Class PersistedQuerySupport

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String PERSISTED_QUERY_MARKER
        In order for ExecutionInput.getQuery() to never be null, use this to mark them so that invariant can be satisfied while assuming that the persisted query id is elsewhere
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • PersistedQuerySupport

        public PersistedQuerySupport​(PersistedQueryCache persistedQueryCache)
    • Method Detail

      • getDocumentAsync

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<PreparsedDocumentEntry> getDocumentAsync​(ExecutionInput executionInput,
                                                                                               java.util.function.Function<ExecutionInput,​PreparsedDocumentEntry> parseAndValidateFunction)
        Description copied from interface: PreparsedDocumentProvider
        This is called to get a "cached" pre-parsed query and if it's not present, then the "parseAndValidateFunction" can be called to parse and validate the query.

        Note - the "parseAndValidateFunction" MUST be called if you don't have a per parsed version of the query because it not only parses and validates the query, it invokes Instrumentation calls as well for parsing and validation. if you don't make a call back on this then these won't happen.

        Specified by:
        getDocumentAsync in interface PreparsedDocumentProvider
        executionInput - The ExecutionInput containing the query
        parseAndValidateFunction - If the query has not be pre-parsed, this function MUST be called to parse and validate it
        a promise to an PreparsedDocumentEntry
      • getPersistedQueryId

        protected abstract java.util.Optional<java.lang.Object> getPersistedQueryId​(ExecutionInput executionInput)
        This method is required for concrete types to work out the query id (often a hash) that should be used to look up the persisted query in the cache.
        executionInput - the execution input
        an optional id of the persisted query
      • persistedQueryIdIsInvalid

        protected boolean persistedQueryIdIsInvalid​(java.lang.Object persistedQueryId,
                                                    java.lang.String queryText)
      • mkMissingError

        protected PreparsedDocumentEntry mkMissingError​(PersistedQueryError persistedQueryError)
        Allows you to customize the graphql error that is sent back on a missing persisted query
        persistedQueryError - the missing persistent query exception
        a PreparsedDocumentEntry that holds an error