Class SaveContext


public class SaveContext
extends Object
The context of a save operation; might involve multiple entities (eg, batch save).
Jeff Schnitzer
  • Constructor Details

    • SaveContext

      public SaveContext()
  • Method Details

    • addIndex

      public void addIndex(Path path, Object object)
      object - can be either a single thing or an iterable list of things to index at this path
    • getIndexes

      public Map<Path,​Collection<Object>> getIndexes()
    • skipLifecycle

      public boolean skipLifecycle()
      Subclass can ignore lifecycle methods.
    • saveRef

      public saveRef(Ref<?> value, LoadConditions loadConditions)
      Callback that we found a Ref in the object graph. Subclasses of this context may want to do something special with this.
    • startOneEntity

      public void startOneEntity()
      Called at the beginning of each entity save. In a batch save, this will be called more than once.