Class ConnectionContext

  • public class ConnectionContext
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Detail

      • getClientGuid

        public java.util.UUID getClientGuid()
      • isServerRequiresSigning

        public boolean isServerRequiresSigning()
      • isServerSigningEnabled

        public boolean isServerSigningEnabled()
      • getGssNegotiateToken

        public byte[] getGssNegotiateToken()
      • getServerGuid

        public java.util.UUID getServerGuid()
      • getServerName

        public java.lang.String getServerName()
      • setWindowsVersion

        public void setWindowsVersion​(WindowsVersion windowsVersion)
      • getNetBiosName

        public java.lang.String getNetBiosName()
      • setNetBiosName

        public void setNetBiosName​(java.lang.String netBiosName)
      • supportsEncryption

        public boolean supportsEncryption()
      • clientPrefersEncryption

        public boolean clientPrefersEncryption()
        Indicates that the client prefers encryption on this connection. This will only be enabled if the established Session has an encryptionkey set.
        true iff the negotiated protocol is at least SMB3 and both client and server have indicated they support encryption
      • supportsDFS

        public boolean supportsDFS()
      • supportsFileLeasing

        public boolean supportsFileLeasing()
        If the client implements SMB 2.1 or SMB 3.x dialect family, the client MUST perform the following: If SMB2_GLOBAL_CAP_LEASING is set in the Capabilities field of the SMB2 NEGOTIATE Response, the client MUST set Connection.SupportsFileLeasing to TRUE. Otherwise, it MUST be set to FALSE.
      • supportsMultiCredit

        public boolean supportsMultiCredit()
        If the client implements SMB 2.1 or SMB 3.x dialect family, the client MUST perform the following: If SMB2_GLOBAL_CAP_LARGE_MTU is set in the Capabilities field of the SMB2 NEGOTIATE Response, the client MUST set Connection.SupportsMultiCredit to TRUE. Otherwise, it MUST be set to FALSE.
      • supportsDirectoryLeasing

        public boolean supportsDirectoryLeasing()
        If Connection.Dialect belongs to the SMB 3.x dialect family, the client MUST perform the following: If SMB2_GLOBAL_CAP_DIRECTORY_LEASING is set in the Capabilities field of the SMB2 NEGOTIATE Response, the client MUST set Connection.SupportsDirectoryLeasing to TRUE. Otherwise, it MUST be set to FALSE.
      • supportsMultiChannel

        public boolean supportsMultiChannel()
        If Connection.Dialect belongs to the SMB 3.x dialect family, the client MUST perform the following: If SMB2_GLOBAL_CAP_MULTI_CHANNEL is set in the Capabilities field of the SMB2 NEGOTIATE Response, the client MUST set Connection.SupportsMultiChannel to TRUE. Otherwise, it MUST be set to FALSE.
      • getTimeOffsetMillis

        public java.lang.Long getTimeOffsetMillis()
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • getServer

        public Server getServer()
      • setServer

        public void setServer​(Server server)
      • getPreauthIntegrityHashValue

        public byte[] getPreauthIntegrityHashValue()