Interface BitmapStorage

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addLiteralWord​(long newData)
      Adding literal words directly to the bitmap (for expert use).
      void addStreamOfEmptyWords​(boolean v, long number)
      For experts: You want to add many zeroes or ones? This is the method you use.
      void addStreamOfLiteralWords​(com.googlecode.javaewah.Buffer buffer, int start, int number)
      if you have several literal words to copy over, this might be faster.
      void addStreamOfNegatedLiteralWords​(com.googlecode.javaewah.Buffer buffer, int start, int number)
      Like "addStreamOfLiteralWords" but negates the words being added.
      void addWord​(long newData)
      Adding words directly to the bitmap (for expert use).
      void clear()
      Empties the container.
      void setSizeInBitsWithinLastWord​(int size)
      Sets the size in bits of the bitmap as an *uncompressed* bitmap.
    • Method Detail

      • addWord

        void addWord​(long newData)
        Adding words directly to the bitmap (for expert use). This is normally how you add data to the array. So you add bits in streams of 8*8 bits.
        newData - the word
      • addLiteralWord

        void addLiteralWord​(long newData)
        Adding literal words directly to the bitmap (for expert use).
        newData - the word
      • addStreamOfLiteralWords

        void addStreamOfLiteralWords​(com.googlecode.javaewah.Buffer buffer,
                                     int start,
                                     int number)
        if you have several literal words to copy over, this might be faster.
        buffer - the buffer wrapping the literal words
        start - the starting point in the array
        number - the number of literal words to add
      • addStreamOfEmptyWords

        void addStreamOfEmptyWords​(boolean v,
                                   long number)
        For experts: You want to add many zeroes or ones? This is the method you use.
        v - zeros or ones
        number - how many to words add
      • addStreamOfNegatedLiteralWords

        void addStreamOfNegatedLiteralWords​(com.googlecode.javaewah.Buffer buffer,
                                            int start,
                                            int number)
        Like "addStreamOfLiteralWords" but negates the words being added.
        buffer - the buffer wrapping the literal words
        start - the starting point in the array
        number - the number of literal words to add
      • clear

        void clear()
        Empties the container.
      • setSizeInBitsWithinLastWord

        void setSizeInBitsWithinLastWord​(int size)
        Sets the size in bits of the bitmap as an *uncompressed* bitmap. Normally, this is used to reduce the size of the bitmaps within the scope of the last word. Specifically, this means that (sizeInBits()+63)/64 must be equal to (size +63)/64. If needed, the bitmap can be further padded with zeroes.
        size - the size in bits