Interface MemcacheService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MemcacheService
The interface that all memory cache services must implement. In theory you could write a redis (or whatnot) based implementation, but this was designed around memcached. The implementation must handle 'null' as a value. Note that memcached doesn't handle this natively; the impl takes care of translating it to something that can be stored.
  • Method Details

    • get

      Object get(String key)
      the value in memcache for this, or null if there was nothing there
    • getIdentifiables

      Map<String,IdentifiableValue> getIdentifiables(Collection<String> keys)
      For cache implementations that don't handle a cold cache for a key (eg memcached), the implementation of this method needs to hide that behavior (ie, bootstrap an initial value so we can get a CAS value). That doesn't mean the result will always be a value; the bootstrap may fail (for whatever reason) and the resulting map value for a key will be null.
    • getAll

      Map<String,Object> getAll(Collection<String> keys)
    • put

      void put(String key, Object thing)
      Values can be null
    • putAll

      void putAll(Map<String,Object> values)
      Values can be null
    • putIfUntouched

      Set<String> putIfUntouched(Map<String,MemcacheService.CasPut> values)
      Values can be null
      a set of all the keys that succeeded
    • deleteAll

      void deleteAll(Collection<String> keys)