Interface NonGeographicalEntityMetadataSource

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    public interface NonGeographicalEntityMetadataSource
    A source of phone metadata for non-geographical entities.

    Non-geographical entities are phone number ranges that have a country calling code, but either do not belong to an actual country (some international services), or belong to a region which has a different country calling code from the country it is part of. Examples of such ranges are those starting with:

    • 800 - country code assigned to the Universal International Freephone Service
    • 808 - country code assigned to the International Shared Cost Service
    • 870 - country code assigned to the Pitcairn Islands
    • ...
    • Method Detail

      • getMetadataForNonGeographicalRegion

        Phonemetadata.PhoneMetadata getMetadataForNonGeographicalRegion​(int countryCallingCode)
        Gets phone metadata for a non-geographical entity.
        countryCallingCode - the country calling code.
        the phone metadata for that entity, or null if there is none.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if provided countryCallingCode does not belong to a non-geographical entity