Class KmlRenderer

  • public class KmlRenderer
    extends Renderer
    Renders all visible KmlPlacemark and KmlGroundOverlay objects onto the GoogleMap as Marker, Polyline, Polygon, GroundOverlay objects. Also removes objects from the map.
    • Method Detail

      • addLayerToMap

        public void addLayerToMap()
      • setMap

        public void setMap​( map)
        Sets the map that objects are being placed on
        setMap in class Renderer
        map - map to place placemark, container, style and ground overlays on
      • hasNestedContainers

        public boolean hasNestedContainers()
        Checks if the layer contains any KmlContainers
        true if there is at least 1 container within the KmlLayer, false otherwise
      • getNestedContainers

        public java.lang.Iterable<KmlContainer> getNestedContainers()
        Gets an iterable of KmlContainerInterface objects
        iterable of KmlContainerInterface objects
      • getGroundOverlays

        public java.lang.Iterable<KmlGroundOverlay> getGroundOverlays()
        Gets an iterable of KmlGroundOverlay objects
        iterable of KmlGroundOverlay objects
      • removeLayerFromMap

        public void removeLayerFromMap()
        Removes all the KML data from the map and clears all the stored placemarks