Uses of Package

  • Class
    The top element in the command chain for deferred operations.
    The top element in the command chain for deleting entities from the datastore.
    The top element in the command chain for retrieving entities from the datastore.
    The top element in the command chain for saving entities in the datastore.
  • Class
    Terminator methods for a delete-by-key command chain which constructs the key implicitly from type, id, and (optionally) parent.
    Element in the command chain for deferred deleting entities from the datastore.
    After a type is specified, the next step in a delete chain is to specify an optional parent or a set of ids.
    Element in the command chain for deferred saving of entities.
    Terminator methods for a delete-by-key command chain which constructs the key implicitly from type, id, and (optionally) parent.
    After a type is specified, the next step in a delete chain is to specify an optional parent or a set of ids.
    Gives us the ability to compose arbitrarily complex filters with OR and AND sections.
    The top element in the command chain for retrieving entities from the datastore.
    Terminator methods for a fetch-by-key command chain which constructs the key implicitly from type, id, and (optionally) parent.
    Once you have narrowed your interest to a type (via load().type(SomeType.class)), the command pattern can diverge into two directions: Either defining a parent or ids (which corresponds to a batch get) or calling query-related methods (which will produce a query).
    The basic options for a typed Query.
    Most of the various methods that can end the definition of a query and start execution.
    After you call Query.keys(), you are executing a keys-only query.
    Replaces a class from the old GAE SDK.
    A restricted set of query operations that apply to both kindless queries and typed queries.
  • Class
    The top element in the command chain for deferred operations.
    Element in the command chain for deferred deleting entities from the datastore.
    Element in the command chain for deferred saving of entities.
    The top element in the command chain for deleting entities from the datastore.
    After a type is specified, the next step in a delete chain is to specify an optional parent or a set of ids.
    Gives us the ability to compose arbitrarily complex filters with OR and AND sections.
    The top element in the command chain for retrieving entities from the datastore.
    The basic options for a typed Query.
    Most of the various methods that can end the definition of a query and start execution.
    After you call Query.keys(), you are executing a keys-only query.
    Replaces a class from the old GAE SDK.
    The top element in the command chain for saving entities in the datastore.
    A restricted set of query operations that apply to both kindless queries and typed queries.