Class SMB2IsOutstandingPacketHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SMB2IsOutstandingPacketHandler
    extends SMB2PacketHandler
    [MS-SMB2] Finding the Application Request for This Response

    The client MUST locate the request for which this response was sent in reply by locating the request in Connection.OutstandingRequests using the MessageId field of the SMB2 header. If the request is not found, the response MUST be discarded as invalid.

    If the MessageId is 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, this is not a reply to a previous request, and the client MUST NOT attempt to locate the request, but instead process it as follows:

    If the command field in the SMB2 header is SMB2 OPLOCK_BREAK, it MUST be processed as specified in Otherwise, the response MUST be discarded as invalid.