymbol

        public static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.NewClassTree tree)
        Gets the method symbol for a new class.
      • getSymbol

        public static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree tree)
        Gets the symbol for a variable.
      • getSymbol

        public static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree tree)
        Gets the symbol for a method invocation.
      • getSymbol

        public static getSymbol​(com.sun.source.tree.MemberReferenceTree tree)
        Gets the symbol for a member reference.
      • canBeRemoved

        public static boolean canBeRemoved​( symbol,
                                           VisitorState state)
        Returns whether this symbol is safe to remove. That is, if it cannot be accessed from outside its own compilation unit.

        For variables this just means that one of the enclosing elements is private; for methods, it also means that this symbol is not an override.

      • requiresParentheses

        public static boolean requiresParentheses​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expression,
                                                  VisitorState state)
        Checks whether an expression requires parentheses.
      • stripParentheses

        public static com.sun.source.tree.Tree stripParentheses​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
        Removes any enclosing parentheses from the tree.
      • stripParentheses

        public static com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree stripParentheses​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree tree)
        Given an ExpressionTree, removes any enclosing parentheses.
      • findPathFromEnclosingNodeToTopLevel

        public static <T> com.sun.source.util.TreePath findPathFromEnclosingNodeToTopLevel​(com.sun.source.util.TreePath path,
                                                                                           Class<T> klass)
        Given a TreePath, finds the first enclosing node of the given type and returns the path from the enclosing node to the top-level CompilationUnitTree.
      • enclosingElements

        public static Stream<> enclosingElements​( sym)
        Returns a stream of the owner hierarchy starting from sym, as described by Symbol.owner. Returns sym itself first, followed by its owners, closest first, up to the owning package and possibly module.
      • findEnclosingNode

        public static <T> T findEnclosingNode​(com.sun.source.util.TreePath path,
                                              Class<T> klass)
        Given a TreePath, walks up the tree until it finds a node of the given type. Returns null if no such node is found.
      • findEnclosingMethod

        public static com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree findEnclosingMethod​(VisitorState state)
        Finds the enclosing MethodTree. Returns null if no such node found.
      • getRootAssignable

        public static com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree getRootAssignable​(com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree methodInvocationTree)
        Find the root assignable expression of a chain of field accesses. If there is no root (i.e, a bare method call or a static method call), return null.


         a.trim().intern() ==> a
         a.b.trim().intern() ==> a.b ==> this.intValue ==> this
         intern() ==> null
         String.format() ==> null
         java.lang.String.format() ==> null
      • getReturnType

        public static getReturnType​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expressionTree)
        Gives the return type of an ExpressionTree that represents a method select.

        TODO(eaftan): Are there other places this could be used?

      • getResultType

        public static getResultType​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expressionTree)
        Returns the type that this expression tree will evaluate to. If it's a literal, an identifier, or a member select this is the actual type, if it's a method invocation then it's the return type of the method (after instantiating generic types), if it's a constructor then it's the type of the returned class.

        TODO(andrewrice) consider replacing getReturnType with this method

        expressionTree - the tree to evaluate
        the result type of this tree or null if unable to resolve it
      • getReceiverType

        public static getReceiverType​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expressionTree)
        Returns the type of a receiver of a method call expression. Precondition: the expressionTree corresponds to a method call.


         ==> type of a.b ==> type of ==> type of this
         foo() ==> type of this
         TheClass.aStaticMethod() ==> TheClass
         aStaticMethod() ==> type of class in which method is defined
      • getReceiver

        public static com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree getReceiver​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expressionTree)
        Returns the receiver of an expression.


         ==> a ==> a.b ==>
         a.b.c ==> a.b
         a.b().c ==> a.b() ==> this
         foo() ==> null
         TheClass.aStaticMethod() ==> TheClass
         aStaticMethod() ==> null
         aStaticallyImportedMethod() ==> null
      • streamReceivers

        public static Stream<com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree> streamReceivers​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree tree)
        Returns a Stream of ExpressionTrees resulting from calling getReceiver(ExpressionTree) repeatedly until no receiver exists.

