Class ScalarInfo

  • @PublicApi
    public class ScalarInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    Info on all the standard scalar objects provided by graphql-java
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.util.List<GraphQLScalarType> GRAPHQL_SPECIFICATION_SCALARS
        A list of the built-in scalar types as defined by the graphql specification

        public static final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​ScalarTypeDefinition> GRAPHQL_SPECIFICATION_SCALARS_DEFINITIONS
        A map of scalar type definitions provided by graphql-java
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScalarInfo

        public ScalarInfo()
    • Method Detail

      • isGraphqlSpecifiedScalar

        public static boolean isGraphqlSpecifiedScalar​(java.lang.String scalarTypeName)
        Returns true if the scalar type is a scalar that is specified by the graphql specification
        scalarTypeName - the name of the scalar type in question
        true if the scalar type is specified by the graphql specification
      • isGraphqlSpecifiedScalar

        public static boolean isGraphqlSpecifiedScalar​(GraphQLScalarType scalarType)
        Returns true if the scalar type is a scalar that is specified by the graphql specification
        scalarType - the type in question
        true if the scalar type is specified by the graphql specification