Class IconGenerator

  • public class IconGenerator
    extends java.lang.Object
    IconGenerator generates icons that contain text (or custom content) within an info window-like shape.

    The icon Bitmaps generated by the factory should be used in conjunction with a BitmapDescriptorFactory.

    This class is not thread safe.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      IconGenerator​(android.content.Context context)
      Creates a new IconGenerator with the default style.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      float getAnchorU()  
      float getAnchorV() makeIcon()
      Creates an icon with the current content and style. makeIcon​(java.lang.CharSequence text)
      Sets the text content, then creates an icon with the current style.
      void setBackground​( background)
      Set the background to a given Drawable, or remove the background.
      void setColor​(int color)
      Sets the background to the default, with a given color tint.
      void setContentPadding​(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
      Sets the padding of the content view.
      void setContentRotation​(int degrees)
      Rotates the contents of the icon.
      void setContentView​(android.view.View contentView)
      Sets the child view for the icon.
      void setRotation​(int degrees)
      Rotates the icon.
      void setStyle​(int style)
      Sets the style of the icon.
      void setTextAppearance​(int resid)
      Sets the text color, size, style, hint color, and highlight color from the specified TextAppearance resource.
      void setTextAppearance​(android.content.Context context, int resid)
      Sets the text color, size, style, hint color, and highlight color from the specified TextAppearance resource.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • IconGenerator

        public IconGenerator​(android.content.Context context)
        Creates a new IconGenerator with the default style.
    • Method Detail

      • makeIcon

        public makeIcon​(java.lang.CharSequence text)
        Sets the text content, then creates an icon with the current style.
        text - the text content to display inside the icon.
      • makeIcon

        public makeIcon()
        Creates an icon with the current content and style.

        This method is useful if a custom view has previously been set, or if text content is not applicable.

      • setContentRotation

        public void setContentRotation​(int degrees)
        Rotates the contents of the icon.
        degrees - the amount the contents should be rotated, as a multiple of 90 degrees.
      • setRotation

        public void setRotation​(int degrees)
        Rotates the icon.
        degrees - the amount the icon should be rotated, as a multiple of 90 degrees.
      • getAnchorU

        public float getAnchorU()
        u coordinate of the anchor, with rotation applied.
      • getAnchorV

        public float getAnchorV()
        v coordinate of the anchor, with rotation applied.
      • setTextAppearance

        public void setTextAppearance​(android.content.Context context,
                                      int resid)
        Sets the text color, size, style, hint color, and highlight color from the specified TextAppearance resource.
        resid - the identifier of the resource.
      • setTextAppearance

        public void setTextAppearance​(int resid)
        Sets the text color, size, style, hint color, and highlight color from the specified TextAppearance resource.
        resid - the identifier of the resource.
      • setStyle

        public void setStyle​(int style)
        Sets the style of the icon. The style consists of a background and text appearance.
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(int color)
        Sets the background to the default, with a given color tint.
        color - the color for the background tint.
      • setBackground

        public void setBackground​( background)
        Set the background to a given Drawable, or remove the background.
        background - the Drawable to use as the background, or null to remove the background.
      • setContentPadding

        public void setContentPadding​(int left,
                                      int top,
                                      int right,
                                      int bottom)
        Sets the padding of the content view. The default padding of the content view (i.e. text view) is 5dp top/bottom and 10dp left/right.
        left - the left padding in pixels.
        top - the top padding in pixels.
        right - the right padding in pixels.
        bottom - the bottom padding in pixels.