        For example, give foo().bar().baz(), returns a stream of [foo().bar(), foo()].

        This can be more convenient than manually traversing up a tree, as it handles the termination condition automatically. Typical uses cases would include traversing fluent call chains.

      • matchBinaryTree

        public static List<com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree> matchBinaryTree​(com.sun.source.tree.BinaryTree tree,
                                                                               List<Matcher<com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree>> matchers,
                                                                               VisitorState state)
        Given a BinaryTree to match against and a list of two matchers, applies the matchers to the operands in both orders. If both matchers match, returns a list with the operand that matched each matcher in the corresponding position.
        tree - a BinaryTree AST node
        matchers - a list of matchers
        state - the VisitorState
        a list of matched operands, or null if at least one did not match
      • findMethod

        public static com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree findMethod​( symbol,
                                                                VisitorState state)
        Returns the method tree that matches the given symbol within the compilation unit, or null if none was found.
      • findClass

        public static com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree findClass​( symbol,
                                                              VisitorState state)
        Returns the class tree that matches the given symbol within the compilation unit, or null if none was found.
      • findSuperMethodInType

        public static findSuperMethodInType​( methodSymbol,
      • findSuperMethods

        public static Set<> findSuperMethods​( methodSymbol,
        Finds supermethods of methodSymbol, not including methodSymbol itself, and including interfaces.
      • streamSuperMethods

        public static Stream<> streamSuperMethods​( methodSymbol,
      • findSuperMethod

        public static Optional<> findSuperMethod​( methodSymbol,
        Finds (if it exists) first (in the class hierarchy) non-interface super method of given method.
      • matchingMethods

        public static Stream<> matchingMethods​( name,
                                                                                           Predicate<> predicate,
        Finds all methods in any superclass of startClass with a certain name that match the given predicate.
        The (possibly empty) list of methods in any superclass that match predicate and have the given name. Results are returned least-abstract first, i.e., starting in the startClass itself, progressing through its superclasses, and finally interfaces in an unspecified order.
      • findMatchingMethods

        public static<> findMatchingMethods​( name,
                                                                                                                               Predicate<> predicate,
        Finds all methods in any superclass of startClass with a certain name that match the given predicate.
        The (possibly empty) set of methods in any superclass that match predicate and have the given name. The set's iteration order will be the same as the order documented in matchingMethods(Name, java.util.function.Predicate, Type, Types).
      • methodCanBeOverridden

        public static boolean methodCanBeOverridden​( methodSymbol)
        Determines whether a method can be overridden.
        true if the method can be overridden.
      • hasAnnotation

        public static boolean hasAnnotation​( sym,
                                            String annotationClass,
                                            VisitorState state)
        Determines whether a symbol has an annotation of the given type. This includes annotations inherited from superclasses due to @Inherited.
        annotationClass - the binary class name of the annotation (e.g. "javax.annotation.Nullable", or "some.package.OuterClassName$InnerClassName")
        true if the symbol is annotated with given type.
      • hasAnnotation

        public static boolean hasAnnotation​( sym,
                                            Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass,
                                            VisitorState state)
        Check for the presence of an annotation, considering annotation inheritance.
        true if the symbol is annotated with given type.
      • hasAnnotation

        public static boolean hasAnnotation​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree,
                                            String annotationClass,
                                            VisitorState state)
        Check for the presence of an annotation, considering annotation inheritance.
        annotationClass - the binary class name of the annotation (e.g. "javax.annotation.Nullable", or "some.package.OuterClassName$InnerClassName")
        true if the tree is annotated with given type.
      • hasAnnotation

