Annotation Type Serialize

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE,FIELD}) public @interface Serialize

When placed on an entity field, the field will be written as a single Blob property using java serialization. Can also be placed on a class to indicate that all fields of that type should be serialized.

  • The field can contain an arbitrary object graph.
  • All classes in the graph must follow Java serialization rules (ie, implement Serializable).
  • You will not be able to use the field or any child fields in queries.
  • Within serialized classes, transient (the java keyword) fields will not be stored. @Ignore fields *will* be stored!
  • @Serialize collections can be nested inside @Embed collections.
  • Java serialization is opaque to the datastore viewer and other languages (ie gae/python).

You are strongly advised to place serialVersionUID on all classes that you intend to store as @Serialize. Without this, any change to your classes will prevent stored objects from being deserialized on fetch.

Jeff Schnitzer invalid input: '<'[email protected]>
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    If zip is true, sets the compression level of the Deflater.
    If true, the data stream will be compressed on write using a DeflatorInputStream.
  • Element Details

    • zip

      boolean zip
      If true, the data stream will be compressed on write using a DeflatorInputStream. This only affects writes; on read, Objectify will understand both compressed and uncompressed data.
    • compressionLevel

      int compressionLevel
      If zip is true, sets the compression level of the Deflater.