Annotation Type Translate

public @interface Translate

Lets you define a particular translator for a specific property (field or @AlsoLoad method). The translator factory must produce a translator when handed the property on which this annotation is placed.

"Early" translator factories are executed before collection translator factories and therefore can manipulate the whole collection value. Late translator factories are only responsible for translating the contents of a collection.

Jeff Schnitzer
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    Class<? extends TranslatorFactory<?,​?>>
    Factory class which will be applied to this field.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    If true, the factory will be placed early in the chain, before collection translators.
  • Element Details

    • value

      Class<? extends TranslatorFactory<?,​?>> value
      Factory class which will be applied to this field. It will be constructed with ObjectifyFactory.construct(). It must produce a Translator for the field.
    • early

      boolean early
      If true, the factory will be placed early in the chain, before collection translators. This will let you explicitly translate collection fields rather than collection contents, which is the default.