        public static boolean hasAnnotation​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree,
                                            Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass,
                                            VisitorState state)
        Check for the presence of an annotation, considering annotation inheritance.
        true if the tree is annotated with given type.
      • annotationsAmong

        public static Set<> annotationsAmong​( sym,
                                                                          Set<? extends> annotationClasses,
                                                                          VisitorState state)
        Determines which of a set of annotations are present on a symbol.
        sym - The symbol to inspect for annotations
        annotationClasses - The annotations of interest to look for, Each name must be in binary form, e.g. "$Bar", not "".
        A possibly-empty set of annotations present on the queried element.
      • hasDirectAnnotationWithSimpleName

        public static boolean hasDirectAnnotationWithSimpleName​( sym,
                                                                String simpleName)
        Check for the presence of an annotation with a specific simple name directly on this symbol. Does *not* consider annotation inheritance.
        sym - the symbol to check for the presence of the annotation
        simpleName - the simple name of the annotation to look for, e.g. "Nullable" or "CheckReturnValue"
      • hasDirectAnnotationWithSimpleName

        public static boolean hasDirectAnnotationWithSimpleName​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree,
                                                                String simpleName)
        Check for the presence of an annotation with a specific simple name directly on this symbol. Does *not* consider annotation inheritance.
        tree - the tree to check for the presence of the annotation
        simpleName - the simple name of the annotation to look for, e.g. "Nullable" or "CheckReturnValue"
      • shouldKeep

        public static boolean shouldKeep​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
        Returns true if any of the given tree is a declaration annotated with an annotation with the simple name @UsedReflectively or @Keep, or any annotations meta-annotated with an annotation with that simple name.

        This indicates the annotated element is used (e.g. by reflection, or referenced by generated code) and should not be removed.

      • getAnnotation

        public static <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree,
                                                             Class<T> annotationClass)
        If annotationClass contains a member that is a Class or an array of them, attempting to access that member from the Error Prone checker code will result in a runtime exception. Instead, operate on sym.getAnnotationMirrors() to meta-syntactically inspect the annotation.
        Retrieves an annotation, considering annotation inheritance.
      • getAnnotation

        public static <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation​( sym,
                                                             Class<T> annotationClass)
        If annotationClass contains a member that is a Class or an array of them, attempting to access that member from the Error Prone checker code will result in a runtime exception. Instead, operate on sym.getAnnotationMirrors() to meta-syntactically inspect the annotation.
        Retrieves an annotation, considering annotation inheritance.
      • enumValues

        public static LinkedHashSet<String> enumValues​( enumType)
        all values of the given enum type, in declaration order.
      • isGeneratedConstructor

        public static boolean isGeneratedConstructor​(com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree tree)
        Returns true if the given tree is a generated constructor.
      • getConstructors

        public static List<com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree> getConstructors​(com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree classTree)
        Returns the list of all constructors defined in the class (including generated ones).
      • getConstructors

        public static<> getConstructors​( classSymbol)
        Returns the list of all constructors defined in the class.
      • getType

        public static getType​(@Nullable
                                                            com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
        Returns the Type of the given tree, or null if the type could not be determined.
      • getType

        public static getType​(@Nullable
                                                                      com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree tree)
        Returns the ClassType for the given type ClassTree or null if the type could not be determined.
      • getAnnotationName

        public static String getAnnotationName​(com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree tree)
      • getErasedTypeTree

        public static com.sun.source.tree.Tree getErasedTypeTree​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
        Returns the erasure of the given type tree, i.e. List for List<Foo>.
      • enclosingClass

        public static enclosingClass​( sym)
        Return the enclosing ClassSymbol of the given symbol, or null.
      • enclosingPackage

        public static enclosingPackage​( sym)
        Return the enclosing PackageSymbol of the given symbol, or null.

