Interface ProtocolStringList

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Collection<String>, Iterable<String>, List<String>
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    LazyStringArrayList, UnmodifiableLazyStringList

    public interface ProtocolStringList
    extends List<String>
    An interface extending List<String> used for repeated string fields to provide optional access to the data as a list of ByteStrings. The underlying implementation stores values as either ByteStrings or Strings (see LazyStringArrayList) depending on how the value was initialized or last read, and it is often more efficient to deal with lists of ByteStrings when handling protos that have been deserialized from bytes.
    • Method Detail

      • asByteStringList

        List<ByteString> asByteStringList()
        Returns a view of the data as a list of ByteStrings.