Package com.googlecode.objectify.util.jackson

package com.googlecode.objectify.util.jackson
  • Classes
    Will deserialize an Objectify Keyinvalid input: '<'?> that was serialized with the KeySerializer
    Configuring this serializer will make Keyinvalid input: '<'?> objects render as their web-safe string *when they are used as Map keys*.
    Configuring this serializer will make Keyinvalid input: '<'?> objects render as their web-safe string.
    Call jackson's ObjectMapper.registerModule(new ObjectifyJacksonModule()) to enable intelligent serialization and deserialization of various Objectify and GAE classes.
    Will deserialize a google native datastore Key that was serialized with the RawKeySerializer
    Configuring this serializer will make native datastore Key objects render as their web-safe string *when they are used as Map keys*.
    Configuring this serializer will make native datastore Key objects render as their web-safe string.
    Will deserialize an Objectify Refinvalid input: '<'?> that was serialized with the RefSerializer.
    Like RefSerializer, but handles Refs when they are used as Map keys.
    Serializing Refinvalid input: '<'?> is a little complicated - if we have a loaded value, render it as-is, but if not, just render the key string.