Class DiskEntry

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.AutoCloseable
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    Directory, File

    public abstract class DiskEntry
    extends Open<DiskShare>
    • Field Detail

      • logger

        protected final org.slf4j.Logger logger
    • Method Detail

      • closeNoWait

        public void closeNoWait()
      • getFileName

        public java.lang.String getFileName()
        as of 0.11.0 use getUncPath() instead.
        Gets the UNC path of this disk entry.
        The UNC path of this disk entry.
      • getUncPath

        public java.lang.String getUncPath()
        Gets the UNC path of this disk entry.
        The UNC path of this disk entry. Example: \\\share\folder0\test1.txt
      • getPath

        public java.lang.String getPath()
        Gets the relative path of this disk entry.
        The relative path of this disk entry. Example: folder0/test1.txt
      • getDiskShare

        public DiskShare getDiskShare()
      • rename

        public void rename​(java.lang.String newName,
                           boolean replaceIfExist,
                           long rootDirectory)
                    throws SMBApiException
      • createHardlink

        public void createHardlink​(java.lang.String linkname)
                            throws SMBApiException
        Creates hard link for receiver.
        This method is a shortcut for DiskEntry#createHardlink(linkname, false)
        linkname - the path to the hard link relative to share
      • createHardlink

        public void createHardlink​(java.lang.String linkname,
                                   boolean replaceIfExist)
                            throws SMBApiException
        Creates hard link for receiver.
        linkname - the path to the hard link relative to share
        replaceIfExist - if true replaces existing entry.
      • ioctl

        public byte[] ioctl​(int ctlCode,
                            boolean isFsCtl,
                            byte[] inData,
                            int inOffset,
                            int inLength)
        Sends a control code directly to a specified device driver, causing the corresponding device to perform the corresponding operation.
        ctlCode - the control code
        isFsCtl - true if the control code is an FSCTL; false if it is an IOCTL
        inData - the control code dependent input data
        inOffset - the offset in inData where the input data starts
        inLength - the number of bytes from inData to send, starting at offset
        the response data or null if the control code did not produce a response
      • ioctl

        public byte[] ioctl​(int ctlCode,
                            boolean isFsCtl,
                            byte[] inData,
                            int inOffset,
                            int inLength,
                            int maxOutputResponse)
        Sends a control code directly to a specified device driver, causing the corresponding device to perform the corresponding operation.
        ctlCode - the control code
        isFsCtl - true if the control code is an FSCTL; false if it is an IOCTL
        inData - the control code dependent input data
        inOffset - the offset in inData where the input data starts
        inLength - the number of bytes from inData to send, starting at offset
        maxOutputResponse - the maximum number of bytes that the server can return for the output data in the SMB2 IOCTL Response.
        the response data or null if the control code did not produce a response
      • ioctl

        public int ioctl​(int ctlCode,
                         boolean isFsCtl,
                         byte[] inData,
                         int inOffset,
                         int inLength,
                         byte[] outData,
                         int outOffset,
                         int outLength)
        Sends a control code directly to a specified device driver, causing the corresponding device to perform the corresponding operation.
        ctlCode - the control code
        isFsCtl - true if the control code is an FSCTL; false if it is an IOCTL
        inData - the control code dependent input data
        inOffset - the offset in inData where the input data starts
        inLength - the number of bytes from inData to send, starting at inOffset
        outData - the buffer where the response data should be written
        outOffset - the offset in outData where the output data should be written
        outLength - the maximum amount of data to write in outData, starting at outOffset
        the number of bytes written to outData
      • flush

        public void flush()
      • deleteOnClose

        public void deleteOnClose()
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object