
package zuora

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Address(lineOne: String, lineTwo: String, town: String, countyOrState: String, postCode: String, country: Country) extends Product with Serializable

  2. case class Country(alpha2: String, name: String, validate: (Address) ⇒ Boolean = requirePostcode, states: Seq[String] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable

  3. class SubscriptionService extends AnyRef

  4. case class ZuoraApiConfig(envName: String, url: Uri, username: String, password: String) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AddressValidators

  2. object Countries

  3. object ZuoraApiConfig extends Serializable

  4. package rest

  5. package soap
