Interface DeferredDeleteType

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DeferredDeleteType extends DeferredDeleteIds

After a type is specified, the next step in a delete chain is to specify an optional parent or a set of ids. This is part of

Deletes do NOT cascade; you must delete each individual entity in an object graph.

All command objects are immutable.

Jeff Schnitzer invalid input: '<'[email protected]>
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    parent(Object keyOrEntity)
    Defines the parent part of a key (or set of keys) when building a delete request.

    Methods inherited from interface com.googlecode.objectify.cmd.DeferredDeleteIds

    id, id, ids, ids, ids
  • Method Details

    • parent

      DeferredDeleteIds parent(Object keyOrEntity)
      Defines the parent part of a key (or set of keys) when building a delete request. After this you will define the id or ids to delete.

      All command objects are immutable; this method returns a new object instead of modifying the current command object.

      keyOrEntity - - a Keyinvalid input: '<'?>, datastore Key, or pojo entity of the parent
      the next immutable step in the command build process