        Prefer this to Symbol.packge(), which throws a NullPointerException for symbols that are not contained by a package:

      • inSamePackage

        public static boolean inSamePackage​( targetSymbol,
                                            VisitorState state)
        Return true if the given symbol is defined in the current package.
      • getNullnessValue

        public static Nullness getNullnessValue​(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree expr,
                                                VisitorState state,
                                                NullnessAnalysis nullnessAnalysis)
        Returns the Nullness for an expression as determined by the nullness dataflow analysis.
      • constValue

        public static Object constValue​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
        Returns the compile-time constant value of a tree if it has one, or null.
      • constValue

        public static <T> T constValue​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree,
                                       Class<? extends T> clazz)
        Returns the compile-time constant value of a tree if it is of type clazz, or null.
      • isVoidType

        public static boolean isVoidType​( type,
                                         VisitorState state)
        Return true if the given type is 'void' or 'Void'.
      • isSubtype

        public static boolean isSubtype​( s,
                                        VisitorState state)
        Returns true if erasure(s) <: erasure(t).
      • isCheckedExceptionType

        public static boolean isCheckedExceptionType​( t,
                                                     VisitorState state)
        Returns true if t is a subtype of Throwable but not a subtype of RuntimeException or Error.
      • isCastable

        public static boolean isCastable​( s,
                                         VisitorState state)
        Returns true if erasure(s) is castable to erasure(t).
      • isSameType

        public static boolean isSameType​( s,
                                         VisitorState state)
        Returns true if erasure(s) == erasure(t).
      • getModifiers

        public static com.sun.source.tree.ModifiersTree getModifiers​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
        Returns the modifiers tree of the given class, method, or variable declaration.
      • getAnnotations

        public static List<? extends com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree> getAnnotations​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
        Returns the annotations of the given tree, or an empty list.
      • getUpperBound

        public static getUpperBound​( type,
        Returns the upper bound of a type if it has one, or the type itself if not. Correctly handles wildcards and capture variables.
      • isJUnitTestCode

        public static boolean isJUnitTestCode​(VisitorState state)
        Returns true if the leaf node in the TreePath from state sits somewhere underneath a class or method that is marked as JUnit 3 or 4 test code.
      • isTestNgTestCode

        public static boolean isTestNgTestCode​(VisitorState state)
        Returns true if the leaf node in the TreePath from state sits somewhere underneath a class or method that is marked as TestNG test code.
      • getAnnotationWithSimpleName

        public static com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree getAnnotationWithSimpleName​(List<? extends com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree> annotations,
                                                                                     String name)
        Returns an AnnotationTree with the given simple name, or null.
      • getAnnotationsWithSimpleName

        public static List<com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree> getAnnotationsWithSimpleName​(List<? extends com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree> annotations,
                                                                                            String name)
        Returns a list of AnnotationTree with the given simple name. This is useful for Repeatable annotations
      • getAnnotationType

        public static getAnnotationType​(com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree anno,
                                                                                                VisitorState state)
        Returns whether anno corresponds to a type annotation, or null if it could not be determined.
      • getFileName

        public static String getFileName​(com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree tree)
        Extract the filename from a CompilationUnitTree, with special handling for jar files. The return value is normalized to always use '/' to separate elements of the path and to always have a leading '/'.
      • getFileNameFromUri

        public static String getFileNameFromUri​(URI uri)
        Extract the filename from the URI, with special handling for jar files. The return value is normalized to always use '/' to separate elements of the path and to always have a leading '/'.
      • resolveExistingMethod

        public static resolveExistingMethod​(VisitorState state,
                                                                                         Iterable<> argTypes,
                                                                                         Iterable<> tyargTypes)
        Given a Type (base), find the method named name, with the appropriate argTypes and tyargTypes and return its MethodSymbol.


         class A {}
         class B {
           public int hashCode() { return 42; }
         MethodSymbol meth =  ASTHelpers.resolveExistingMethod(
        meth could be different MethodSymbol's depending on whether symbol represented B or A. (B's hashCode method or Object#hashCode).
        a MethodSymbol representing the method symbol resolved from the context of this type, or null if the method could not be resolved.
      • getGeneratedBy

        public static<String> getGeneratedBy​(VisitorState state)
        Returns the value of the @Generated annotation on enclosing classes, if present.

