Interface Saver

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Saver

    The top element in the command chain for saving entities in the datastore.

    Jeff Schnitzer
    • Method Detail

      • entity

        <E> Result<Key<E>> entity​(E entity)

        Asynchronously save a single entity in the datastore.

        If the entity has a null Long id, the value will be autogenerated and populated on the entity object when the async operation completes. If you require this value, call now() on the result.

        Puts do not cascade.

        entity - must be a registered entity type
        an asynchronous result. To force a synchronous save, call
      • entities

        <E> Result<Map<Key<E>,​E>> entities​(Iterable<E> entities)

        Asynchronously save a batch of entities in the datastore.

        If any entities have null Long ids, the values will be autogenerated and populated on the entity objects when the async operation completes. If you require these values, call now() on the result.

        Puts do not cascade.

        entities - must be registered entity types
        an asynchronous result. To force a synchronous save, call
      • entities

        <E> Result<Map<Key<E>,​E>> entities​(E... entities)
        A convenience method for entities(Iterable)
      • toEntity toEntity​(Object pojo)
        Convert a POJO object to a native datastore Entity. This is like a save() operation but without actually saving the data to the datastore.
        pojo - must be an instance of a registered pojo entity type.
        the native datastore Entity equivalent of the pojo; exactly what Objectify would save if you saved the POJO normally.