
Interface Summary
BlockingRpcChannel Abstract interface for a blocking RPC channel.
BlockingService Blocking equivalent to Service.
Descriptors.FileDescriptor.InternalDescriptorAssigner This class should be used by generated code only.
GeneratedMessage.BuilderParent Interface for the parent of a Builder that allows the builder to communicate invalidations back to the parent for use when using nested builders.
GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<MessageType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage>  
GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<MessageType extends GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableMessage> Lite equivalent of GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessageOrBuilder.
Internal.EnumLite Interface for an enum value or value descriptor, to be used in FieldSet.
Internal.EnumLiteMap<T extends Internal.EnumLite> Interface for an object which maps integers to Internal.EnumLites.
LazyStringList An interface extending List<String> that also provides access to the items of the list as UTF8-encoded ByteString objects.
Message Abstract interface implemented by Protocol Message objects.
Message.Builder Abstract interface implemented by Protocol Message builders.
MessageLite Abstract interface implemented by Protocol Message objects.
MessageLite.Builder Abstract interface implemented by Protocol Message builders.
MessageLiteOrBuilder Base interface for methods common to MessageLite and MessageLite.Builder to provide type equivalency.
MessageOrBuilder Base interface for methods common to Message and Message.Builder to provide type equivalency.
ProtocolMessageEnum Interface of useful methods added to all enums generated by the protocol compiler.
RpcCallback<ParameterType> Interface for an RPC callback, normally called when an RPC completes.
RpcChannel Abstract interface for an RPC channel.
RpcController An RpcController mediates a single method call.
Service Abstract base interface for protocol-buffer-based RPC services.

Class Summary
AbstractMessage A partial implementation of the Message interface which implements as many methods of that interface as possible in terms of other methods.
AbstractMessage.Builder<BuilderType extends AbstractMessage.Builder> A partial implementation of the Message.Builder interface which implements as many methods of that interface as possible in terms of other methods.
AbstractMessageLite A partial implementation of the MessageLite interface which implements as many methods of that interface as possible in terms of other methods.
AbstractMessageLite.Builder<BuilderType extends AbstractMessageLite.Builder> A partial implementation of the Message.Builder interface which implements as many methods of that interface as possible in terms of other methods.
ByteString Immutable array of bytes.
ByteString.Output Outputs to a ByteString instance.
CodedInputStream Reads and decodes protocol message fields.
CodedOutputStream Encodes and writes protocol message fields.
Descriptors Contains a collection of classes which describe protocol message types.
Descriptors.Descriptor Describes a message type.
Descriptors.EnumDescriptor Describes an enum type.
Descriptors.EnumValueDescriptor Describes one value within an enum type.
Descriptors.FieldDescriptor Describes a field of a message type.
Descriptors.FileDescriptor Describes a .proto file, including everything defined within.
Descriptors.MethodDescriptor Describes one method within a service type.
Descriptors.ServiceDescriptor Describes a service type.
DynamicMessage An implementation of Message that can represent arbitrary types, given a Descriptors.Descriptor.
DynamicMessage.Builder Builder for DynamicMessages.
ExtensionRegistry A table of known extensions, searchable by name or field number.
ExtensionRegistry.ExtensionInfo A (Descriptor, Message) pair, returned by lookup methods.
ExtensionRegistryLite Equivalent to ExtensionRegistry but supports only "lite" types.
GeneratedMessage All generated protocol message classes extend this class.
GeneratedMessage.Builder<BuilderType extends GeneratedMessage.Builder>  
GeneratedMessage.ExtendableBuilder<MessageType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage,BuilderType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableBuilder> Generated message builders for message types that contain extension ranges subclass this.
GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage<MessageType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage> Generated message classes for message types that contain extension ranges subclass this.
GeneratedMessage.FieldAccessorTable Users should ignore this class.
GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension<ContainingType extends Message,Type> Type used to represent generated extensions.
GeneratedMessageLite Lite version of GeneratedMessage.
GeneratedMessageLite.Builder<MessageType extends GeneratedMessageLite,BuilderType extends GeneratedMessageLite.Builder>  
GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableBuilder<MessageType extends GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableMessage<MessageType>,BuilderType extends GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableBuilder<MessageType,BuilderType>> Lite equivalent of GeneratedMessage.ExtendableBuilder.
GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableMessage<MessageType extends GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableMessage<MessageType>> Lite equivalent of GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage.
GeneratedMessageLite.GeneratedExtension<ContainingType extends MessageLite,Type> Lite equivalent to GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension.
Internal The classes contained within are used internally by the Protocol Buffer library and generated message implementations.
LazyStringArrayList An implementation of LazyStringList that wraps an ArrayList.
RepeatedFieldBuilder<MType extends GeneratedMessage,BType extends GeneratedMessage.Builder,IType extends MessageOrBuilder> RepeatedFieldBuilder implements a structure that a protocol message uses to hold a repeated field of other protocol messages.
RpcUtil Grab-bag of utility functions useful when dealing with RPCs.
SingleFieldBuilder<MType extends GeneratedMessage,BType extends GeneratedMessage.Builder,IType extends MessageOrBuilder> SingleFieldBuilder implements a structure that a protocol message uses to hold a single field of another protocol message.
TextFormat Provide text parsing and formatting support for proto2 instances.
UnknownFieldSet UnknownFieldSet is used to keep track of fields which were seen when parsing a protocol message but whose field numbers or types are unrecognized.
UnknownFieldSet.Builder Builder for UnknownFieldSets.
UnknownFieldSet.Field Represents a single field in an UnknownFieldSet.
UnknownFieldSet.Field.Builder Used to build a UnknownFieldSet.Field within an UnknownFieldSet.
UnmodifiableLazyStringList An implementation of LazyStringList that wraps another LazyStringList such that it cannot be modified via the wrapper.
WireFormat This class is used internally by the Protocol Buffer library and generated message implementations.

Enum Summary
WireFormat.FieldType Lite equivalent to Descriptors.FieldDescriptor.Type.
WireFormat.JavaType Lite equivalent to Descriptors.FieldDescriptor.JavaType.

Exception Summary
CodedOutputStream.OutOfSpaceException If you create a CodedOutputStream around a simple flat array, you must not attempt to write more bytes than the array has space.
Descriptors.DescriptorValidationException Thrown when building descriptors fails because the source DescriptorProtos are not valid.
InvalidProtocolBufferException Thrown when a protocol message being parsed is invalid in some way, e.g.
RpcUtil.AlreadyCalledException Exception thrown when a one-time callback is called more than once.
ServiceException Thrown by blocking RPC methods when a failure occurs.
TextFormat.ParseException Thrown when parsing an invalid text format message.
UninitializedMessageException Thrown when attempting to build a protocol message that is missing required fields.

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