        Although @Generated can be applied to non-class program elements, there are no known cases of that happening, so it isn't supported here.

      • getGeneratedBy

        public static<String> getGeneratedBy​( symbol,
                                                                                    VisitorState state)
        Returns the values of the given symbol's Generated annotations, if present. If the annotation doesn't have values set, returns the string name of the annotation itself.
      • isSuper

        public static boolean isSuper​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
      • targetType

        public static ASTHelpers.TargetType targetType​(VisitorState state)
        Returns the target type of the tree at the given VisitorState's path, or else null.

        For example, the target type of an assignment expression is the variable's type, and the target type of a return statement is the enclosing method's type.

      • getDeclarationAndTypeAttributes

        public static Stream<> getDeclarationAndTypeAttributes​( sym)
        Returns declaration annotations of the given symbol, as well as 'top-level' type annotations, including :
        • Type annotations of the return type of a method.
        • Type annotations on the type of a formal parameter or field.

        One might expect this to be equivalent to information returned by Type.getAnnotationMirrors(), but javac doesn't associate type annotation information with types for symbols completed from class files, so that approach doesn't work across compilation boundaries.

      • getAnnotationMirror

        public static AnnotationMirror getAnnotationMirror​(com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree annotationTree)
        Return a mirror of this annotation.
        an AnnotationMirror for the annotation represented by annotationTree.
      • containsComments

        public static boolean containsComments​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree,
                                               VisitorState state)
        Returns whether the given tree contains any comments in its source.
      • outermostClass

        public static outermostClass​( symbol)
        Returns the outermost enclosing owning class, or null. Doesn't crash on symbols that aren't containing in a package, unlike Symbol.outermostClass() (see b/123431414).
      • isConsideredFinal

        public static boolean isConsideredFinal​( symbol)
        Returns whether symbol is final or effectively final.
      • getThrownExceptions

        public static<> getThrownExceptions​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree,
                                                                                                                VisitorState state)
        Returns the exceptions thrown by tree.
      • getStartPosition

        public static int getStartPosition​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
        Returns the start position of the node.
      • createPrivateConstructor

        public static String createPrivateConstructor​(com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree classTree)
        Returns a no arg private constructor for the ClassTree.
      • isBugCheckerCode

        public static boolean isBugCheckerCode​(VisitorState state)
        Returns true if the code is in a BugChecker class.
      • isLocal

        public static boolean isLocal​( symbol)
        Returns true if the symbol is directly or indirectly local to a method or variable initializer; see Symbol#isLocal or Symbol#isDirectlyOrIndirectlyLocal.
      • isStatic

        public static boolean isStatic​( symbol)
        Returns true if the symbol is static. Returns false for module symbols.
      • isAbstract

        public static boolean isAbstract​( method)
        Returns true if the given method symbol is abstract.

        Note: this API does not consider interface default methods to be abstract.

      • scope

        public static ErrorProneScope scope​( scope)
        Returns a compatibility adapter around Scope.
      • asFlagSet

        public static EnumSet<> asFlagSet​(long flags)
      • stringContainsComments

        public static boolean stringContainsComments​(CharSequence source,
        Returns true if the given source code contains comments.
      • getTypeSubstitution

        public static<,​> getTypeSubstitution​( type,
        Returns the mapping between type variables and their instantiations in the given type. For example, the instantiation of Map<K, V> as Map<String, Integer> would be represented as a TypeSubstitution from [K, V] to [String, Integer].
      • hasNoExplicitType

        public static boolean hasNoExplicitType​(com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree tree,
                                                VisitorState state)
        Returns true if this is a `var` or a lambda parameter that has no explicit type.