Class GeoJsonPolygonStyle

  • public class GeoJsonPolygonStyle
    extends Style
    A class that allows for GeoJsonPolygon objects to be styled and for these styles to be translated into a PolygonOptions object. {@see PolygonOptions docs for more details about the options.}
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Creates a new PolygonStyle object
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getFillColor()
      Gets the fill color of the GeoJsonPolygon as a 32-bit ARGB color
      java.lang.String[] getGeometryType()
      int getStrokeColor()
      Gets the stroke color of the GeoJsonPolygon as a 32-bit ARGB color
      int getStrokeJointType()
      Gets the stroke joint type of the GeoJsonPolygon
      java.util.List<> getStrokePattern()
      Gets the stroke pattern of the GeoJsonPolygon as a list of pattern items
      float getStrokeWidth()
      Gets the stroke width of the GeoJsonPolygon in screen pixels
      float getZIndex()
      Gets the z index of the GeoJsonPolygon
      boolean isClickable()
      Gets the clickability setting for this Options object
      boolean isGeodesic()
      Gets whether the GeoJsonPolygon is geodesic
      boolean isVisible()
      Gets whether the GeoJsonPolygon is visible
      void setClickable​(boolean clickable)
      Specifies whether this GeoJsonPolygon is clickable
      void setFillColor​(int fillColor)
      Sets the fill color of the GeoJsonPolygon as a 32-bit ARGB color
      void setGeodesic​(boolean geodesic)
      Sets whether the GeoJsonPolygon is geodesic
      void setStrokeColor​(int strokeColor)
      Sets the stroke color of the GeoJsonPolygon as a 32-bit ARGB color
      void setStrokeJointType​(int strokeJointType)
      Sets the stroke joint type of the GeoJsonPolygon
      void setStrokePattern​(java.util.List<> strokePattern)
      Sets the stroke pattern of the GeoJsonPolygon as a list of pattern items
      void setStrokeWidth​(float strokeWidth)
      Sets the stroke width of the GeoJsonPolygon in screen pixels
      void setVisible​(boolean visible)
      Sets whether the GeoJsonPolygon is visible
      void setZIndex​(float zIndex)
      Sets the z index of the GeoJsonPolygon toPolygonOptions()
      Gets a new PolygonOptions object containing styles for the GeoJsonPolygon
      java.lang.String toString()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.util.Observable

        addObserver, countObservers, deleteObserver, deleteObservers, hasChanged, notifyObservers, notifyObservers
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeoJsonPolygonStyle

        public GeoJsonPolygonStyle()
        Creates a new PolygonStyle object
    • Method Detail

      • getGeometryType

        public java.lang.String[] getGeometryType()
      • getFillColor

        public int getFillColor()
        Gets the fill color of the GeoJsonPolygon as a 32-bit ARGB color
        fill color of the GeoJsonPolygon
      • setFillColor

        public void setFillColor​(int fillColor)
        Sets the fill color of the GeoJsonPolygon as a 32-bit ARGB color
        fillColor - fill color value of the GeoJsonPolygon
      • isGeodesic

        public boolean isGeodesic()
        Gets whether the GeoJsonPolygon is geodesic
        true if GeoJsonPolygon is geodesic, false if not geodesic
      • setGeodesic

        public void setGeodesic​(boolean geodesic)
        Sets whether the GeoJsonPolygon is geodesic
        geodesic - true if GeoJsonPolygon is geodesic, false if not geodesic
      • getStrokeColor

        public int getStrokeColor()
        Gets the stroke color of the GeoJsonPolygon as a 32-bit ARGB color
        stroke color of the GeoJsonPolygon
      • setStrokeColor

        public void setStrokeColor​(int strokeColor)
        Sets the stroke color of the GeoJsonPolygon as a 32-bit ARGB color
        strokeColor - stroke color value of the GeoJsonPolygon
      • getStrokeJointType

        public int getStrokeJointType()
        Gets the stroke joint type of the GeoJsonPolygon
        stroke joint type of the GeoJsonPolygon
      • setStrokeJointType

        public void setStrokeJointType​(int strokeJointType)
        Sets the stroke joint type of the GeoJsonPolygon
        strokeJointType - stroke joint type value of the GeoJsonPolygon
      • getStrokePattern

        public java.util.List<> getStrokePattern()
        Gets the stroke pattern of the GeoJsonPolygon as a list of pattern items
        stroke pattern of the GeoJsonPolygon
      • setStrokePattern

        public void setStrokePattern​(java.util.List<> strokePattern)
        Sets the stroke pattern of the GeoJsonPolygon as a list of pattern items
        strokePattern - stroke pattern value of the GeoJsonPolygon
      • getStrokeWidth

        public float getStrokeWidth()
        Gets the stroke width of the GeoJsonPolygon in screen pixels
        stroke width of the GeoJsonPolygon
      • setStrokeWidth

        public void setStrokeWidth​(float strokeWidth)
        Sets the stroke width of the GeoJsonPolygon in screen pixels
        strokeWidth - stroke width value of the GeoJsonPolygon
      • getZIndex

        public float getZIndex()
        Gets the z index of the GeoJsonPolygon
        z index of the GeoJsonPolygon
      • setZIndex

        public void setZIndex​(float zIndex)
        Sets the z index of the GeoJsonPolygon
        zIndex - z index value of the GeoJsonPolygon
      • isVisible

        public boolean isVisible()
        Gets whether the GeoJsonPolygon is visible
        true if GeoJsonPolygon is visible, false if not visible
      • setVisible

        public void setVisible​(boolean visible)
        Sets whether the GeoJsonPolygon is visible
        visible - true if GeoJsonPolygon is visible, false if not visible
      • toPolygonOptions

        public toPolygonOptions()
        Gets a new PolygonOptions object containing styles for the GeoJsonPolygon
        new PolygonOptions object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • setClickable

        public void setClickable​(boolean clickable)
        Specifies whether this GeoJsonPolygon is clickable
        clickable - - new clickability setting for the GeoJsonPolygon
      • isClickable

        public boolean isClickable()
        Gets the clickability setting for this Options object
        true if the GeoJsonPolygon is clickable; false if it is not